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Everything posted by GovernorSilver

  1. Have you looked into health insurance via a musican's union? I think this is the website for the American Federation of Musicians insurance: https://www.afminsurance.com/ Can't promise the rate will be the same or lower than what you're paying now but it seems all you have to do is join AFM - don't need to prove you have a job or anything.
  2. Nice story, Craig! A few years ago I put up my electric cello for sale. It was the reason I created my Youtube account - somebody, understandably, wanted to see a demo of the MIDI functionality. So I made a crappy video of the cello being used to trigger a Korg M3 61 keyboard workstation. One Youtube comment was along the lines of "This is crap, I don't get it", it was posted from an account that those sort of ill-considered comments come from - some semi-anonymous person without their own content or anything Another comment was a positive one, from a player who later taught as an instructor at New Directions Cello Festival. By that time though I had already sold the cello to a music teacher based somewhere in New England - I would have been honored to sell it to the other guy instead. This experience taught me to enjoy the good comments and ignore the useless ones. There's no good reason to respond to a comment that doesn't show any honest effort to communicate and understand.
  3. Thanks, you answered some questions I've had about the Erskine apps vs. iReal Pro. I've been using iReal Pro because it took a reasonably short amount of time to learn how to create my own charts, based on my bandmate's songs. She has a habit of changing the key of the song regularly, so iReal Pro's ease of tranposition has been a lifesaver for me, as it lets me easily practice each tune in at least 4 different keys. The sound/performance quality of the generated rhythm section in relation to a good Aebersold CD track has been a distraction at times, so what you report about the Erskine apps is a good selling point, for the times I want to practice to jazz standards instead of our band's stuff. I recently noticed Mapping Tonal Harmony Pro added a playalong feature, but the app over all has not been easy to learn how to use. A selling point of iReal Pro is the ease of loading hundreds of charts in one shot and this app doesn't even have that. [video:youtube]
  4. To add to the confusion, there is a sub-genre of jazz called "Hot Club". Learned about it on Fiddle Forum from a jazz violinist's frequent rants about the Hot Club style and how he was expected to play it, when he's more into jazz violin as represented by Jean Luc Ponty and others who emerged after him. https://www.npr.org/2008/11/24/97402070/djangos-world-hot-club-jazz
  5. This article says the 2019 Newport Jazz festival was a near sellout. I guess that means it was well attended? https://whatsuprhodeisland.com/2019/08/2019-newport-jazz-festival-day-2-recap-and-photos/ Back to the OP's question, from what I can understand of it... I have no idea if other people think jazz is cool. All I know is that whenever Sun Ra Arkestra comes to town, people pack the place to the gills. They also seem to come out in droves for Pharaoh Sanders and Snarky Puppy. I personally don't think about jazz being cool or not cool. I just listen to it and try to play it. Just like the peeps who are into the sport of curling around here - haven't seen it played, but I heard it's a thing. This is a sport that has been the butt of jokes on American sports radio shows, yet there they are, pursuing this sport. People who truly have a passion for something do not seem to care if it is cool or not.
  6. Forgot about the Russian Police Choir's covers [video:youtube] [video:youtube]
  7. Biggest crowd of people under 30 that I saw at a jazz performance was at Cropped Out 2014 Festival in Louisville KY. It was when Sun Ra Arkestra played their set. Just a sea of young people surrounding the stage. A few months later, I got to see them again at the Lincoln Theater with special guest Bernie Worrell - that show was well attended but it was more of a mixed crowd, age-wise. Sun Ra left us years ago, but Marshall Allen and crew have a way compelling young people to come out to jazz shows, just by being who they are.
  8. I interpreted the OP's post as meaning the former rather than the latter. So, "cool" as in the musical performance approach favored by the Tristano school, the "West Coast" musos, the "Birth of the Cool" record, etc. Jazz fans today consider Bird to be "cool" but who in their right mind would consider "Donna Lee" to be an example of "cool jazz"? When I took jazz history class in community college, the "cool jazz" movement was portrayed as a reaction to the fiery bebop school originating on 52nd St. in Harlem. Dunno if that's still accepted as true history by the jazz scholars these days. Have you read this book? https://www.amazon.com/Lee-Konitz-Conversations-Improvisers-Perspectives/dp/0472032178 Konitz has some strong opinions, to say the least, about being a musician vs. being an "entertainer". To him, an "entertainer" is not "cool". A "cool" musician and a musician who plays music seriously is one and the same to him.
  9. Zappa was a funny dude, and I'm familiar with that joke, but I want to clarify that I did not say jazz is dead. It was replaced as the dominant popular music, which is different. Anyway, the OP's talking about whether it is a music that is "cool", as in played with little emotional display, like orchestral classical music.
