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Everything posted by kwyn

  1. The app is set to upper: channel 1, lower: channel 2, pedal 3, program change: 1 So it appears to be set up correctly. The only thing that may be an issue is that those are listed under midi channels and they are listed as upper "manual" and lower "manual." The drawbar CC's are configured under a different section called "midi controllers" there doesn't appear to be a midi channel setting for these.
  2. I was able to do midi learn, yes. The issue is that it learns the left drawbars and the right drawbars, BOTH, with midi cc21-29. It doesn't distinguish between the left (upper) and right (lower) drawbars. So I pull the left lowest drawbar and the lowest drawbar on BOTH sets moves
  3. Well it seems on the viscount legend solo the left drawbars and the right drawbars both send the same cc. 12-20. The app is expecting 21-29 on the right drawbars. I don't think there is a way to change what the legend is sending, correct? This would pretty much mean I can only use the app for one manual. Any solutions?
  4. Can't get my lower drawbars to work with the iPad version of ik multi media B3X. The best I can do is get them to control both upper and lower manual simultaneously. It seems I can't get the Viscount to send upper drawbars on one midi channel and lowers on a separate channel. Not 100% sure that's the problem but has anyone been able to get their legend solo to work well with that app?
  5. True. Hated my red NE3 when I originally bought it. Now I'm so used to so many bands having a Nord, I actually expect and like red. I assume one would get used to white too. But again, it looks like an easy paint job. I want one with speakers. Gonna pre-order...
  6. Not ideal, but it looks like an easy paint job if you want speakers and a black board. Silly of Korg to not offer that option. Who wants a white board??
  7. How long after NAMM are these boards usually available?
  8. Nice! I've been poking around for the sv1 but was turned off a little by some user reported glitches and such. Looking forward to seeing this. I doubt it will, but I'm hoping it will have a flat top, although the article says it will probably have the same look.
  9. Anyone got this up and running with Viscount or Nord? I can get the Viscount to work but only when it's internal sounds are active. The drawbars seem to work too. When I set the Viscount to "cancel" mode, it turns off it's internal sounds, and can still play the notes of bx-3 but can no longer control the drawbars.
  10. I'm bought it. Didn't get to try it out with my viscount or Nord yet. My iPad was hooked up my Casio weighted keys, so not ideal but it sounds awesome.
  11. Do the controls play nice with legend solo and NE5D?
  12. I didn't see any savings beyond the typical mass emails I get from guitar center and Sweetwater. Same prices and promotions as always except it said "black Friday" on the email. Disappointed. I would've liked to see some deals on a Korg Grandstand or SV1
  13. Good to know but I definitely want hammer action. I already have an electro 5d. I may just use my iPad with neo soul keys and/or my nord midi'd to my Casio CGP 700
  14. Thinking of this or an px5s. Want really good EPs and average or better AP
  15. So,. where's the tremolo effect? I like it on my wurlis but I can't seem to find it.
  16. I'm more concerned with polyphony than storage. For example, if I'm holding the sustain pedal down and doing the run of Riders on the Storm, are notes gonna drop and crackle?
  17. now only my view, but : it sh@ts all over the first mentioned, and is a lot LOT better than the second. Awesome. Even on a non-pro iPad (most recent)?? I'm gonna give it a try.
  18. Gig-worthy? How do they compare with the Nord stuff and version 1 of neo soul?
  19. I bought the kenton and it works. So did the MidiPlus. I think the error occurred due to a loose connection on my reface cp midi connection. I replicates with the Kenton by wiggling the wire near the midi port on my Yamaha cp. My bad. I shoulda been more thorough trouble shooting the MidiPlus. Haven't had a chance to try it on the Nord yet
  20. Gotta ask. What's wrong with the beast you describe that you already have?
  21. I can try that later. I'll have to figure out how.
  22. Is there a specific product that would do this? I tried MidiPlus USB host box. It worked but would periodically stop working and needed a reset to control the reface. Not sure exactly what the issue was. Any other boxes do trick?
  23. Thanks for sharing. Exactly what I was hoping you'd post. No wonder there's an appreciation thread for you! Thx!
  24. Good info. Which EPs are you using on your Nord? Have you done any tweaks? I'm just not good at tweaking. What about NeoSoul do you like less? I have Module. It seems ok.
  25. Out of tune? How? Like it's entirely up or down a few cents? Or some notes are out of tune with the others?
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