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I'm in some room with Metallica and they are practicing. I asked Jamez if I could pick up one of his guitars and join in. He said, "sure"!


But when I asked him for a thin pic- his were customized, he said it would cost me $1.00! :P


I opened my wallet but only had a 5, and he didn't have any change. With that I remembered the pic I always carry with me in my wallet and used it.


WEIRD, huh??? :freak:


Have you had any weird ones lately which make you ask, "Where in THE HECK did THAT come from!?!" :D


Have a Blessed Christmas!!! :thu:

"Treat your wife with honor, respect, and understanding as you live together so that you can pray effectively as husband and wife." 1 Peter 3:7


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I always have VH dreams where I hang with Eddie and talk about music and guitars. I have had Alex dreams too cuz I worship him just as much on drums. It is ridiculous I know, but sometimes I wake up and think I hung with Eddie all night. I have had dreams where I call Eddie and the whole time I am like, "I am talking to Eddie Van Halen!!" I always feel cheated when I wake up because I have 1 amp, 3 guitars and I am not 'buddies' with any of my guitar heros. :o )
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the other day i dreamt i was smokin some grass at a friends house, and i was really stoned, and i got really tired and fell asleep. And i dreamed something completely different in that dream, and then i woke up in my bed and thought i was really awake, but i wasnt, but then i woke up again, for real though.
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I love dreams. I don't try to interpret them...any more than I try to read between the lines in the life I live during the day. In dreams I can, and have, experienced a lot of cool things that I'd never get to in day to day life.


Now, I know what you all are thinking..."Yeah, nudge nudge, wink wink...banging Angelina Jolie"...but, truth be told, my own dreams are very, very rarely sexual in nature. More often adventurous, although, the adventure doesn't often make sense. Thing that amazes me about dreams is how it seems that oftentimes you'll be talking to someone, say your best buddy Jim, for example...and then it will change to someone else, but it will still suppose to be your best buddy Jim.


I really wish I could explore the world of dreams more deeply...not necessarily in an interpretive way...I'm not sold on that idea either. I've had some very real and awake-like dreams. And, the funny thing of it is...a lot of times I remember my dreams while I'm awake about as well as I remember being awake when I'm dreaming. Parallel realities, perhaps ;) ? Fun to think about anyway...

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Originally posted by flagshipmile:

I also have alot of Tornado dreams. Like multiple tornadoes.


Usually peaceful dreams though, with an element of fear like a rollercoaster.

Same here... and dreams of multiple suns in the sky.


When I was kid, I ALWAYS had dreams of Bigfoot. Of course, I was into him big time along with UFO's and such.


I think the BEST dreams have got to be those flying dreams! :thu:

"Treat your wife with honor, respect, and understanding as you live together so that you can pray effectively as husband and wife." 1 Peter 3:7


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another one to mention... dreaming of some GREAT guitar riff you just came up with.


I used to keep a recorder near my bed so I could hum the riff as soon as I woke up. You know how it is... you would soon forget how it went. There were also times when I went straight for my guitar and recorded the riff from my dream. :thu: But still, it sounded so much better in the dream! :P

"Treat your wife with honor, respect, and understanding as you live together so that you can pray effectively as husband and wife." 1 Peter 3:7


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Originally posted by flagshipmile:

I also have alot of Tornado dreams. Like multiple tornadoes.


Usually peaceful dreams though, with an element of fear like a rollercoaster.

Dang! I've awakened from two tornado dreams in the past few weeks. In one, I knew it was headed almost straight for us, in a car, but the path was so erratic it seemed useless to try and drive away, so we parked and waited. There wasn't the "roaring train" sound one associates with nearby tornadoes, but for just a fraction of a second I heard a "ffffffft" sound, as though it's reach had just touched us. But the car didn't even shake. Somehow I knew that if I stayed still we'd be ok. I was nervous, but certainly not scared as one would be in such a situation.



It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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I love to dream and like Tedster, I have stopped trying to interpret them. I've had a lot of wierd dreams, but there is one recurring elevator dream that I have several times a year. It's always a differentr elevator in different buildings with different people, but the elevator is going up and starts to swing uncontrolablly from side to side. Then it passes the top floor of the building and just keeps going, but somehow, we're still in the building.


I remember reading in in the book "Journey To Ixtlan" by Carlos Castaneda that if you can remember to look at your hands while you dream, you shift the focus from the dream's surroundings and you will be then in control inside your dream. I never remember to look...



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I'm a huge movie fan (my collection numbers over 500). My dreams always seem to be "all night dreams". They always have very detailed plots and follow a very intricate story line.


The dreams I hate are the ones where you can't remember anything from the dream (or nightmare), but you have a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach. Then, you spend most of the morning feeling like something terrible has happened.

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Way back when Rush released the song "Spirit of Radio" I was figuring it out by ear but there was one part that I couldn't get. I had a dream sometime during that week that I met the members of Rush and after getting over the shock of that I remembered to ask Alex Lifeson how to play that part. Sadly, when I woke up I couldn't remember what he showed me!?!



