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OT/Spam - My band needs your votes!


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Hey, I know this is pretty much spam but desperate times call for desperate measures. My band is currently in this Boston battle of the bands, and we just played round two of the battle. The winners are determined by judges (who can give you up to 300 points) and the online voting (which gets you 100 points, winner take all).


My band, Moxie Fever, was doing pretty well until like an hour ago, when one band just took off like 15%! I would really appreciate it and owe you all one if you guys would take 2 secs and vote for Moxie Fever here.


If you want to know who you're voting for you can check us out @ moxiefever.com


To make it up to ya, I'll post our Christmas song as soon as we finish it.



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Just voted for ya mate.

I wasn't going to if the soundclips from your website didn't please my ear, but guess what?..........they did! Shame I can't get to see you, as I'm in England, but from what I've heard you sound great! Looks like it's a 3 way tussle, as the votes stand at the moment, so GOOD LUCK ! :thu:

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I listened to that x-mas song. It was great. Did not sound rushed.


I like that you guys made an original x-mas song and didn't do a tired standard.




I hope you win the competition. I just didn't feel right voting without listening to the other bands.


Best wishes and merry x-mas.

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Yes! We made it to the 3rd round (out of 4) of the battle. Turns out the internet voting was NOT winner take all, instead it was:


1st - 100 points

2nd - 90

3rd - 80


So we got 80 points in addition to whatever the judges gave us (which was not disclosed). So, thanks indeed for the votes!


I'm willing to bet we'll rock our way to the finals.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, we made it past this voting thing to 3rd round as stated above. We played the 4th round and rocked it up to our usual standards, but we did not move forward. The bands that move forward are the bands that brought the biggest crowd of drinkers, which I guess makes sense from the bar's point of view.


We're not bitter though, at that point we were sick of playing this billiard's club, and the prizes were not that significant to lose any sleep over. We did make it out of there with some connections with other bands/booking agents, so that's a victory by itself.


And now, for all you guys' support I'll give you some pictures of us at CBGB's:







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