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Posts posted by jimkost2002

  1. What HammondDave sez!

    H/S would seem lately to be an inverse object lesson in features to price ratio!

    At least Nord has an Apple-like attention to detail that halfway justifies thier super premium pricing....


    Since you compared Nord to Apple... My brief experience with Nord is that the user interface is incredibly complex and only becomes smoothly usable after one has spent a lot of time and energy learning its vastness and many idiosyncrasies. I've watched people who are pretty serious about them use the instrument and even there it is pretty clear they're working to drive the thing. This is not at all what Apple strives for...



    Re: Crumar, one of their features is a web UI over WiFi, which is a strong way to break out of the difficulties of mapping an ever increasing set of functionality onto the physical surface of an instrument.




    In YOUR opinion/experience with one board.......


    Ive played, toured and recorded with Electros since the first up through the 5. Nord Leads up the 3, the first tow iterations of the Stage on backlined gigs, so Ive seen the evoultion of these boards and used them in many mission critical situations.


    While it IS true that they started out super simple and bcame more feature laden as time passed, they are hardly as complex as you suggest.

    I do not mean to invalidate or minimize YOUR experience, but there are many of us thatd beg to differ.


    Great observation about Crumar, btw!:)

  2. I hope impressionable readers don't take this to mean that the mojo61 is superior to the XK5. When Herbie shows up to a gig, he prefers using his Fazioli to the steinway concert D, or yamaha CFX provided by the house. That doesn't mean a steinway D or a CFX are inferior pianos. Player's have specific needs that certain instruments help address more than others. I know Mitch knows this, but I always feel compelled to write these responses whenever these kinds of comparative posts are made. I used to be really impressionable about what people would post regarding gear, and even went so far as to buy/sell gear based on what people on this forum posted...Use the gear that works best for your needs, not what works best for others.


    The Fazioli/Steinway/Yamaha comparison is hardly analogous to Mojo/XK-5.


    Even if youre equating the XK to a Steinway or CFX and a Mojo to a Fazioli.


    Steinways and CFXs are not overpriced in comparison to their real world features nor are they overhyped.


    Folks like Mitch have thousands of man-hours on these boards most especially in real world mission critical situations. That experience allows for comparisons and judgments that supersede taste and cross over into effective observation.



  3. The fact that someone can look cool behind an X-Stand doesn't mean everyone can look cool behind an X-stand. See: Keytars.


    I'd still rather look stupid with an X-stand and my "Kool Aid Man" rig than play a TP/100 action.




    Jeff, I hear you! I guess Pat Bianchi, Jim Alfredson and Akiko Tsuruga have Kool-Aid Man rigs, too!!



  4. Mac would look cool behind ANY keyboard, and more imporatantly, SOUND GREAT behind anything!


    As far as keyboard players looking not so great but still sounding amazing, look at some of the 77-82 keytar rigs of Jan Hammer when he was in his rock god phase.


    (And I LOVE Jans artistry and innovations 71-77)


    Actually, my comment was tongue in cheek, because I think it's ridiculous for Crumar to remove an organ sound from an organ-centric board to fit in the new piano, which we know was an afterthought to begin with.


    Even on Nords, the only "menu" options you have are filling the flash ram with pianos and samples. The organs are fixed. Also I can't imagine a transistor organ taking up nearly as much memory as a modelled piano.


    Dan said it way better than me!

  6. JimKost, DanL, etc., Jazz+ didn't suggest that Guido remove the other organ sounds in favor of piano, rather he suggested it as a user option. Though personally, I don't see it. A whole bunch of the front panel controls and legends would be off, and it kind of wouldn't be a Mojo anymore. Plus anyone who owns the board bought it knowing what it was; if they really needed a better piano, they'd have bought something else. New additions/enhancements are always welcomed of course, but rarely at the expense of major elements that are already present. So I don't even think there would be such a big demand for such a thing, and more to the point, I don't think it would help him sell very many more Mojo61s, either (even if it were possible, and we have no reason to believe that it is).