  10. Video embedding seems broken. Example URL: With embedding tag: [video:youtube]
  11. "Cool", as in "not showing much emotion or enthusiasm"? Not during the time of Frankie Manning: [video:youtube] Link if video embedding is busted: From some perspectives, the decline of jazz as the dominant form of popular music began with the separation of the musicians and the dancers - that is, when jazz stopped being a music to dance to. I'm not sure that's MY perspective, but its something I've heard from others... peeps who also blame the Charlies (Christian and Parker) and their buddies on 52nd St. for the evolution of bebop which discouraged dancing. I think the end began when jazz stopped being a music of the street, just as hip hop began as a music of the street later.
  12. Sure, that's how I found this. [video:youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5eBA7kg8Bk I started learning the "Donna Lee" head about a week ago and was looking for various versions to listen to when I found the above, which looks like a convenient way to practice the head.
  13. Sting was reportedly "Driven To Tears" by this one. The stripped down arrangement lends itself to the more emotionally raw performance. [video:youtube] Her cover of the Pete Seeger classic replaces the usual folksy vibe with more of a "take you to church" gospel feel. [video:youtube]
  14. Appreciate the lesson! I didn't notice the tempo changes the first time I heard your cover, but that's part of the point, isn't it? Got me thinking about what pop songs use tempo changes and there don't seem to be much outside of the Beatles and Beach Boys stuff. I thought there might be some in "Aja" and "Money" but I think they might actually be time signature changes rather than intentional tempo changes. Easier to find examples in classical, prog rock, etc. You've inspired me to try experimenting with them in Nanostudio 2, which i just purchased. It supports tempo and time signature changes.
  15. Interesting! Will have another listen to the Patti Smith original. This piano problem reminds me of the "extra guitar note" problem in covers of "Cissy Strut" by The Meters. Almost everybody, including well-known pros, plays the 2nd section of the guitar melody wrong, by adding at least one extra note. I learned this while listening to an interview with Meters bassist George Porter Jr.
  16. I just remembered this Flaming Lips cover. I still like the original because of nostalgia (last year of junior high) but I do dig this one enough to consider equal, if not "better". [video:youtube]
  17. And that's one of the reasons I LOVE this forum. I would not have know about this otherwise. Thanks! I'm honored! When I first saw that scene in the show BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad I was puzzled by the song not matching the reaction of the crowd, then I learned that the show producers had been forced to replace the Beatles cover with another song, purportedly by US copyright law. So I was glad to find that fan-produced version which edited the song back in. BECK is about a boy whose life is changed by a chance encounter with an older boy who is already a skilled rock guitarist. The show follows his development from ordinary non-musician to rhythm guitarist and 2nd vocalist of the other boy's new band "Beck". It turns out that the best songs by "Beck" and other fictional bands in the show were actually covers of songs by real bands. For example I don't know which version of "Spice Of Life" I like more - the cover by the fictional band, or the original by the real one. I do like how the fictional band's version starts with the band members tuning up: [video:youtube] [video:youtube] In the case of "Face", I like the original bit more because of the slightly greater harmonic variety. [video:youtube] [video:youtube] Apparently, the recordings by "Beck" were done by real-life band Beat Crusaders, with show cast members on the vocals. They also covered their own tunes in the soundtrack. Cover: [video:youtube] Original: [video:youtube]
  18. [video:youtube] Mainly because of Marissa's over the top lead guitar
  19. Nice cover, Mr. Anderton! I really like how you changed it up. I'm used to the level of discourse/maturity in Youtube comments being pretty low, so in your place I too would simply ignore the comments. I've been listening to this cover a lot, of late. [video:youtube]
  20. ioue checked back in with a "our team will make a discussion to step forward about AUv3". it's a followup to his/her/their earlier post: "Well, I'm here, so that I know many people here want AUv3 support. Could you let me know what AUv3 host are you using? GarageBand, AUM or Cubasis? One more thing I want to make sure: do you want our app such as Gadget behave as AUv3 synth, not as host?" ...and subsequent responses of the "I want use host XXX"... "I want the YYY Gadget to be AUv3"
  21. Synth One is great. Will also get their Digital D1 synth, which is not free, but sales of D1 support the AudioKit open source project and Synth One. And well, I like its sounds.
  22. Once in a while, somebody from Korg takes the time to hang out in a forum. Unfortunately for KC lovers, this time it's the Audiobus forum. Anyway, fwiw, "ioue" from Korg has just started popping in on the Gadget 2 thread, responding to questions/comments about Gadget, Module, etc. https://forum.audiob.us/discussion/30850/korg-gadget-2#latest Probably want to just jump to the last page, and work backwards
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