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Everything posted by moot

  1. So, there I am, at rehearsal working on songs for Wretched Men's second effort and bzzt! My rig gives out. I had a good input signal at the VU meter on the Ashy but no sound. I pooped a little! After madly swapping cables and eliminating my pedal and my BBE I isolated the Ashy. My thought was I blew something in the output section - if not the power amp section altogether but, after testing both cabs the 8 cf with the 15 year old Carvin isn't working. Since I have a gig Saturday I told the fellas "I gotta get home and order a new head". So, I get home, open her up and sure enough the fuse on the output jack board is toast. I deduce that the Carvin baked the voice coil and that made the fuse go - if I'm lucky.
  2. . . . and some a-hole fills your hand with shaving cream and tickles your nose.
  3. You're worn larger than when purchased.
  4. You mean like I suck? I'm a hack? No talent? Too old, slow and fat? Like I should end it all and send you the Millenium V? I mean like they maybe had someone else on the line they thought was better for whatever reason so, they lied to you - nicely but they still lied and Karma got 'em for it. Now they have no one. Wait a few weeks and ask around. If they are still looking talk to them maybe? Ahahahahahahaha! Suck it!
  5. Why not call? You may be the perfect fit for them now that they're in need. But, the whole "knowing the set list" thing sounds like a load to me. There must have been some other reason bub. Or, if you're willing to risk the Karma, call and then say "Wait a minute. Didn't I try out for you guys? Oh, yeah I remember. You're the A-holes who snubbed me. You guys suck!" and hang up. Personally I would pass.
  6. Never have cared for Starbucks coffee. It's mediocre at best - and I am a terrible coffee snob. Why, I am enjoying a cup of fresh burr ground Italian Roast this very minute and yes, I know it's 4:17 a.m.
  7. Congrats Pablo! Backups can be a lot tougher if just one person is out of key. Before you know it everyone is warbling thinking it's them.
  8. LMAO! I didn't know roadies were that clever.
  9. http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii261/funkbutter/graphics/Party/party_liver.jpg
  10. Start screening Pablo. Set up a stench-o-meter in reception. Or, be more passive - have your receptionist hand out little pamphlets on hygiene to the offending parties on their way out. "Doctor would like you to read this before your next visit". Or, refuse them treatment under the Asscrack Act of '08.
  11. Female Vox? Sounds a lot like my second wife.
  12. You never know Sasquatch. This might be the one that actually turns into something. Congrats on getting that 5 down - and playing without sheet in front of you. Have a great holiday bubba.
  13. Oh yeah? You're the intangible awesomeness! wait . . . huh?
  14. Wait- Your a dorcinus. (dork-ee-ness)
  15. Nobody?! Wow. Okay, it's mine . . . You're a 20th century French organ.
  16. Almost done moving. Man, what a pain! Good thing I'm only moving a few miles.
  17. I believe I will fall back to my sig on this one.
  18. http://www.meatmalletstudios.com/graphics/_tshirt/full/gluesniffer.jpg
  19. Every little breeze seems to whisper . . . Flank?
  20. LMAO!! Happy Fathers day you freakin' ape!!
  21. Think about that a minute Skipper. Consider the cost of dating as opposed to a one time expense. Of course there is the occasional need for a tire patch and rubber cement but, really . . . Nicely done BTW
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