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Posts posted by analogholic

  1. 6 hours ago, Jim Alfredson said:

    ... And the OB-X8 nails all three. 

    No it doesn´t. It sounds netiher like an OB-X or OB-Xa. It sounds different, more "precise" or "sterile". But that was expected, as I hear this in most reissues, take SEM, KARP 2600 or whatever. Don´t know if it is the SMT design...Does it sound good? Yes indeed, but lacks that mojo the old ones have.

    Noone would be happier than me if they had nailed the sound, for several reasons, one of them reliability.Will I get one? Most probably, as the X8 can do things the old ones can´t like having X type osc and filter with page 2 from the 8 and so on. Not to mention the different filter types from the SEM.

    • Like 1
  2. 19 minutes ago, CEB said:

    I went with a PC4 as my lightweight stage piano. It’s around 28 pounds.   Great sounds.  The action is okayish.   I find it very responsive on the hard1 velocity curve but a little slow.  

    The question is what is affordable. There are cheaper things.  There are much more expensive things.   

    Well...was just checking the specs and reviews for the PC4....that board would tick all the boxes and then some except maybe the action....

    I´m a "Kurz-dude" and to be "completely" happy for some types of more demanding gig, Kurzweil is It for me...with the superb master functions. Maybe I´d need to get two boards, a PC4, and then something with better action for "simpler" gigs where piano and touch is no 1. Unfortunately my hands are "calibrated" to my Kawai VPC-1 that I use only at home...so of course most things will be a downgrade

  3. 8 hours ago, ABECK said:

    I saw Christopher Cross at a local theater a few years back.  The live performance was tight.  Spot on.  Band was dialed in.  Not to mention, he is a highly underrated guitarist.  They closed with a great version of Pretzel Logic and he was ripping on his solos.  He goes way back with Eric Johnson, and the influence isn't hard to spot.  Also, for the guitarist crowd, he's a Dumble amp guy  ;)  


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  4. How is the action on the PC4-7?  Compared to say a Nord Stage compact/Electro?


    The 8,8 kg weight is tempting...just a little heavier than my Electro 3 (on which I really dislike the action)

  5. On 11/3/2022 at 8:09 AM, Jim Alfredson said:

    If anyone has any further questions about the K2700, don't hesitate to ask. I have one and I'm in the process of making videos. Here's the first.


    How do the Flash sounds in the 2700 (AP, EP, Clav etc) compare to the Forte...soundwise and how they feel as they are "compressed" from 16 GB to 4,5 GB? Also, will there be a K2700 version like the Forte 7? with 76-note hammer action?

  6. My favorite trick to do really fast "prg changes" on the PC3 when needed, is to mute and at the same time unmute zones in a setup (Multi on later Kurzweils) with a pedal (or even with breathcontrol :) )

    I just import the zones from that "next" setup/multi to the first one, and mute and umute those instead of switching between setups/multis.

    With 16 zones, most setup/multi "prg changes" can be solved this way...No other "workstation" can do this AFAIK.


    There is this midi CC command called "MuteZn"


    From the manual: "Mute Zone – values above 64 will mute the zone, values below or equal to 64 will unmute the zone."


    Also great for when you need to kind of "toggle" back and forth between two setups/multis or just change one sound in a setup/multi momentarily fast.


    Say you have piano/strings layered for the LH and lead strings for the RH. Suddenly you have to play a brass fill with your RH and don´t have time to move your hand to a new position on the keyboard where that brass would be in another split or maybe there is not even "space" for another split, then you push the pedal and play the brass in the same position where the lead strings were....release the pedal and your lead strings are back.


    Didn´t fiddle too much with the FX though IIRC...(was a while ago I did this) but I guess that can be solved with clever programming especially since the 2700 has double the FX resources compared to the PC3.


    Cool thing is that you can use other midi gear as well with this same technique...you just change the zone/s to midi :)


    Go Kurzweil :2thu:



    • Like 5
  7. 7 hours ago, Steve Nathan said:

    I din't believe he's retiring from music, just retiring from the road/touring.  He'll keep making music from his new home in Barcelona, writing, recording, producing, etc.

