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Everything posted by GovernorSilver

  1. I just heard that students either pay a $40/year membership or $10 per class to attend Barry's class. That is an insane deal to study this stuff with the man himself. I wonder if anyone here has done the class. Peeps who live in NYC are lucky. I'm nowhere near the level of you guys, so I'm contentedly plugging away at just playing his basic blues changes and rhythm changes exercise in time.
  2. We've been discussing the "Things I learned from Barry Harris" channel on another forum, and somebody asked this: One of the answers invoked a Greek name. Anyway, I did some Googling as a result of his question and found this article: https://blog.uvm.edu/tgcleary/2014/04/14/what-is-this-scale-called-charlie-parker-barry-harris-and-the-minor-ii-v-progression/ Excerpt: The author is pianist Tom Cleary. As for me, I'm still working on executing Barry's blues scale exercise with good time, heh.
  3. Thanks to this thread - and thank you btw to participants other than myself, heh - I did some searching around and found this video series, started by a student who began attending Barry's weekly class in 1993. I've found it very useful. Perhaps somebody else here may as well. If not, thats ok too. Link to channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDdKVro-7hS8cMjBrcqaAMQ Link to first episode: [video:youtube] Video that I found while searching for 5432: [video:youtube]
  4. That would explain why he prefers to name certain scales "G7" and "C7" instead of "G Mixolydian" and "C Mixolydian". He seems focused on bebop era jazz and not so much into the modal jazz that came later. In any case, I'm trying out his stuff and seeing where it takes me. But why complicate a simple G7 with 1000+ year old Greek modes that in reality have little to do with be bop? Why do teachers do this... generation after generation? As far as going beyond mid 1950's.... Crawl, walk, jog, run, sprint. Are youa already a jogger? Can you play be bop like Barry? No, that's why I'm looking into his teachings. I wouldn't dream of telling Barry or anybody else sharing his method to switch to using Greek names - in case that wasn't made clear in my previous posts.
  5. That would explain why he prefers to name certain scales "G7" and "C7" instead of "G Mixolydian" and "C Mixolydian". He seems focused on bebop era jazz and not so much into the modal jazz that came later. In any case, I'm trying out his stuff and seeing where it takes me.
  6. Pianist named Bill Graham shares how Barry Harris changed his playing [video:youtube]
  7. Great thread! Thanks for posting! My curiosity was piqued about the 5-4-3-2 thing and I found this analysis: https://blog.uvm.edu/tgcleary/2015/03/06/charlie-parker-and-alan-turing-anthropology-is-the-bombe/ I also found this workshop report from "Hector", who mentions a "1" lick in addition to the 5,4,3,2 licks: https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/224522-54321-barry-harris/
  8. I'm also looking into this but for a different reason. I'm a regular participant in "post your take" jam track threads (eg. Mr. PC, "fast country", Cissy Strut, "soul jazz", etc.) and have been running out of space on Soundcloud. Several of the other regulars submit videos instead of Soundcloud tracks to the threads. These guys (no gals yet) just use their iPhones and record the audio in the room, coming out of computer speakers (for the jam track) and out of the instrument amp. A few record simultaneously to iPhone (video) and to audio interface (audio) then use iMovie or LumaFusion to sync video and audio. I asked for Youtube vid making advice elsewhere and got the same kind of responses I see on music gear forums - like get an expensive pro camera and the like, lol. Roland Go Mixer Pro can work as an audio mixer and also allow simultaneous video and audio recording to iPhone. Another option that looks interesting is the Zoom Q2n-4K, which is more of a live gig recording video cam
  9. Hopefully somebody at Superbooth 2019 (starts next week I think) will think to investigate the state of the Matriarch MIDI. Moog Music will be one of the exhibitors.
  10. Some issues from the MM forum: stuck notes: https://forum.moogmusic.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=30734 MIDI clock: https://forum.moogmusic.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=30552 This must be the MIDI Local one: https://forum.moogmusic.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=30704
  11. Thread about GM vs. Pyramid MIDI problem - the Squarp Pyramid is a sequencer I've been looking at: https://squarp.community/t/still-midi-in-problems-with-moog-grandmother/2131 "electric incompatibility"? Perhaps a language/translation issue there. Anyway, one user says inserting a MIDI Solutions Quadra Thru between the two solved the problem.
  12. I've also read complaints about the Grandmother power supply - audio bleed issue in particular. One guy even said the plug didn't fit into the GM jack (I'll ignore the lame jokes). Another common complaint was the spring reverb when using the GM in a band context - eg. the drummer setting it off. But I also heard most of the issues were resolved in later units?
