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Posts posted by stoken6

  1. 54 minutes ago, Zalman Stern said:

    One thing I'll add to @Jim Alfredson's incredible post earlier is that saying it's psychological perhaps underplays the process and growth Jim himself underwent in transitioning from being very particular to being very flexible.

    I too found Jim's post fascinating. My big moment of enlightenment was when I treated myself to a decent weighted action controller (I waited for a while because I wanted a 73/76-key model and there wasn't much choice at the time - I didn't like Korg's RH3 or Fatar TP/100 which left me with the Kurz Forte 7: too $$$ for me). I found that - without any psychological adjustment or need to "get into a different headspace", my playing was suddenly "better" on the new board. I was stretching out, taking risks, hitting new ideas.


    I recently went back to a lower-quality controller (driving the same sounds) at a soul/horn gig recently - it was fine, but I didn't feel that sense of "soaring over the music" and reaching that little bit further, that I experience when I use the good stuff.


    I dunno - maybe counselling?


    Cheers, Mike.

  2. 56 minutes ago, Krakit said:

    Korg X50s (although I did manage to tweak my own patch for Vox organ that is darn good if I do say so myself, if not overly versatile) or even my Korg M3M. But even if these boards could sound that good, they aren't something I would just pick up and take to a friend's BBQ. 

    Based on that sentence, buy the CP for BBQ and add the X50 for Doors gigs?


    Cheers, Mike.

  3. 1 hour ago, GRollins said:

    From the I Told You So Department:


    LastPass has been hacked and is in a mad PR scramble to reassure everyone that everything is just peachy.


    Spoiler alert--things are not peachy.


    Don't say you weren't warned. Don't say, "Oh, I'm safe because I use [competing service]." Don't say that it won't happen to you because you're so sweet and adorable and pure of heart.


    I told you so.



    Do you know I never used a password manager because I was concerned about this sort of thing? I've got to say LastPass have handled the PR side of things spectacularly badly here. 


    Cheers, Mike.

  4. 7 hours ago, Krakit said:

    Shame that I can't see paying for both the CP and YC because together they'd be the perfect piano bass and vox organ replacement tools for the total portable Doors tribute package. 

    Here's my line of attack: you're looking for a small keyboard (ideally two, but too costly) for your tribute project: "The Pocket Doors". What alternatives are there to the Refaces? I would have thought something like a Casio CTS1 would have an adequate Rhodes sound for LH bass. EDIT just noticed you own a CTS1 and a Go-keys. Do either of those have the sounds you require? Both are highly portable to start with. Choose whatever Reface best complements what you already own.


    Both the CTS1 and the Gokeys cover similar ground. Could you sell one of the two to top up your funds?


    Cheers, Mike.

  5. 9 hours ago, Steve Nathan said:

    I can attest that if the Steve Perry of 1977 came on the scene today, he would never need Autotune. 😉

    Need to pull this into its own quote to :thu: it sufficiently.


    I would however add that there are plenty of singers today who don't "need" autotune, but use it because it's the sound of now (sadly). 


    Cheers, Mike.

  6. 2 hours ago, Delaware Dave said:

    My favorite digital acoustic piano that I've owned is my General Music Equinox along with its Fatar TP20 action [...] I swear I play 2x better whenever I use that beast.

    I found that I played significantly better with a quality hammer-action board. I never thought it would make a difference, but once I invested I found myself stretching further and digging deeper into my playing. My axe of choice is a Nord Stage Classic 76, so 36lb vs your 72lb!


    Cheers, Mike.

  7. 1 hour ago, Docbop said:
    2 hours ago, stoken6 said:

    Would be great for AI/ML to bring something meaningful to music - in the way that diffusion-based models have expanded the possibilities of visual art. 


    Cheers, Mike.


    More formula Pop music no thanks,  perfect is boring.  

    I'm not looking for perfection/formula in pop either. Perfection from a composition perspective is arguably meaningless (it's an art form, and therefore subjective), while perfection in production was probably achieved the moment Auto-Tune and Beat Detective became available. 