    I enjoyed this interview immensely.  Tommy's been a friend since we were kids practically, and I've always been blown away by his talent.  He could no more quit music than any of us.  It's a lifetime.


    Tell Tom to hook up with bass monster Gary Willis, and his pal, monster drummer Gergö Borlai...(check him out if you haven´t heard him)....both living in Barcelona.

    That would be a super group :)  Great interview with Tom btw and happy for his new chapter in life.

    • Like 1
  8. Only discovered him last year and after that his signature song went on repeat that whole summer...there are plenty of good versions.

    Great singer and writer. He could also sing Sinatra style very well

    I amused myself watching black folks doing these "reaction videos" on YT,  they all went "WTF???" after like 30 sec in the video where you can see his face.

    They all thought he was black :)


    I like this jazzy version a lot:




  9. Man...this was hard for me to watch...even though I've seen pictures from the interview before 


    This not so long ago so beyond incredible and energetic player...


    Watching him listen, react and smile to his own take on Solar...was both joyous and sad and brought tears to my eyes...

    I think Beato showed good taste here not playing him the video, just the audio.


    I hope I'm wrong but it looks like the glow in his eyes is gone....


    Still glad I watched it...getting to know more about this genius


  10. Yes...this one really hurts...although I saw it coming after reports regarding his health


    What a genius...both as a player and composer...although I didn't get him in my younger years...Brecker and those types of players were easier to digest then for me


    No wonder Zawinul never wanted to play with another sax player again...


    He was on a different planet alltogether


    I will never forget a special he did in Sweden many years ago...it was "supposed to be" Wayne talking about music, and there was a panel of some music journalists and prominent Swedish jazz musicians. One of them asked him " tell us about your compositional process" (expecting a "normal" answer) and Wayne went typical "Wayne" with some deep esoteric talk and that whole panel looked like big questions marks :)  The whole evening went on like this and I enjoyed the hell out of it.


    The concert the day after was the musical equivalent of the previous night and made total sense...it was like watching a movie. I was there with some more traditional jazz players who's response was..."what boring bs..like one long "tune"...what is this?....why didn't he play any standards?"


    After the talk the night before I went up to talk to him and told him I wanted to show him a book. His eyes lit up but said he was very tired and asked me if I'm coming to the gig the day after..."You bet"

    So he called his stage manager and told him to let me in back stage after the gig.

    And so it happened. He was excited as kid on Christmas Eve..."show me the book, show me the book" :)

    So we were discussing some Buddhist stuff and other deep things


    Just yesterday I listened to an interview with bass monster Gary Willis who played with Wayne for a year and a half. When the band first got together the "rehearsal" was Wayne playing a seminar with Nikola Tesla :) 


    RIP Maestro and thanks for all the fantastic music 



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  11. 1 minute ago, ProfD said:

    There is no competitor KB that consolidates the features and functionality of the Nord Stage in the way that it does.   


    The Nord Stage is a one stop for a gigging musician in need of those requirements.  


    To the point above, the competition lies in configuring a KB rig encompassing the same capabilities according to one's own needs from a musical and gig perspective.😎


    Yeah, and Nord know this very well...I guess they know they don't have to break their necks to be superior in every regard, especially sounds, Wurly, clav, organ...etc


    It "works" and is "good enough" for the gigging musician...

  12. How would it work to control a HX3 from a NS3?


    Wasn't there something IIRC that drawbars don't work in EXT mode?


    And the organ sections themselves I guess don't send Midi?


    I remember at a gig once where they gave me a NS2 to play. I didn't have any time to delve into this as it was only piano or organ, so I remapped my HX3 to respond to the Nord and just turned the volume down on the NS2 when I played the HX3. 



  13. 4 minutes ago, CyberGene said:

    The price is indeed hard to swallow but that's because there's no real competition. The closest thing is Yamaha YC-series but these are more in the Electro-category. If Yamaha implemented slightly better external zone implementation (currently it require menu diving) with direct control for split point, octave settings and volume of the external zone (and I have provided a detailed suggestion for firmware update on their page), one can basically recreate a Stage with a YC and an iPad.


    Yeah, this was my thought too...no competition...


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