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Justin Havu

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Everything posted by Justin Havu

  1. Same here, I hate cold weather. I do have a stationary bike that I can pedal during the colder months as well as bad weather. It's just not as fun or engaging as getting outside on a bike.
  2. Yes, I know this thread is almost a decade old, but I thought I'd bump it. I've been very active with a combination of cardio, mainly running and cycling, as well as strength training with dumbbells/free weights, and using an inversion table to stretch out my back a couple times a week, all of which has made gigging much easier for me, not only having the energy to get through a gig, but even hauling equipment in and out of the venue. That being said, I was on a bunch of different antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds over the past five years due to having Aspergers/Autism and the anxiety that goes with that, and I've gained almost 80 pounds over five years because of all these frigging meds I was on. It got so bad that I couldn't keep a routine of working out regularly, and I needed to change some things. First off, I stopped all medication back in August, and slowly got back into a regular routine of working out daily. Rightt now, and for the past month or so, I've been doing two daily sessions on my stationary bike--one in the morning, one in the evening. Started with 15-minute sessions, now at 25-minutes per session. As soon as the winter months go away, I'll be back outside running as well.
  3. I use the line inputs on my MODX7 all the time when adding a second board or external module to my live rig.
  4. One of my friends was at the show and she was wondering about Mike's double-neck and how he couldn't possibly be playing through the same amp with both the 12-string and the bass. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'd imagine it has two separate jacks, going to two separate rigs, by means of two wireless packs.
  5. Most I've ever gotten tipped at a gig was a $100 bill for "Spider Fingers."
  6. Can't really compare the two as I've never played them side by side, but when I bought my MODX7, which replaced my Motif XS6, I noticed the output level was noticeably quieter than the Motif.
  7. A couple of Yamaha FC4A pedals, to replace my broken-down Nektar NP-2's, that only lasted about 6 months. Hopefully the Yamaha's last longer.
  8. Going old school. Really fun to play, especially the Piano 3 and the two EP patches. However, the black keys make a clacking noise when released. I'm guessing it needs a new felt strip.
  9. I've had my MODX7 for a little over two years now. Here are my thoughts. Not a fan of the keybed, but it's not the worst I've played on, (Krome wins that distinction for me). It just takes getting used to, in addition to playing with the global velocity curves and finding the sweet spot for me. I personally like a lighter curve. A very powerful instrument sound-wise. I can get anything I'm looking for, no matter what the gig is. As a matter of fact, for the last few months that I was gigging regularly in a cover band (end of 2019), the MODX7 was the only board I ever needed for the gig. Onboard audio input and level control is very handy when I want to add, say, my Behringer Model D or a 2nd board to the rig. Love that feature. The main output level is low, compared to my Motif XS6 that I had prior to getting the MODX7.
  10. Been on a Boston kick for the past few hours. Currently on the turntable is Third Stage.
  11. I use a MODX7 as my main gigging board. Been doing so for the last couple of years. As far as your genres of choice goes, I think the MODX8 would more than meet your needs. I find it very easy to navigate, and there are a ton of great bread-and-butter keyboard sounds to get you going out of the box. Another thing I love about it is the built-in A/D input, for use if I ever want to bring a 2nd board to a gig, without having to bring a separate mixer.
  12. I own an ESQ-1. You're right, it's a very intuitive synth to program. The ESQ-M has a small one-lined display.
  13. Been playing a bunch of retro stuff as of late. Mainly the first three Super Mario Bros. and the first Legend of Zelda.
  14. Had to look up "James" after watching this interview. Amazing. [video:youtube]
  15. Nice! Which version did you get? Black and orange. It's the only color scheme available for the Behringer version. Korg had them in all three colors.
  16. Behringer Odyssey. Can't wait till Sunday when it gets here.
  17. Been listening to Fourplay a lot. Great stuff! [video:youtube]
  18. Yeah, I've been trying to log in to ASC for the last three hours, with no luck. I too, am interested in the Stage73 update. EDIT--Looks like the Jup8 and Stage73 updates aren't available for VC7 owners. Shame.
  19. Just announced. New instruments include Emulator II V, Vocoder V, Jun-6V, and also includes the OB-Xa V. Also includes updates for Stage 88V and Jup-8V. I'll be upgrading as soon as I get the extra dough.
  20. Got a used Tascam FW-1082 from the Bay, described as "fully functional." Installed the drivers, however it won'tt fully boot up. Only the STOP button lights up. Kinda sucks, as I would've liked to have gotten away from mixing by pointing and clicking with a mouse. ð¤¬ð¤¬ð¤¬
  21. Yeah, the MODX CP sounds are head and shoulders above anything else I've tried.
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