    Cheers, Mike.

  8. 17 hours ago, JazzPiano88 said:

    Dream would be to do something with AI /Machine Learning in the audio/keyboard world in retirement.

    Would be great for AI/ML to bring something meaningful to music - in the way that diffusion-based models have expanded the possibilities of visual art. 


    Cheers, Mike.

    • Like 2
  9. I've taken to clipping my phone to a nearby speaker stand/furniture and recording the gig from my PoV. I find it a nice memento of the gig, plus there's always something useful to take away and learn from the expereince.


    Here's an example of playing one of the greatest keyboard-led songs in the canon, but in the guitar's key, with the guitar playing the iconic riff, leaving me to cover the auxiliary keys part and horns. Sorry about the sync issues...

    Cheers, Mike.

    • Like 2
  10. 49 minutes ago, 16251 said:

    No sarcasm when I say, I wish I could hear the beauty and nuance of the Nord acoustic pianos. I read these threads and would love to be able to join in but they all sound about the same. As I've said, I did own a Piano 3.


    Again, it's not you, it's me.  Anyway, carry on.

    Not just you. I'd trade 10 of the existing Nord pianos for one Yamaha-quality sample I could confidently get my Jerry Lee on without worrying whether it will make it past the guitar in the mic.


    Cheers, Mike.

  11. 1 hour ago, Stokely said:

    my band has been together 10 years and we've always had a political split even as members have come and gone.  We've had hardcore so-called "liberals" and "conservatives" and people in a range between.    Not ONCE has politics come up in discussion, and that's a big reason we've been together 10 years.

    The "no politics" rule works well on this forum also.


    Cheers, Mike

    • Like 2
  12. 1 hour ago, Reezekeys said:

    when you look at these newer controllers you start to see where they're aimed at. Witness the "auto" features like Novation's "scale mode" that "makes sure you always hit the right note", the Ableton Live integration where pressing a pad plays loops, etc. Nothing against the tech, but I suspect the folks wanting these features are not using the keyboard to play nuanced piano performances where a lack of velocity consistency would be noticeable.

    Yeah, controllers aimed at live "traditional musicians" are rare these days. 


    Cheers, Mike.

  13. I had a (near-) nightmare when a board failed at a gig. Luckily, it was my soundless controller, not the sound-producing board. So I could limp through the gig - I didn't have my meticulously prepared splits/layers, and my patch changes were all wrong, but it could have been worse.


    Now I've changed to a controller board which can make sounds if required, so that I can limp through even without my primary. However... if I have to gig with one board only (and there have been a few this summer - mainly festivals with 5min changeovers) I would do well to keep this thread in mind.


    Cheers, Mike.

  14. 1 hour ago, Mr -G- said:

    In some countries like the UK, the IECs also have a fuse (typically 3 or 13 amps, depending on the appliance rating and conductor sizes), but this is to mainly protect the ring circuit of the main installation (that is, prevent overloading, meltdown/fire in case of a short circuit). It is the fuse of the appliance itself, with a way lower value specified by the manufacturer, the one that will (hopefully) prevent circuitry damage.


    You are right that the UK uses ring wiring and therefore fuses are included in every plug. But the UK plug is not an IEC standard - it's actually BS1363:


    The IEC C13 "kettle" socket and C7 "figure-8" socket (and the corresponding C14 and C8 plugs) do not incorporate fuses in the connector - but of course there is nothing to stop manufacturers including a fuse holder in the mounting hardware alongside these connectors. 


    Cheers, Mike.

    • Like 2
  15. 17 hours ago, Dr Nursers said:

    He's just gobsmacking Steve and it's amazing that his keys playing is arguably a minor part of his career. Down here he's best known for his role in Thirsty Merc, and also some great solo tunes like this:



    But what a player!

    Love that he's using his natural accent.


    Cheers, Mike.

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