  13. Another modern classical composer, though tragically passed away at a young age. Seems to be rediscovered by the contemporary classical community every few years. Being black and gay kept him kind of tucked away in obscurity. https://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2018/02/05/julius-eastman-music
  14. Plenty of modern classical after Schoenberg. Thanks to this thread, I'm going to revisit this CD, if I can find it: https://www.amazon.com/Asmat-Dream-Music-Indonesia-Sunda/dp/B0000022AA/ref=ntt_mus_dp_dpt_1 Indonesia was a former European colony but gamelan is said to have influenced some European composers from Debussy onwards. It's fitting that somebody produced this album featuring Indonesian composers doing their thing, and also incorporating modern tech such as synths and samplers.
  15. Thanks, Mark! Added to my Amazon shopping list. I've got a good friend who alerts me whenever there's a Mahler symphony performance coming up and teaches me a bit about it. I've seen 3 with him now, the first one being #6 which is the one with the hammer. That's still my favorite show so far, because of the hammer. We've also gone to shows at Library of Congress where the classical programming has been adventurous. That's where I caught performances of Messaien's Vingt Regards sur l'enfant-Jésus, Ethel String Quartet, Arditti Quartet playing Beethoven's more avant-sounding quartets, John Cage stuff, etc. When I was younger I didn't understand why some jazz musos included classical music in their personal practice, but I think I get it a little more now. Ever watch Mozart in the Jungle? The RIkers Island episode was aweome imo. One of the weirder depictions of classical composers I've seen - weirder than the Bill & Ted movies: [video:youtube]
  16. In what sense? The November issue still shows on their site, available for purchase presumably with the article intact. The preview video is also still there, complete with the XL picture at 0:27. It's been up and down for the past several hours, and reported by others - not just me. Now it's up again, in a preview-only state https://www.soundonsound.com/reviews/sequential-prophet-x
  17. Sound On Sound article now offline, lol
  18. As a nurse my wife does a lot of eye cases for an out-patient surgery center. She often tells me about some really cool and expensive (several 100K and up) new toy they just acquired to support eye operations. Let's just say I would not care to hear my ophthalmologist telling me about his Behringer synth right before my surgery. Don't worry, the one I was talking to is in Richmond I'm imagining passing out of the operating table from the anesthesia while he goes on excitedly about crosspatching his brand new Moog One with his modular. You might not want the one who fixed my retina. He was a guitar nerd.
  19. Yeah, the Prophet X thread here was pretty long and lively - some liked it, some hated it on sight without even laying hands on it - the usual. I've chatted with an opthamologist - the type of eye doctor who gets paid more than the other type - who got a Prophet X....and just preordered a Moog One. For some people, life is good indeed.
  20. Do you think that it will kill the Prophet X or will it boost its sales due to the fact that the Prophet X is half the price? Prophet X is a hard-sell already without "help" from the Moog One. Analog purists won't look at it, and peeps who are in love with sample-based synthesis argue that Omnisphere is a better deal. There are some synth freaks out there who think analog synths are boring, digital is cool and fun; and would never consider even the Moog One. Those are among the folks who are looking at Prophet X too, but then their attention quickly turns to Waldorf Quantum, which is a more powerful digital synth. Not that I wouldn't want a PX eventually, but in a niche market (high end synths), it's its own little niche within that niche.
  21. Part 4 of the factory video series, featuring special guest Kevin Lamb. Lots of emphasis on pads and soundtrack type tones. Lamb really works the (channel) aftertouch and XY touchpad. Tried to cue it up to around the 26 min. mark to avoid the 26 min. of nothing. [video:youtube]
  22. Even after they add poly AT support to the One, you're still looking at a 45lb. keyboard you need to drag to your gigs along with your poly AT controller. Maybe it would make more sense to wait for Moog to put out a module. Well Guv, I don't gig anymore, so that isn't an issue. If I did it would be with just a Laptop, a VAX77 (folding keyboard, fits in a rolling suitcase!) and maybe a Behringer D; I certainly wouldn't be taking a Moog One out. Also, given that the Moog One has five internal fans and a huge number of knobs/etc., any non-keyboard version would be pretty massive. I think Moog looks at this as a flagship synth, and believe it would be highly unlikely they release a module. Like the other fellow, would love to try a VAX someday. In my area, portability is a consideration, because we're expected to bring gear to the MAKCF "venue" for show-and-tell with the rest of the MACKF mafia/gang/club. I doubt the One in its full glory would be repackaged as a module. I could see a OPoint Five in a module though. I doubt Moog worked this hard on the One to just let the technology gather dust in their factory and not do something more with it in the form of future products.
  23. TELL ME ABOUT IT! There is no way I am spending $8000 (or even $80!) on a polysynth that doesn't respond to PolyAT. I learned my lesson with both the Andromeda and SE Omega 8. Even after they add poly AT support to the One, you're still looking at a 45lb. keyboard you need to drag to your gigs along with your poly AT controller. Maybe it would make more sense to wait for Moog to put out a module.
  24. Chuck Levins put up the Moog One on their FB page. So who's up for an MAKCF-esque party at Chucks when it lands there?
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