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New toy!

Lee Flier

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Well, it's been awhile since I've bought any new gear, I've been too broke. But lately the money situation's been looking up a bit, so what am I doing? Shopping for gear of course! :D


So yesterday I went into my local "cool shop that sells lots of vintage stuff" in search of the holy grail of flangers/rotary effects. In truth, I was all set to buy a Univibe, and promptly hooked one up to try it out. Well... wasn't what I wanted. It was nice but just didn't make me go all gooey, as proper wobbly things are supposed to do. :D


But the store guys, who know what I'm into, said, "Have a look at this, I bet you'll like it." Turns out they had a Ross flanger from the 70's. Now I had heard about these things, supposedly very similar to the classic MXR flanger sound only maybe even better. But had never actually messed with one.


Welllll I tried this puppy out with my Les Paul and oohhhhhh baby!!! Instant goo. Just warm, thick, creamy gooey flangey warbly stuff. This is why flangers exist! Needless to say it is mine and I am now happily recording stuff with it. See you guys later - MUCH later! :wave::D

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As I watched EVH last week in Portland I kept thinking to myself that I need to get me a flanger! Way to go, Lee. BTW, I just bought a Univibe copy (Voodoo Labs Microvibe), but I unfortunatley have been too busy to play with it. Hey, I have time now if I can just get my nerdy ass off of these forums :idea: .
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That's great, Lee! Sounds like a few years ago, when I picked up an old Electro Harmonix Small Stone phaser that I just loved!


I'm pretty sure that I used to have a Ross flanger myself a long time ago, someone gave it to me, and I gave it away to someone else after a while! Not that there was anything wrong with it, we just took a lot of used pedals for granted back then...

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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I still can't believe Lee bought a flanger. Are you running a fever, Lee? (Aside to store clerks under breath) "Pssst...hey, bring out that drum machine, see if she'll buy it...quick, before she comes to her senses"...


Have YOU seen Junior's GRADES?

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Originally posted by moeblues04:

Originally posted by Lee Flier:

Just warm, thick, creamy gooey flangey warbly stuff.

This gets my vote for most descriptive sentence in a post for 2004.
I'll second that nomination, and cast my vote for it at the same time :rolleyes:


It makes me want to go out and try a flanger right now, and I don't even think I like them :freak:

Gotta' geetar... got the amp. There must be SOMEthing else I... "need".
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I had a Ross flanger it was pinkish with

a built in chord,very noisy pedal but some

cool sounds.I used that and a Ross distortion

for a long time,and practically gave it away

to buy a crappy zoom 2020.

The story of life is quicker then the blink of an eye, the story of love is hello, goodbye.
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Originally posted by Tedster HoffMunster:



I still can't believe Lee bought a flanger. Are you running a fever, Lee?

LOL... yeah, I know when most people think "flanger" they think Van Halen, or "Life in the Fast Lane" type jet plane sounds. That's NOT what I like to use them for! And in fact, the Ross isn't as good at those kinds of sounds as some other models, because it really rolls off the high frequencies a lot. To me, that's a GOOD thing. It really does approximate the sound of using your finger on the flange of a tape reel to change the pitch... which all you old-timers know is how the "flanger" came into being in the first place.


A good flanger is really a flexible beast, you can approximate a Leslie sound with it quite well, among other things. This particular one is just really rich sounding, and it can be used in a subtle way to great effect... I used it last night to double a solo for example. The "featured" track has no flanger but the double just "behind" it does... it sounds waaayyy cool.


Yes the Ross is noisy - you can hear it warbling through the amp even when you're not playing (of course you can just press the foot switch to put a stop to that)! But as if I've ever let a little noise stop me! :D In fact, I've noticed that when it comes to guitar gear, the more effort is made to make something "quiet" the more likely it is to suck the life out of the tone. I'll take my "buzzy" P-90's over humbuckers, and my "hissy" Echoplex over "quiet" digital delays, any day of the week!


I'll post some sound clips of the new toy when I get a chance!

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