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Everything posted by mcgoo

  1. Don't underestimate the value of a good CPA. I can't write the check fast enough to my guy because he saves me way more than I could if I did my own taxes.
  2. Then by all means, please, start talking!
  3. Before you do, if you haven't already, upgrade to firmware vr 3. The distortion fx is really nice!
  4. Interesting that most of the names mentioned (All of whom I love) are what I consider either pianists or organists. My vote for a rock keyboardist (not including the prog crowd) would go to Steve Porcaro. Maybe split that vote with Benmont Tench.
  5. I've been surprised that the 6 note polyphony really hasn't bothered me that much. Sometimes I'll catch myself playing a 2 hand part with 7 notes, but I just drop a note. The thing has such a big sound with so much motion that the note limitation just isn't as much an issue as I thought it would be. Of course, YMMV.
  6. Very cool. I play this song in a band. Hearing it like this makes me want to revisit how I play it. I also didn't know it was a pianet. I use a Wurlie vst with some heavy chorusing. May have to tweak the sound also.
  7. Here's that clip I found elsewhere:
  8. Wow! I've had mine (original Polybrute) close to 3 years now. I love it and always try to find use for it in my projects. Just this week I've been going back thru the tutorials on it, picking up on some things I had missed the first time thru. Such a powerful beast. I can only imagine the 12 voice version with poly aftertouch. I may have to own it...
  9. Awesome story. Frame that Pic and hang it proud!!!
  10. FWIW, With Roland gear, for the most part, anytime you hit and hold an up/inc button and then also hit and hold the down/Dec button, the speed increases significantly. Can't remember if that works on the FP line.
  11. I have a FP-30x as my main gigging keyboard. I do have it plugged in as a backup, but the volume stays off. I use it strictly as a controller, with Gig Performer handling all the splits, layers, etc. Nice feeling keyboard, 30 lbs and cheap enough that I don't feel bad leaving it in the garage when not in use.
  12. I relate. I'm to the point where I need an assignment, a budget and a deadline to be inspired. Without those 3, it's very hard to start something. A few years back, I joined Taxi, specifically so I would always have those 3 (even though the budget was $0) during the times I didn't have a lot of work coming in. I used Taxi to work on building my production library. It worked well (for that purpose) for a few years, but as business picked up, I let the membership lapse.
  13. Point taken. I hadn't considered someone who would only use a single VSTi with no host. I've been down the VST rabbit hole far too long, 😂.
  14. At least for me, it doesn't seem necessary anymore. In a studio environment, your Daw saves the sound you're using. If you need another sound, load another instance. In a live setting, a VST host like GP saves the patch in each setup. I don't miss having PC ability at all.
  15. To clarify, you can have it 3 devices. You just can't have a 4th device that you bounce and forth with one of the other 3.
  16. The only gotcha to be aware of is that you can't really move it back and forth from one computer to another. Specifically, once you deactivate it from one computer, you can never reactivate it for that computer.
  17. Not mine.... Arturia! A couple of their controllers and a PolyBrute (with a laptop full of all sorts of VSTi's) and I'm set.
  18. I remember Rick was talking about Keith and said something like "If you could take my right hand and Keith's left hand, you'd just about have things covered." I always thought that was pretty accurate.
  19. I would bet that was liability insurance, in which case no, it wouldn't cover your gear. If the venue makes you get insurance, they're making sure your negligence won't cost them. Here's a little bit I've picked up over the years. Many Insurance companies have Inland Marine policies (policies that cover equipment used in your business). Many agencies will NOT want to offer it to you unless they're already getting your home and auto business. Most of those Inland Marine policies are going to be Actual Cash Value as opposed to Replacement Cost. As I've said before, Replacement Cost is better, especially if you have vintage gear. This is where a company like Clarion is so good, or whatever the AFM offers. They are companies specializing in musical instrument insurance. When I first looked into Clarion, I was bracing for sticker shock, but was surprised that they were actually cheaper than the ACV policy I had with the company that also had my homeowners and auto policies.
  20. Very cool seeing that with the notation. The sheer speed and precision of that middle part blows me away every time I hear it.
  21. I find Steve's point of $1 cost per $100 value to be accurate. That's $20 / yr for a $2k instrument. Methinks it's worth it.
  22. If you make money with your gear, homeowners insurance won't cover it. You need an Inland Marine policy. You also want to learn the difference between Actual Cash Value and Replacement Cost. You want the latter unless you're ok with an insurance adjuster saying your Wurlitzer 200 is discontinued so it's almost worthless. Check out Clarion Insurance. Insurance for musicians. Surprisingly affordable.
  23. Tim Shoebridge. Analog Synths, Eurorack, VSTi's etc. Excellent reviews, examples, incites. No BS or fluff. https://youtube.com/@TimShoebridge?si=Y5tOc0shvrOptC7p
  24. Can't say I've ever done that. What I do that's similar though is put midi / controller notes in Gig Performer Rackspaces. So I send a patch change to GP, it calls up a Rackspace for a song, I glance at the laptop if I need to and see a big cheat sheet with things like "Knob 4 = ARP Vol".
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