    Very astute observations (as usual) about the Mojo61, AnotherScott.

    As far as user replacability, the Mojo is NOT the Nord (and that is not a value judgment, just an observation) so unless theres a v2 with extra DSP and new panel design, its all conjecture.

  7. Jazz+ ACTUALLY wrote option to replace in an earlier post, not, offer as a user editable replaceable sound


    Had he initially wrote the latter instead of the former, I would have not raised the point.

    Option to replace makes no sense in the current Mojo architecture. As far as I understand, you can only replace a like instrunent with like. But, I only had 2 days with the Seven and 3 with the first Mojo61.

  8. The Crumar Mojo pairs well with the Moto Guzzi In my garage. Boutique Italian brands that draw quizzical looks. For me its a bit of an obsession. An Alfa Romeo would form a trifecta.

    Damn! Nice garage!

  9. Must have been such a dream rig, they ran out.


    I know and this is what poor Guido has to deal with, people bashing him for ridiculous combinations that are only destined for three sales world wide (per Svenny).


    or Jazz+ who wants to take the B3 out of the Mojo 61 to make room for a piano. I really feel for Guido reading through the crazy on this forum.


    Talk about false spin...I never said a crazy word about taking the B3 out of the Mojo! There isnt space for the modeled AP so I suggested an option where the user could chose between having the esoteric Farfisa or Vox Combo organ and replace them with the modeled AP. That is not bashing, that is a good idea, imo. I hated the Farfisa and Vox organs 1960s , teeny bopper sounds, back in the days when they were almost all we had and I will never play those awful sounds again.



    Oh, so because YOU hate and dont use the Combo Organs, Guido and Andrea shouls erase them from the board?!


    Seriously?? on an Organ-centric board?


    Hate to tell ya, pal, there are those of us who make $$ with clients using those sounds....

    furthermore, just because I dont use or like the CP or FM pianos in the Seven, I know there are cats eho NEED those sounds for gigs or recordings and Id NEVER be so presumptuous as to tell Andrea or Guido how to program their instruments.

    Plus, if the Combo Organs were good enough for Fela Kuti, Miles and others, they're good enough for me.




  10. My perception is that Crumar is the axe of choice on this forum for a Hammond clone, and I'm convinced the EPs and clav are better than Nord, but it seems like I read about them all the time in this forum and on Facebook but don't really see them out in the wild very much when I catch the local beer and burger joint bands or touring acts. I see Nords all the time.


    Same thing with the stuff I own. I don't see many Fortes or Legends out and about on the stages around town. Lots of Big 3 and Nord boards around town.


    I see Legends all the time here in NY when I see Pat Bianchi or Akiko Tsuruga in the smaller clubs....same with Kyle Koehler and the Mojo.


    I realize Im talking about NY....

    When Crumar becomes a stock item in the rental houses, youll see more of them.

    Back in the early aughts you didnt see many Nords.... I remember a lot of techs asking me what the red keyboard was.





  11. Love to see the modeled AP as an option to replace the Combo Organs or the Pipe Organ in the Mojo 61 . Apparently there isnt room for it where the current dead AP occupies space.


    Um, no. Some of us actually USE the Combo organs in the real world. I play with Nigerian musicians who require that sound for Afrobeat and Afropop.


    Also - what other boards use the TP100 keybed?


    The Zarenbourg use the TP100. and i like it .

    ahhh if only i could easily hack my zarenbourg to add the seven control panel& soundbord between the tp100 and the speakers..


    Ive played one too and I like the action as well. no artifically stopped key travel.

    see my comment directly aove


    Also I don't think that manufacturers have the knowledge and tools to modify actions, except how they are mounted to the chassis.



    Andrea said in an earlier post that some action anomalies are due to the differing distances between the casing and bottom of the action mechanism, if I am remembering his words correctly. this would make sense in accounting for some differences in mechanisms, modified or not.

  14. SL88 Studio is a TP/100LR. I don't know the difference in build to a regular TP100, but it feels wonderful to me. Perhaps because I can play with, you know, both L & R hands at the same time.