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If you want to really have some "out there" dreams, try this....put on a nicotine patch and take some Nyquil before you got o bed. Last February I was trying to quit smoking so I was using the patch and I had a cold....Man, did I have some weird dreams. I was getting Sleep Paralysis on a regular basis. It was great!


Last night I dreamed I was making Tacos for Christmas dinner ( :confused: ), and I had a big line of people waitng for a Taco. I don't know where all those people came from or who they were. For some reason I kept getting ketchup ( :confused: ) on my this one kid's Taco and he hated ketchup and was really getting pissed at me.

"And so I definitely, when I have a daughter, I have a lot of good advice for her."

~Paris Hilton




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I dream frequently. Very detailed and usually in bright colors. Once I was dreaming about being in a battle or war type scene. It went on and on. There was an incoming round of some kind that we watched descend on us. When it hit I was jolted awake by a crash. The clock radio had fallen off the nightstand. Apparently, my brain instantly constructed the whole dream to make 'sense' of the sound. In the dream it seemed like an hour of events lead up the crash. In reality, it had to have been an instantaneous mind creation that was projected backwards along a 'time' line. That's the way I always thought of it anyway...
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I had a weird guitar dream the other day where I was puttin gheavy strings on some shitbox classical guitar and the guita buckled until it looked like a miniature staircase. The neck was actually hollow and there were cracks running under the fretboard and you could see inside them. I suppose somebody would say it was some sort of Freudian thing, but I'm not so sure because next up, I dreamt of putting new strings on a Gibson Ripper Bass, only whoever had put them on before had done a really bad job so that the strings didn't match the slots on the nut. It was most frustrating.


I only have a couple of recurring dreams, ie they happen occasionally over the years. In one I am in an office full of phones and am trying to answer them but I never answer the right one. In the other I'm driving at night through these huge boulevards, there are parks and stuff on the sides. It's quite beautiful, it's like gliding. I suppose it's a variant on a flying dream.


I used to get them a lot more frequently before I became motorized. But now that I've been riding a bicycle full time for the past five years they occur about once every six months.

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Originally posted by Grandad Geoff:

I just wish I could remember mine!!!!





I hear Vitamin B12 is good for remembering dreams. Check into that.


The dreams I wish I had everynight are the ones that involve a now dead former bandmate from high school. He taught me a lot about being a non-conformist and having a mind of your own. Alcohol and weed killed him. Well the hood of his '64 Impala did, but... In the dreams, we're always so glad to see each other. He yells, "Guuuuug!" and gives me a huge hug.


Also, dreams where I see my Grandpa are great. Grandma is still alive (barely), and the last time I saw him in a dream, he said to me, "Does your wife have a hard time saying 'Good-bye'". I said, "You have no idea!". And he smiled knowingly. He's waiting for her very patiently.


Man, those are precious dreams.




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i hate when i cant remember them because i feel theres sometimes important information in them that i should hang on to. Usually though if i think real hard and for a long time i can remember the just of them. WOuldnt it be crazy to be able to record them? I could see it happening...
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Originally posted by Steevo:

I dream frequently. Very detailed and usually in bright colors. Once I was dreaming about being in a battle or war type scene. It went on and on. There was an incoming round of some kind that we watched descend on us. When it hit I was jolted awake by a crash. The clock radio had fallen off the nightstand. Apparently, my brain instantly constructed the whole dream to make 'sense' of the sound. In the dream it seemed like an hour of events lead up the crash. In reality, it had to have been an instantaneous mind creation that was projected backwards along a 'time' line. That's the way I always thought of it anyway...

Fascinating. I agree...that is strange, and I've experienced similar things.
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Had one last night that I was at my sisters party in her loft(of course she doesn't live in a loft, but...) and David Bowie and his wife were there. Turns out they live across the hall. I have a ton of music DVD's and offered to loan him some. It ended when he asked if I had any of his DVD's, which I do not..ooops.
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Originally posted by Museeip:

Had one last night that I was at my sisters party in her loft(of course she doesn't live in a loft, but...) and David Bowie and his wife were there. Turns out they live across the hall. I have a ton of music DVD's and offered to loan him some. It ended when he asked if I had any of his DVD's, which I do not..ooops.

Live long and prosper unless it is a good day to die.
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Last week, I had two separate dreams, in the same night, with a similar thought.

In the first one, I had been away from home for a while (funny- the dreams occurred while we were all out of town) and my son had forgotten to take down a phone message from some woman who wanted to talk to me. Something about music. He was on the other line or something and couldn't be bothered. I woke up before I could kill him.


The second dream was that my WIFE had forgotten to give me a phone message, and remembered it like a week or two later. But it was from Anthony Sallee (bassist for White Heart, Michael W Smith, etc; whom I've met & corresponded with in the past) and he was referring me to someone. I call back and get transfered to one of the singers in Point Of Grace (maybe the lady who called in my other dream?) and they need me to play bass on a tour with them. So I go... but end up playing on a cruise boat with Peter Frampton, and Tree 63, and a song with Point Of Grace.

When I got home, there were no messages for me. :freak:

Oh well, back to reality...

"Am I enough of a freak to be worth paying to see?"- Separated Out (Marillion)

NEW band Old band


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