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Everything posted by kwyn

  1. Good info. Which EPs are you using on your Nord? Have you done any tweaks? I'm just not good at tweaking. What about NeoSoul do you like less? I have Module. It seems ok.
  2. Out of tune? How? Like it's entirely up or down a few cents? Or some notes are out of tune with the others?
  3. Would NeoSoul keys on iPad be an upgrade to the NE5D electric pianos? Specifically, with regards to the Wurli?
  4. 2017 Dell XPS 9560 i7-7700HQ 3,8 GHz 16 GB DDR4 Samsung EVO 830 512 GB SSD That should be more than enough to load the B3-X without a hitch. That should be able to run it and put a rocket on Mars simultaneously!
  5. What are your computer specs? How much ram? SSD? CPU?
  6. Yep. Thanks for your help on this board and others
  7. I think it's the hard-pan you're noticing. Can you elaborate? How could I replicate that?
  8. Well I'm lost then. So, you think 180 degrees on the mics? Is the Leslie slower than usual on fast speed? Maybe it's the drawbars I can't figure out then. Thanks!
  9. It is definitely more than just the Leslie, but never could figure it out. I believe the effect is on for the duration of the song but to hear it clearly the solo starts around 1:37 [video:youtube]
  10. Yes it does have MIDI learn. I didn't find it until later in the video because I was on a Mac and right-clicking on a Mac is still confusing to me (I'm a PC guy). It would work just fine with the Legend Solo. No. For that, you'd need the full Leslie plug-in, which is a separate product. Thanks Jim! So you think the midi learn would be cool with the c/v knobs and percussion buttons too?
  11. Does it have an easy midi learn function? Would it learn 2 sets of drawbars and play nice with the buttons and knobs on my Legend Solo?
  12. Definitely a lot of dough to throw down without any demo...even a limited one.
  13. https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/hammondb3x/ Thoughts?
  14. If you use a mixer with one out to the main board, how do you initially balance your own levels in relation to either other? I assume EPS and APs would output with the same volume, but what about organ? How do you balance the organ against the pianos? All draw bars out and pedal down should be a little louder than piano? A lot louder? Or just put the setting you use most? Where do you put the expression pedal when balancing these levels? Floored? 3/4ish? I play mostly classic rock and jam band stuff, if this is matters
  15. Can you explain in a little more detail?
  16. Yes. That's exactly why I switched to the KL Rack. A second hand Shure P4M served perfectly as a way to do this with the Key Largo. Where did you find the rack? How much $?
  17. How about this question: What if you want keyboards in input 1 and 2, can you get a mix from FOH in input 3? Then those could go to my monitor from the monitor outs on the Key Largo? Or would that sound bad, with my keys coming from directly out of key largo into the monitor and also my keys coming back from FOH?
  18. For monitor out 1/4s, do the cables need to be balanced? Is unbalanced fine? Id be running them into a powered speaker (or 2)
  19. I just want to run the pianos and organ in stereo and the mixer has a left and right out. My Nord pianos sound better in stereo and the legend recommends running stereo with their Leslie sim
  20. Yep. That's what I meant. I knew how to set it up on my end. The sound guy never panned my channels hard left and right. That's what I was asking in my question. Thanks for confirming!! Much appreciated!
  21. How is this supposed to be done? I just got it. On Saturday night, the sound guy just put the xlrs into 2 different channels. That doesn't seem right. Should they have been panned left and right on each channel? Is there a proper way to do this?
  22. I attached it to my laptop today just to mess around with some vsts. It worked through the 2x's speakers via USB. I just had to do a couple simple options on the PC output and Asio4all. Easy
  23. I would love to learn some of his tricks, tips, licks, thoughts, etc... But $500 is steep. It could very well be worth it. One could easily spend that on piano lessons. Anyone try this course? It doesn't look like hours and hours of content but I'd like to get opinions.
  24. I went with the shelf idea. And narrowed the stand
  25. Do you have a pic you can post with the irig on top?
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