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Everything posted by johnchop

  1. Haha no doubt. I suspect there are significantly high demands on your concentration to execute some pieces. Long tunes, sound changes, parts on two keyboards, and stuff that isn't always trivial to play well, even if it's not happening at Rudess/Emerson/Wakeman speeds.
  2. My one and only opportunity was in '87, Invisible Touch tour, at the Orange Bowl in Miami. Sixteen years old, total fanboy. I was in the nosebleeds but didn't care. When the lights went down and the percussion loop for Mama started, and the low E came in, the crowd energy was palpable. Then woman in front of me said "I hope they play Sussudio!" :-| Anyway thanks for that report.
  3. Yes, I think you've got it. Though I also see a resemblance to Kim Bullard. Thanks for the correction folks! I think the purple shades threw me.
  4. All computer and mixer bits could be racked, but I assume Eddie Jobson likes it this way. It does scream "multiple points of failure", but consider the "single point of failure" introduced by depending solely on a workstation. I've had both a Korg and a Kurz fail at inopportune moments.
  5. I feel it resolve to C, so the first option -- a fairly standard progression at that -- makes more sense to me.
  6. For as massive as the libraries are, I expected better. The room felt too baked into the samples, and I found the timbre a bit uneven. More recent offerings like VILabs TrueKeys, the NI pianos, and Hammersmith are all more pleasing to me. Two cents and all that.
  7. Looking forward to digging in over the break. Should be delightfully weird, like the Korg Trident. (https://www.fullbucket.de/music/tricent.html if you want a software attempt at that)
  8. NI's Kontrol software supports their "NKS" patch format, which a LOT of other developers have embraced. This will premap significant parameters to the controls. I just find the software fairly limiting (i.e. no multis). I was a big fan of Akai/InMusic's VIP software, but it's abandoned. No VST3 support, no updates to ensure good compatibility and stability with popular VST2 plugins. I felt it did a good job of control mapping. Key for me is mapping the same kind of parameter to the same control: i.e. cutoff is always knob 1, delay mix is always slider 7, etc. This will inevitably require tweaks to "out of the box" mappings.
  9. Pity to anyone who snoozed on the 25-for-the-price-of-1 deal that closed last month!
  10. I'll just be happy to have the license on more than one machine. As an Absolute user and someone who splits VST usage across computers, I'd like to be able to run,say, Retrologue on one and Halion on another.
  11. I've heard some reviewers complain that it's harder to do clean trills on this action. I'll need to try that for myself the next time I'm at GC. The 30x is on my short list to replace a Yamaha P121 I picked up, which I grew to find adequate but not fun. The PHA4 implementation on the 30x feels comfortably light and responsive, whereas the PHA50 I've tried (RD2000) felt ponderous.
  12. +1 I saw them as sort of a middling brand. I was wrong. Love mine!
  13. "new product" ***inhales excitedly*** "it's not what you think" ***holds breath*** "it's not hardware" ***exhales somewhat disappointedly***
  14. Same. I would have dropped them like a hot rock otherwise.
  15. That's what I'm waiting for. My expectation is that if it's announced it may not be available until early 2022, but who the heck knows. Speculation is all over the map.
  16. Sting lost me after that record, but yeah, it's a solid outing. How times have changed: I think Sancious eventually went to a single Kronos as his "rig"?
  17. Cool! I've used my Amazon Echo as a metronome when I couldn't be bothered to grab my phone.
  18. 10 years to go 'til I can leave the office behind (at 60). Currently moving the body enough to counteract the sedentary desk job and engaging the brain learning new things (guitar). Looking forward to a smaller house with a dedicated music room, and a schedule that will accommodate daily practice + creative time. I can't see myself getting bored, ever. Feeling lucky and grateful.
  19. Loved that board! Got burned by some hardware issues though and wasn't a fan of the long boot time. But boy was it fun to play! Sounded great, had a fantastic feature set, and the physical interface just clicked with me.
  20. If you're already an Arturia fanperson, the intro offer isn't bad: $49.
  21. And peace to you. Thank you for sharing that.
  22. Site down at the moment. Did anyone catch if the sample memory has been nerfed?
  23. In my view Syntronik is not the reason to join this deal, and I find Sampletank overall very hit and miss (and crash-prone on my Win10 PC). There are just better synth offerings out there, with far more sonic control than what a sample playback engine offers. I would more heartily recommend MODO Bass and MODO Drum, B3X, Amplitube, and a good many of the Tracks effects.
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