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Everything posted by moot

  1. I do that from time to time. Do it while you're young - when you get to be my age it's elusive as hell.
  2. I love ebay. I'm putting together a new PA rack and it looks like I'm gonna make it for less than $250 US. I got the 6 space rack itself at a yardsale for 20, stole a 1400w power amp for 100, dual 15 band EQ for 40, power conditioner for 30 and hold high bid for a signal processor that I should get for 50. Sure, everything is used but I don't think it will sound that way. The secret to good ebaying is patience. I bid (and was outbid) on 23 power amps before I won that jewel. Sometimes folks are just sleeping I guess.
  3. Karl - you got the first one out of the way. Congrats. With a little luck you learned a little about your bikes limitations - and yours. Get back on the horse and use that knowledge.
  4. So, then it's cymbals on your knees and an accordian under your arm and a kazoo hangin out of your . . .
  5. I'm home with a cold so as I channel surfed I came across Celebrity Boxing. It was Todd Bridges against Vanilla Ice. Willis knew what he was talkin' 'bout! He put a whoopin' on that poor slob including 3 knockdowns. Oddly enough I felt better after that.
  6. Saturday morning I got up early, dressed quietly, made my lunch, grabbed the dog, threw the canoe on the truck, and proceeded to the lake where there was a torrential down-pour. I drove home and turned on the news to find out the weather was gonna be crap all day. I went into the bedroom, quietly undressed, and slipped back into bed. I cuddled up to my girlfriends back, now with a different idea altogether, and whispered, 'The weather out there is terrible.' My girlfriend mumbled, 'Can you believe my stupid ass boyfriend is out fishing in that crap!?' I still don't know if she was kidding.
  7. I did the sing and play thing for years and while some songs gave me trouble, for the most part it was reasonably easy. Here's one from the - archives One of our friends recorded it on his cell phone. Pardon the butchery in the transition there - one of the few times we actually didn't hit it.
  8. These whippersnappers dunno how good they got it! when I was in college I worked for Apple Computer at the plant where the first Macs were made. No hard drive and a whopping 128k of ram. Whew! Hot Rod!! You were lucky if it could get through a game of chess. http://www.old-computers.com/museum/photos/apple_mac128.jpg
  9. Karl - lets see some pics of that pocket-rocket!! Paul -I'm totally anal about my bikes. My girlfriend makes fun of me when I go dirt riding and then spend 2 hours cleaning and polishing. It is kinda silly.
  10. This one http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b203/Mattulator/meandmonster.jpg Monster 800. I love this bike but it's trouble. Toooo quick. They don't call it a Monster for nuthin'. Dual sport is really the way to go where I am - lots of fire roads and I can ride to my favorite fishing spots. The ability to jump a curb or get off road in a hurry if somebody does something dumb in front of you is a big plus. I think this is the best bike for someone who really loves to ride. http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b203/Mattulator/XR650L.jpg Also, there are some really nice SuperMotos being produced. I test rode a Husky 450 that was awesome but topped out at about 65 mph. The Honda cruises effortlessly at 65 and is very nimble. Another argument for a dual purpose is if you drop it (knock on wood) you just kinds go "Oh for cryin' out loud", where if you drop your beautiful expensive street bike you go "OH MY FREAKIN GAWWWD NOOOOOOOO!!"
  11. Hmmm. I bought my ducati new 3 years ago and have a bit over 2000 miles on it. I have been thinking about selling but just can't seem to do it. Maybe it's time . . . besides, there's always the XR650 which is actually a bit more comfortable on longer rides and I didn't even start it this year. Damn work to hell . . .
  12. Don't I know it!! All I have been in for 15 years is 3 piece and I love it! As for the Bee-Bee-Q - fire makes them very angry. We get lots of those nasties up here. My dog found the last nest on our property - poor guy. An exterminator/drummer friend turned me onto the foam thing and it works!
  13. Zoinks! I hate those little bastards! The soldiers can bite and sting as many times as they like. I got swarmed about 10 years ago and will never forget it. Wait 'till night time and plug the hole with expanding foam.
  14. LOL! I cook breakfast every Sunday morning. This week I reached in and found a carton of "Cage Free Eggs". I had a good laugh and caught hell for it but, ya know, they're just chickens folks! Who knows if they're happier in or out of the cage? Anyway, they were much like Toms brown eggs only the yolks were much smaller and darker and broke immediately when the egg hit the pan. I ended up scrambling them. If I have to ingest a few hormones for a decent egg so be it.
  15. Rizzo - that stinks bub. One of the things I do not miss about city life. Phil - I love it! Peddaling 3 bands. Shameless! Our local music festival is set for August 16. Usually there is 10 to 15 bands and Quantum Soup has been asked to headline this year. I'm flattered but it makes for a long night too. I got a call from Derrik Blackwood the drummer from the bar band I quit asking if I would be interested in an original project with a guy named Keith Orrman. They played a cover set at the county fair 2 nights ago so Heidi and I went to check this guy out. Terrible bassist - played a 5 with a pick and never hit the B. Anyway, this guitarist was smokin'. All the riffs and tricks, all the poses, all the tone, played excellent slide on a couple songs and completely shredded leads. Heidi looked at me and asked what the hell this guy was doing at this poedunk County Fair. I dunno but I pick up a CD with 6 originals to learn Monday.
  16. There's good (and bad) coffee everywhere!! My kitchen is always good at 4:30 a.m. Fresh burr ground Italian roast - mmmm.
  17. Have a Happy Birthday David and have a great crawl. I love Irish music!
  18. Get well Brocko. I have had a busy week. I started a huge siding job Monday and decided to do all the stuff that needs to be done from the roof first. I always do the hard stuff first, anyway it is hot and steep and I'm now a sunburned mess but the money's good and it will probably take at least a month to reside and paint the place. I did manage to ride my Ducati for about 2 hours last night. I am starting to trust this bike more and more and now realize that it is indeed a Monster. The house is still coming together slowly. The painting goes on and every room has a pile of boxes in it but we're gaining on it. Happy 4th everyone!
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