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Posts posted by stoken6

  1. 5 hours ago, AtomFunk said:

    Hello! I have been scouring the internet for months and I am at a loss. I am a keyboard player who is trying to download sounds and samples for a Pink Floyd tribute. Most samples I find (for Dark Side and The Wall) all have the music in the background. I cant seem to find anyone who is offering or selling patched for Nords, Gaia, or anything. Saw tons of YouTube acts with the samples and sounds I am looking for. I know they are out there. Looking for some help, guidance, knowledge on what to do. Desperately seeking information. Right now my main synth is a Roland Gaia. I can get all the piano, Wurlitzer, and Rhodes sounds on my Yamaha P88 and MM6 no problem. I have a Nord and a B3 for Hammond work. Just don’t know what setting Richard Wright (or from The Wall on) Bob Ezrin or Fred Mandel used for B3 or synth. Please please please help if you can.

    What Nord do you have? Lots of samples and patches available for download from norduserforum.com.


    I also think this might be your moment to transition from "download" to "program/sound design". I saw KCer Jim Alfredson's video on his patch (Kurzweil) for "Have A Cigar" which helped me program something for my Stage 2. There's plenty of information out there, if you're willing to put the pieces together. Good luck!


    Cheers, Mike.

  2. A lot of my comping includes "play nothing". Particularly in verse 3 after the middle 8. I tend to encourage others in the band to come down or drop out completely at times, to get some dynamics happening across the arc of the song. 


    Cheers, Mike.

  3. 19 hours ago, Adan said:

    Going back several years, there were certain individuals who spent a lot of time on this forum and were not as patient and welcoming to people they believed were below them on the totem pole.  Those people have mostly moved on and that subculture seems to have thankfully dissolved.

    I've certainly noticed a reduction in the toxicity of this forum since those times. 


    14 hours ago, Morrissey said:

    despite the many virtues of this community, it can be intimidating to join the discussion.  I lurked for many years before finding the courage to post.

    I have been advised that lurking is a good induction ceremony into any forum - just to get a feel for how the place runs. It's good to have you as part of the community here @Morrissey


    Cheers, Mike.

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  4. 12 hours ago, AnotherScott said:

    In 1983, the DX7 was a runaway hit at $2k, which, adjusted for inflation, would be $6k today... and that was considered a very affordable keyboard, for its time.

    Particularly as it could be pressed into service as a Rhodes replacement (of sorts, don't @ me!)


    Cheers, Mike.

  5. 11 hours ago, Tom Williams said:

    singerlady didn't acknowledge my existence to the audience until the final song, not even on the three songs where I sang lead.  She did however laud the guitarist several times -- including on Reelin' in the Years, No TIme, and a few other guitar-oriented songs on which I play(ed) the primary guitar part on keys.

    This is the equivalent of the camera following the guitar player during a keyboard solo/feature. 


    Cheers, Mike.

    • Like 1
  6. 14 hours ago, KuruPrionz said:

    which [...] part do you want me to play? There are acoustic guitar(s), there's a pedal steel guitar, there's a lead guitar and a harmony lead guitar, that's 4 or 5 guitars at least

    Round these parts, that's keyboard player talk.


    You'll fit right in, boy.




    Cheers, Mike.

    • Haha 1
  7. 22 hours ago, grockvt said:

    looking at the KM 18880 stand

    If you want a table-style stand, then that stand has a lot going for it. Reports on its longevity are mixed, and it's expensive stateside. But nothing in that format or quality is lighter. I regret not buying one years ago - I went with column stands (Apex, Proel) before buying a cheap accordion-style stand like the 18880 (but steel, not aluminium so cheaper and heavier). 


    Cheers, Mike.

  8. 4 hours ago, AUSSIEKEYS said:

    An M8 is simply the diameter of the bolt ie: 8mm with its corresponding metric thread. The part should be advertised as an M8 obviously.

    Does the USA use the M-based metric thread system? (@AUSSIEKEYSdescribed it perfectly). If an inch-based measure is common, that might be the problem. But shouldn't be difficult to source from overseas.


    Cheers, Mike.

  9. On 5/26/2018 at 1:03 PM, grockvt said:

    I'm intrigued by the 73 note grandstage and also am having a really hard time classifying it as a stage piano, based on the fact that it's action comes from a workstation product.

    RH3 is Korg's premium hammer-action product - it's in the SV1/2, several home pianos as well as workstations like the Kronos. It's more accorate to say that a workstation's action came from a stage piano product.


    Personally, I don't connect with the RH3, but many love it, and I certainly wouldn't rule it out because it's used in workstations.


    Cheers, Mike.

  10. There's a lot of throwback to 70s and 80s at the moment, but this goes all the way back to 50s doo-wop/crooners.


    Plus it's another song to add to the Georgia canon, alongside Midnight Train To / Rainy Night In / On My Mind /Devil Went Down To and Sweet Brown. 


    Cheers, Mike.

  11. 19 hours ago, octa said:

    for "Superstition" I'd transpose kb and keep it on the black keys. But, most everything else I'd learn in whatever key band is doing. 

    Recent gig I did, the singer called "Superstition, but two semitones down"!


    I'd never done it in C# before. And this was a new band, so I'm not sure which combination of Clav 1, Clav 2 and/or horns I'm playing. I needed about 5 minutes between sets just to mentally sort out what each part would "feel like".


    It's all part of the arsenal you need to develop as a gigging musician.


    Cheers, Mike.

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