    There is a difference between The SL 88 studio and other TP 100s. Most Fatar branded controllers are modded differently than those used as after market in other keyboards.


    So, drawback, does the LR designation mean that you cant play the Ravel Left Hand or Prokofiev number 4 on the SL 88 studio? /s

  15. Hmmm, I wonder what the difference is between the TP 100 that makes some have that 'stop' at the bottom? Maybe there's a mod possible to correct this?


    Ken, I am sure there is, which is why all TP100s feel different.

  16. I've played two TP100 keyboards, the Electro HP and the Dexibell S3, and found that I could rather easily adapt to both. It did take more than a day, but it happened. It feels different than anything else but once my fingers adjusted I was able to have an expressive relationship with the keyboard much like any other weighted keyboard, and I was quite happy with the weight-to-playability quotient.


    I returned the Dexibell after two weeks but it wasn't because of the action.


    The Seven may be different for some reason. My only point is that, in my experience, the TP100 action is a different approach to hammer action that requires some adaptation.


    Adan, Ive owned the Electro 3HP and 4HP and played the Dexibell at Sam Ash for 45-60 minutes putiing it through its paces.


    The Electro HPs were looser and had a faster key rebound and and a deeper key travel.

    The Dexibell had that same stop at the bottom of its keybed as did the Seven,


    As a professional pianist in a variety of genres, having to play on EVERY quality of acoustic from Upright to Baby Grand to Concert Grand, I can definitively say that the stop at the bottom of the keybed can cause tendonitis, muscle cramps and other physiological problems if you dont alter your technique. Luckily, I know how to adapt from experience, but even with that, Ive had momentary twinges after playing ungrateful pianos becauseI got caught up in the moment and lost my adaptive focus. Thank goodness it was only temporary!

    THAT is why Im so militant about this.

    I am REALLY not trying to unfairly malign the Seven-as you can read in my review, I have many good things to say about it and mentioned multiple times that I believe in Crumar to the extent that I am getting a Mojo 61 to replace it.


    I also mentioned that I hope there will be a rev 2 to improve the action like there was for the Mojo dual.

  17. Like others, I do hate playing clav on weighted keys, but you can't blame the Seven for not being both weighted and unweighted. Clav on the Mojo61 is a pleasure. So, for that matter, is the Rhodes sound -- surprisingly playable and engaging for being an unweighted keyboard.


    Adan, your post here is why I am getting a Mojo 61 to replace the Seven.

  18. It will be interesting to hear other reviews of the keybed action. Everyone has different preferences and some may say that they really like the action on the Seven.


    Yeah, if youre a masochist. Or unless you have an Electro HP

  19. How was the weight/transport/setup/breakdown experience? Watching some of the vids, it seems quite manageable. Curious what your take was on that.


    Also - what other boards use the TP100 keybed? My most recent weighted action board was the FA08 - and I really liked that action.




    Weight/Transportweight is well balanced and transport is easily manageable for short distances with built in handle. For longer trips, its easiy transported with a medium light duty hand truck or Rock n Rolla cart.


    Breakdown and setup if youve set up a Rhodes, you will be familiar with this. If not, its easy enough that a child could do it.


    Other boards that use TP 100- too many to list all, but some include, Nord Electro HP, Kurzweil Artis, one of the Dexibells, S7??? not sure which, but I know its the one they have at Sam Ash on 34st NYC (Which I tried and hated) and i think the latest Stage 76 changed over to a TP 100, but not sure about it!


  20. Andrea, I love the concept, sounds and design of the Seven. I fully understand the primary purpose as an EP model-that is VISALLY apparent in the design. Personally, I found the action to be flawed in the depth of key travel. Other TP 100s I have played had a different, longer key travel. Are you able to disclose whether your action is stock or if it was modded?

    For the record, I am exchanging the Seven for a Mojo 61 to use as my Electromechanical modeling keyboard. I love the sounds, interface and portability!

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