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Posts posted by stoken6

  1. 1 hour ago, The Piano Man said:

    Alternatively, at the higher end of the market, I could see some mileage in a Vox Continental replacement, perhaps back under the Korg branding. Add real drawbars, internal power supply, 4 way splitting/layering like Yam YC and Nord competitor products, upgrade the CX3 organ engine and voila, sell like hotcakes 

    Absolutely. The Nord Electro is a ready-made template for these kinds of boards, and it's a proven success. (Although even the latest Electro only supports 3-way split I think).


    Cheers, Mike.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Chummy said:

    I do like the Casio CT-S500 but I wonder, If I could add more cash (even x5/x6 times the price theoretically) and get a better , more professional lightweight portable board that has improvement in any number of the following categories:

    * better sound engine

    * a drawbar organ engine with drawbars

    * more keys than 61, up to 76

    * better/louder speakers

    Casio's WK700 gives you 2 and 3, I don't know about 4 and I suspect not 1!


    Regards, Mike.

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  3. 20 hours ago, Leroy C said:

    <Pic of Samson mixer>

    Love that old-school desk @Leroy C. My gig last Saturday used a Bose ToneMatch mixer - so unintuitive. I think there's a feature where if if you unplug a cable, that channel gets muted. So if you're pulling cables to resolve a problem, you have to remember to keep unmuting. A simple analog(ue) mixer wouldn't have that problem. 


    Cheers, Mike.

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  4. 5 hours ago, AnotherScott said:

    buy a pair of them... you'd practically have a 16 pound double manual clonewheel! I'd use a stand that would allow me to stack one over the other

    Presumably you'd offset the two boards by an octave, in honour of the M3?

    5 hours ago, AnotherScott said:

    Use a pair of flat sustain pedals mounted to a a small piece of wood so you can easily operate them both simultaneously

    Or, if you're brave/handy with a soldering iron, wire a dual-throw switch to a pair of TS cables?


    Cheers, Mike.

  5. 1 hour ago, CEB said:

    I want a simple thing.  

    Roland Boutique format release housing their classic and Supernatural  pianos and EPS and clavs.  I’d buy one for my S90XS.  

    A boutique-format organ module running their V-Combo model would be pretty sweet as well.


    Cheers, Mike.

    • Like 1
  6. Some good advice above. If it's "synth" sounds you want, there isn't an "instant noob method" to get from a song to a sound. You really should start by listening to e.g. square/triangle/sawtooth waves (and PWM), oscillator sync, low/band/high-pass filters (2-pole and 4-pole), ADSR envelopes and so on. The Sound on Sound articles that @NewImprov mentioned above are a great tutorial for starting at the "sound" end of the journey. 

    Unfortunately the Kurzweil board you're getting, while a superb instrument, is not the best platform for learning about subtractive synthesis from square one. Do you have a PC/Mac/iPad that you could run a VA app on? That might make things easier. 


    Finally - your Helix will be a fabulous synth-effects platform. 


    Cheers, Mike.

  7. 4 hours ago, Synthesis said:

    My originally loaded additive synth instruments has no overlapping frequencies over their elements/layers so you can build out of its elements/layers extremely easily new sounds in a real additive way, even if one would replace elements/layers with well-aimed elements/layers from an external instrument source of mine.

    It's due to a frequency standard, applied for all easy additive synth instruments of mine.

    Your English is excellent, but this paragraph is where I lost comprehension. "Overlapping frequencies" don't prevent you creating "new sounds in a real additive way" from "elements/layers extremely easily" - just layer a square wave and a triangle wave on a Minimoog for proof. And I don't know what "well-aimed elements/layers from an external instrument source" is, let alone one "of mine". 

    I think you're saying that you can provide me with a sound which is, say harmonics 1, 3, 6, 12 and 15 - and a separate sound which is 2, 4, 8 and 10 - and another sound which is harmonics 5, 11, 13, 14, 16 - and when you layer them there is no duplication of harmonics. Am I right? And if I am - why is this such a big deal?


    Cheers, Mike.

  8. 26 minutes ago, adamcz said:

    Would something like that work with a stereo pedalboard?

    Thank you for reminding me. I checked: yes the SM10 has a (single, mono-send/stereo-return) FX loop, which means you can adjust the wet/dry mix. I'm not sure if the "Line ins" are wired L/R to act as a return - if not, simply return via a spare conventional channel.


    Cheers, Mike.

  9. 4 hours ago, J.F.N. said:

    Hence the Amazon plastic eggholder I sent ya, cut the "lid" off, attach the remaining "bottom" egg holder to whatever type of clamp that works on to your stand. No idea what stand you use but I am sure you have a clue about how you could attach something to it, like this one:

    You're right there's no problem attaching the clamp to the stand. I'm not clear how to attach your amazon link to the clamp. It looks like it's made of ABS - if I try and drill it I'm concerned it will crack/shatter.


    Cheers, Mike.

    • Like 1
  10. 16 hours ago, adamcz said:

    moar keyboards

    Hough menny moar?


    Is this for live use? I mean three boards is a sizeable rig, and I can't imagine bringing more than four, even to a "once-in-a-lifetime" gig. 


    If studio/home use, then Key Largo is not the most efficient tool - its pedalboard form factor doesn't bring benefits. Look for a line mixer like the Samson SM10 (or Rane, Ashly for premium alternatives if you can find them) alternatively compact mic/line mixers like the Yamaha that @ImproKeys suggested.


    Cheers, Mike.



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  11. Thanks for all the sensible and silly suggestions. I should stress that I'm looking for something that can clamp to a tube on my keyboard stand (not to sit in my refrigerator, or on my kitchen countertop). The cupholder was the first thing I thought of, but most that I've seen are a little small to hold a pair of 2.5inx1.5in eggs.


    Cheers, Mike.

  12. 1 hour ago, The Piano Man said:


    This board doesn't have 5-pin MIDI, but does have a "TO DEVICE port for connecting, USB flash memory and controllers". 


    Has anyone tried connecting a class-compliant USB-MIDI device to this port? A controller, or better still a sound source? This could make the XE20 a useful lower board under a top with USB MIDI Device capability.


    Cheers, Mike.

  13. I bring a pair of egg shakers to gigs in case one or both of my hands are doing nothing in certain songs. I'm looking for a holder that can keep them close by, that can clamp to my keyboard stand. Has anyone solved this problem? There are plenty of "tray"-type solutions, but they won't stop eggs from rolling away.


    Cheers, Mike.

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