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Everything posted by moot

  1. My office on Friday. http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b203/Mattulator/DSCF0011.jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b203/Mattulator/DSCF0009.jpg We have a drought here. Hard to believe after it just rained for 2 weeks but the water table has sunk so low that these gigantic oaks are just toppling over. This particular client has 6 trees down and his well is dry.
  2. I hope you like it as much as I like mine rizz. Amazing volume for such a tiny box.
  3. Jeez Juan, ole Alan there is almost as white as your legs. That is a great name for a cat.
  4. Not to be insensative but, 'round these parts we take the ailing pet, a shovel, an axe and a rifle and we go for a hike. The last dog that croaked on me was a beautiful 18 month old shepard. I took her to get her fixed and after the surgery they couldn't stop the internal bleeding - after going in 3 times. Some mumbo-jumbo about genetic defects. I still wonder. Anyway, I was not a happy camper and was ready to tear the vet a new one but then I saw her crying over the body of my pet. Crying women get me every time.
  5. Sorry bout the dog Flank. So, I got ahold of a "product specialist" who couldn't come up any nut width info on the Yamaha and I cannot stand wide spacing. I give - the Ibanez wins.
  6. Still agonizing over the choice of cheap back-up bass. On one hand, the Ibanez is more or less a known quotient because of the SRX neck which I have played on other Ibanez basses. It's comfy and fast. On the other hand, I would love to get my hands on the Yamaha but after calling literally every music store within 100 miles I find that they are not to be had. "We can order one for ya!" Duh. Last night I got all the way to the checkout page with the Yamaha but something stopped me. The GAS is killing me! Agony! Aaaaaag-go-neee!
  7. Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers. Phineous, Fat Freddy, and Freewheelin' Franklin. Don't forget Fat Freddys Cat. that was a staple in my house in the 70's. Where's my nickel. Tom - Sorry 'bout the kitten. One thing I really dislike about pets is their lifespan.
  8. That is one chubby cat Tom. Dunno if they taste like chicken but they make dandy gloves.
  9. All in the karma of the doggy (and, kitty) head avatars, my man. Karma? Dogma? (tee-hee) Tater - that's a lot of feline indifference in one house. Her princessness Zoe. http://c2.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/125/l_7b1a76a5adf7608a4062ba2d405a0c0d.jpg
  10. Awesome you 2 stooges. Love my doggy! Best job-site dog in the world but, Monticello lives up to his name - I really need to get him nuetered. Bizzaro timing Flank. I'm meeting a roofer in the morning and the name of his company is, I crap you not, Nutmeg Roofing. That is a great looking cat Tater. I share space with one named Zoe.
  11. I'm pullin' for chaps and studded collers a la Mr Slave. Flank - have you ever done the classic rock schtick? I thought you had for some reason. My only worry is how my voice will hold up after such a long layoff. I will be expected to sing lead in about 60% of the tunes. Does Flank sing?
  12. Congrats on the new gig Flank. I have a pick-up gig in a couple weeks with my old classic rock band and I'm actually looking forward to it. I haven't played with these guys in a couple years and guess what? The set list hasn't changed one bit.
  13. Good luck with that gas rizz. I have narrowed my attack down to 2. This one, and this one. I have 2 weeks to make up my mind. A man has to have a back up.
  14. I got a call last night from a local musician who wants me to build him a modest studio. Guess I better do some homework on soundproofing. Now that I found inside work I just know the sun will shine. On the friend with luekemia front: Six of us (including my friend) met last night to plan some events. This thing has exploded. We decided to form a non-profit organization to help cancer patients in the county find the resources they need. There is nothing like that within 50 miles.
  15. Empty milk crates!! That is just hurtful man . . .
  16. Her feet? But they're so tiny and cute . . . Exactly what she suggested Davio. I told her "Great idea! I'll prop it up on a couple 2x4s." She walked away muttering but I distinctly heard the word "hillbilly".
  17. We try to share the 4 bedrooms equally but, I have hogged up the entire "music room" - that's why it's called that. She pretty much has the run of the house past that and that works for me. Maybe the deciding factor there is that I don't own any furniture.
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