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Everything posted by moot

  1. I finished up a drywall repair today and while chatting with the client I distinctly heard "the lake". When asked what lake she said "our lake". Needless to say there was an audible grinding noise in my head. Another brief conversation later I had permission to fish a 5 acre private lake stocked with bass, bluegill and catfish. The only condition is that I don't kill fish. Easy, I never do anyway. Bass are a great catch on a fly rig and bluegill are even more fun because they turn onto their side and swim right to the bottom. I have never caught a catfish on a flyrod but I'm gonna try. Time to pump up the belly boat!
  2. Make sure to say "Dude" and "Man" a lot and don't be afraid to interrupt to finish his thoughts for him.
  3. good lord . . . I do this every year. For some reason doing taxes is put off until the last minute. It's never as bad as I think it is. I never end up paying much - considering I never do quarterlies. My write offs are bodacious. In the month Of June I was working a couple of towns over and drove 1910 miles. I write off my celly of course, car insurance, tools, office supplies, blah, blah . . . but sitting down and itemizing is such a pain. Okay, back to August . . .
  4. " Save A Bass . . . Taint Smite A Bass Player" There's your shirt right there. With a pic of a fish. People would go "Huh?"
  5. You would have to wear this http://www.lastnightoffreedom.co.uk/images/shop/viking-hat-pigtails-1-thumb.jpg
  6. Nice! I could use a lesson or 3 myself . . . Keep us posted Phil.
  7. The name of the site at the end of that link is hilarious.
  8. I,ve been playing since I was kid. I started carrying my grandfathers clubs when I was 7. I'm the one on the left. http://imagecache2.allposters.com/images/CLASS/130-221.jpg
  9. Right on Pablo! It's good to be your own worst critic. Makes you think about stuff and try harder next time. It's like me with music and golf - I know I don't suck but I could do alot better.
  10. Bullnard Sack and The Two Swingers?
  11. The way he described the smell cracked me up.
  12. Oh, ya know, I go through this every year. It seems every year it takes a leeeetle bit longer to get back into shape after the winter. Anyway, I was shopping for a hard case and came across this. I instantly thought of you flank.
  13. Getting old sucks. My back is still ruined from moving decorative rock over the weekend. My knees hurt too. I have hair growing out of my ears. The G says if I was a pirate they would call me "Ear Beard" and refers to my chest as "Old Growth Forest". My eyebrows grow inches over night. I am developing a spare tire. I need copious amounts of coffee to get moving in the morning. The worst is, in the summer I live in tank tops and denim shorts and I fear I look silly. I would start working out but I'm afraid of what I might strain. At least I still have all my hair - so far.
  14. http://imagecache.allposters.com/images/pic/HPM/FM2063~Family-Guy-Evil-Monkey-Posters.jpg
  15. I would have a cruiser like this. 1200 cc's of twin turbo-charged V4 madness. Keep your hands on your desk davio!
  16. You're Harry Caray - that was funny Tater.
  17. "I'de go over 12% for that" Priceless.
  18. Yes, for pete's sake don't hover. A good waitress keeps an eye on her tables. If something is empty she fills it. She also watches to see if you are looking for her - simple eye contact should be enough to bring her over. It's not rocket science.
  19. Not necessarily a bad thing - I hate slack time. Makes the day drag.
  20. Jump all over it davi-o. At your age you should never waste an opportunity to move forward. Good luck bub. But will they let you hang on the LD?
  21. I admit to being a cheap bastard but I always leave 20% if the service is good and yep, I almost always tip in cash. I honestly felt like telling her to go back to Burger King.
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