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I'm back


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My internet connection has been screwed up for the past week (the last 4 days it simply stopped working all together). So I'm going to spend the next day or two trying to catch up on what's been going on here. I am recently unemployed (as of yesterday), so I should have some time for it. :(


I'm actually glad to be rid of this job - it's been making me miserable for the past year. It's just a little scary not having that regular paycheck anymore. At least I still have freelance work.


In happier news, my band has it's first gig this coming Sunday (I put a post about it here a couple of weeks back). :) I think we're ready, but you never know...


Anyways, I just wanted to let folks know I was around again (assuming anyone actually noticed I was gone :rolleyes: ).



May all your thoughts be random!

- Neil






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Sorry to hear about your job. Hopefully after this weekend's gig you'll get signed to a multi-million dollar record deal and you'll share some of the dough with your favorite forumites (and me). http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/23/23_29_110.gif

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So.. I was the only Neil online for the past few days?? Figures. My parents were in and I was barely online this past weekend. Next time call me so I know to pick up the slack. There must be a Neil (And that's N-e-i-l!) as an active presence everyday! ;)


Sorry about your job...


Sounds like you have some free time to come visit Nashville, though! :thu:


No?!? :(

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Heck, Neil McGuit...now you can put together that prog-fusion-Scottish-Klezmer band you've always been talking aboot!


Seriously, good luck on the job hunting. It sucks.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Originally posted by fantasticsound:

So.. I was the only Neil online for the past few days?? Figures. My parents were in and I was barely online this past weekend. Next time call me so I know to pick up the slack. There must be a Neil (And that's N-e-i-l!) as an active presence everyday! ;)


Well... I was gonna email you, but... :P

May all your thoughts be random!

- Neil






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Thanks for the thoughts everybody.


Ted -

Originally posted by Tedster:

Heck, Neil McGuit...now you can put together that prog-fusion-Scottish-Klezmer band you've always been talking aboot!


(I might just try it though...)

May all your thoughts be random!

- Neil






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Good to see ya back Neil! And glad you're rid of that job, work really does tend to get in the way of guitar playing. :D


Of course, lack of work gets in the way of your GAS, but hey, life is always a trade off. :)

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Howdy Hi, and welcome back aboard this ship of guitar playin' fools. Any prospects for a new day gig, or are you lookin'?

Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.





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I haven't really jumped into the search yet. I figured I'd take a couple of days to kind of "decompress" a bit first. I've got some freelance work lined up, so I won't be too strapped for cash very soon, so I'm going to take my time with it a little.

May all your thoughts be random!

- Neil






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