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Posts posted by stoken6

  1. That Emeo is fascinating. First thoughts: if you're building a MIDI wind controller, why go to the effort of getting a real sax body (with all the complexity of the moving-part hardware)? And then I realised - saxists obviously care as much about the feel of the instrument as we keyboard players. This is kind of the sax equivalent of the Yamaha N-series hybrid pianos, and I'm very happy it exists.


    Cheers, Mike.

    • Like 1
  2. SLM is a solid choice. I find the creation of set list a *little* cumbersome (it's almost drag-and-drop: check-boxes to select the songs, which get added to the end of the current set - and then drag them around to get the sequence correct).


    Beyond that +1 on reliability, MIDI flexibility and support. Small disclaimer, I haven't tried sending more than program change per song. 


    Cheers, Mike.

  3. I read that it's common for some (budget?) mixers to phase-invert the monitor sends (I don't know the reason). Perhaps your tech is telling you that you could get e.g. phase issues between the mains and the (phase inverted) monitors?


    I get this (in mono) with my Rolls PM351 - if I get a monitor mix from the desk which contains keys, and I dial in a bit of my own keys as well, they cancel. (Less with a digital desk, which adds a smidgeon of latency)


    Cheers, Mike.

  4. 10 hours ago, obxa said:

    Been rehearsing this week where ForScore is sending tons of program changes to a Nord. [...] Tonight  I'm trying a little IK  USB Midi interface.   The downside is that now means also using a big honking ugly white dongle to provide Ipad power & USB connection.  Plus likely  a USB hub to power the interface.  

    If you have a relatively recent Nord, you don't need a MIDI interface. You should be able to use USB MIDI with Apple's CCK and a USB A-B cable (I do this with BandHelper). Or if your iPad has USB-C, a direct USB C-B cable (although you don't get power into your iPad tht way).


    Cheers, Mike.

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  5. 11 hours ago, confidence said:

    Do you mean that the piano could not just be transported, but be USED without the stand, like a normal slab stage piano? The sales guy gave me the impression this would be impossible or at least impractical. Although come to think about it the main reason he gave for that was that the amp and speakers were in the stand.

    When I looked at the manual, there were two connections from piano to stand: one for power, and one for pedals. No audio connections. This implies that there are no amps or speakers in the stand. It's just a set of flat panels (plus the pedals).  But please don't take my word for it, check for yourself and make sure you're satisfied


    Cheers, Mike.

  6. TommyRude's Nords are an interesting bunch. The Stage 2EX has the notorious TP/100 action (full disclosure: I hate it), which Crumar selected for the Seven because it was very Rhodes-like. The Electro has a sprung TP/9O action, not a hammer action, so probably not what Steve is looking for. 


    Of the contenders - definitely audition the Rolands, and the Kawai MP11SE mentioned above. Yamaha CP88 should be on your list as well. 


    Cheers, Mike.

  7. On 1/6/2023 at 10:40 PM, confidence said:

    Particularly interesting was that they also had a Kawai CN29, which is the same RHIII action and same piano engine as the ES920 but in a furniture cabinet design. The speakers are in the cabinet facing downwards and the experience is SO much more "rounded" and closer to an acoustic piano. I've never really paid attention to pianos of this design before but it makes sense: having more space and options in which to design the amp and speaker system has got to help. I loved playing it.


    On 1/6/2023 at 10:40 PM, confidence said:

    The CN29's a good deal cheaper than the ES920

    This sounds like an ideal solution. Is it possible to dismantle the furniture cabinet to meet the requirement of being


    On 1/5/2023 at 2:13 PM, confidence said:

    reasonably light for transport


    EDIT I just checked the manual, and it looks reasonable (page 57). Remove four screws, unplug the power and pedals and the keyboard slides off the base. OK you lose triple pedal capability, but you can connect a separate sustain pedal if you're using the piano without the cabinet. 


    Cheers, Mike.

  8. Great find, thanks for sharing. 


    I'm finding the piano tone a bit wearing on this recording. Harsh hammer attack and resonances don't suit the purity of the fugue, even with this jazz vocabulary. Would like to hear it on harpsichord or pipe organ.


    And he missed the opportunity for a Basie "splank" at the end!


    Cheers, Mike.

  9. Surely if all you are looking to use the looper for is 

    2 hours ago, Krakit said:

    outdoor fooling around and possible busking

    then you can tolerate the minor disadvantage of playing mono? It's not like either of the two requires the maximum in sonic fidelity and immersion. It seems a shame to throw away such a bargain because it doesn't do something you don't really need.


    Cheers, Mike.

  10. 5 hours ago, Krakit said:

    can I send a stereo signal to this mono effects pedal without ruining the sound?

    You can't send a stereo signal to it at all. 

    The only option is to send some kind of mono signal:

    • Pan centrally in your mixer and take either L or R from there (perhaps your mixer has a mono/subwoofer out?)
    • Take one side of the stereo pair into your looper. Easiest way is probably a 3.5mm TRS (stereo) to 2x 6.35mm cable - that way you can check which side (L or R) sounds best.

    Cheers, Mike.

  11. 3 hours ago, Lou Gehrig said:

    Better in what way, if I may ask? 


    It's a serious question, because I recently bought a P125 and I just can't warm up to it's action.  I'm trying to decide if it's just something I have to get used to.

    Difficult to articulate in words - but it's better. More pianistic, easier to play expressively. More fluidity. A sense of a "more exquisitely engineered" mechanism. 


    Cheers, Mike.

  12. On 12/16/2022 at 11:42 AM, D. Gauss said:

    brand new as of yesterday...



    Love this!


    We can have the "what key is this song in that goes G-F-C" all over again (check out the guitar solo at 1:18 - keeps it nicely ambiguous).


    Cheers, Mike.

  13. 15 hours ago, Reezekeys said:

    I’m looking at a brand called Icon right now. Very slim design

    We complain about actions that have a fulcrum too near the playing surface - those Icon boards take that to the extreme! I would be surprised if the action/playing experience meets your standards.

    16 hours ago, John H Carter said:

    I currently use a Numa Compact 2x

    The older Numa Compact 2 (without the X and without the organ capability) would suffice as a controller, and less $$$ as well. (You lose aftertouch iirc).


    Cheers, Mike

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