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Posts posted by stoken6

  1. 17 hours ago, Dr Nursers said:

    He's just gobsmacking Steve and it's amazing that his keys playing is arguably a minor part of his career. Down here he's best known for his role in Thirsty Merc, and also some great solo tunes like this:



    But what a player!

    Love that he's using his natural accent.


    Cheers, Mike.

  2. On 11/23/2022 at 4:42 AM, Redknife said:

    Of course her famous “I can’t make you love me” songwriters song. It’s amazing how far BR’s singing pocket is behind the beat. Tough to do that and have it sound perfect.

    I must have heard that song 1000 times, and this performance is still perfectly fresh, and entrancing. It's proper old-fashioned singing. I like that her phrasing and enunciation is completely natural, completely unmannered. And perfectly on pitch without assistance.


    Cheers, Mike.

  3. 2 hours ago, AnotherScott said:

    Single-board solutions are always tricky if you have a wide range of needs. If that's the goal, one approach would be to focus first on action, which is the only thing you can't do anything about, and make sure it at least passes the acceptability threshold for all your uses. After that, focus on the control surface (sliders/drawbars, knobs, buttons etc.) which is something which can at least be somewhat supplemented with an external device if needed, though the ergonomic trade-off can be significant. After that, then, sound becomes the third factor to consider, since that at least can always be supplemented (e.g. with a tablet) and so is the most easily addressed after-the-fact. Though in that case, you'd also want to look at a board's MIDI functionality. But if you're totally averse to supplementing with external sounds so that the internal sounds become more of a priority, you may find yourself having to sacrifice more in one of the other areas.

    It's a tricky trade-off - often the reason to choose a single-board solution is that you don't want to (or don't have time to) setup up external sound sources or control surfaces. Balancing action, controllers and sounds is tricky. Which brings us, once again, to the Nord tax...


    Cheers, Mike.

  4. 3 hours ago, jerrythek said:

    Joe Walsh sings beautifully? Really??!!??!! That is not the term I would use to describe his singing... is it just me?

    It's not just you. I admit I do love the way Joe Walsh does the crazy opposite of singing beautifully. Can you imagine Steve Perry or Luther Vandross singing "Life's been good"?


    Cheers, Mike.

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  5. 3 hours ago, AnotherScott said:

    I think you'd be able to program that knob to send a MIDI CC that corresponds to the 9th drawbar, and then send MIDI Out back to MIDI In, through an intermediate device (a MIDI Solutions box, iPad, etc.) that could filter out all the rest of the MIDI output so that all you'd be sending in would be that one CC (e.g. not echoing back all your other slider controls for the first 8 drawbars)

    Yeah, I don't like that kind of solution - apart from the complexity, it occupies the MIDI In port, which means you can't plug in a MIDI controller. I was hoping that some kind of built-in modulation matrix capability would be able to solve this problem. (Kurzweil could do it...)


    Cheers, Mike.

  6. 36 minutes ago, vonnor said:

    From july 2022. That line at 3:20 tho... damn. Back in '82 I said I would give my left ring finger to have that guy's voice. I believe the offer still stands.


    ~ vonnor



    Plus the drum fill at 3:29 is most 80s stadium-rock thing that ever 80s stadium-rocked. Across the barline, triplet AND a push!


    Cheers, Mike.

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  7. 7 hours ago, Outkaster said:

    Here is an idea.  Cheesy is also how a ton of keyboard players play.  Often things aren't utilized because the player isn't good at what he does or his presentation is shitty.  I have seen kids in Jamaica with cheap gear sound amazing because they worked well with what they had.

    Was going to post something similar. Many of the sounds Prince used to define the Minneapolis Sound would be considered cheesy in most contexts - but he makes them hit hard. 


    Cheers, Mike.

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  8. 16 hours ago, Paul Henry said:

    I did play a Stage 3-88 awhile ago and did like that action, but I would still prefer semi-weighted keys....73 of them :)

    Suggestion - get a YC61 and MIDI in a 73-note keyboard as a controller. Looking at USA prices, it seems that the 61 is $600 cheaper than the 73, which opens up some options. Hell, a Studiologic Numa Compact NC2 would do the job, it has a nice-feeling action and 88 keys. If 88 is too many, look out for a Alesis QS7 or 7.1 secondhand. Two playing surfaces allow you to run two sounds simultaneously, or create a two-manual keyboard, or give you more real estate for multiple splits, etc.



    16 hours ago, Paul Henry said:

    My guess is that the YC73 is nothing like the Nord 88. 

    It's closer to the 88 than the 73HP in my opinion, in that the latter is in the "unplayable" category, and the Yammy and the Nord 88 are not. But you prefer semiweighted to even the Nord 88 action. Scott summed it up well: if you want semiweighted, the YC73 is not the answer, even if it has the right number of keys. 


    Cheers, Mike.

  9. 11 hours ago, Mark Schmieder said:

    Can't tell if bass was added after the fact or if they're hiding somewhere behind the piano..

    I 100% love Steve Winwood, but there's something here that slightly bugs at me. The bass line is so perfectly sync'ed to the piano LH that it doesn't sound like an overdub - more like a line derived from MIDI information from the piano. (Or even a Melodyne'd extraction of the audio of the LH notes). 


    Cheers, Mike.

    • Like 1
  10. 4 minutes ago, obxa said:

    Besides drilling holes, I saw  many  folks turn the 81 tier around, and others say it's not necessary, and that the 82 addresses the bars being too long for overlap use and no sawing is needed??

    I was looking into this recently:

    18881 Support depth: 340mm

    18882 Support depth: from 340 to 450 mm


    So the 82, if anything, address the bars being too short.


    Cheers, Mike.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 22 minutes ago, Paul Henry said:

    Just could never live with an action like the Nord HP has, so the YC has to be better

    It is. I couldn't stand the TP/100 action in the HP Nords. The YC73 has a perfectly adequate piano action. It's not sublime, like the YC88 action, but you'll be fine in my opinion. (Mind you, the TP/40 that I love in my Nord has its haters, so it's all very subjective). 


    37 minutes ago, Paul Henry said:

    I've always found Yamaha DPs to play like a row of bricks every time I come in contact with one, probably because I'm so used to semi-weighted keys.

    Is there a hammer action you like, as a point of reference? Otherwise, perhaps the YC61 is a better choice for you. 


    Cheers, Mike.

  12. 2 hours ago, allan_evett said:

    All joking aside, supersaws can be quite useful. I've programmed a few pads and string patches that started as a basic supersaw sound. And with some envelope shaping they can turn into monstrous 'plucky' tones. 

    This. I played Superstition at my last gig (yes, seriously, don't look so surprised), and it got a bit "jam"my. BL nodded a solo my way, and I dialled up my funkiest sawtooth-with-filter-envelope patch. Sync mod on the pedal, filter sweep on aftertouch - let's say it was popular with the boys in the band.


    Cheers, Mike.

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