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Happy Birthday Canada!

A String

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Yeah! Let's all have a beer or two and toast good ol' Canadia, and watch the Southpark movie! ;):D:thu:


Happy Birthday, Canada! Long may you... uh... be there in the North! Yeah! >CLINK<

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Originally posted by bluestrat:

Well, I'd say that being from Canada is better than being from, say, Boston ;) Damn Yankees! :mad::D


Happy 1st of July for our neighbors to the north of Maine.

Ouch! :mad: It's only July 1. Stienbrenner's heavy sedation will wear off any day now....the demands begin...the cracks show...it all implodes... :evil:
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Originally posted by A String:

Originally posted by bluestrat:

Happy 1st of July for our neighbors to the north of Maine.

I'm a little south of Maine I belive...what about me?
Ok, let me ammend that to say anyone north of Lake Erie.


a.k.a. "El Guapo" ;)


...Better fuzz through science...



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Although I go on my anti-Canada tirades from time to time (damn CRTC), today is a day to reflect on the fact that we (and our friends south of the 49th) live in the greatest part of the world.


Just watch a few minutes of world news coverage from the Middle East and Africa, and realize how great we have it over here.


I think most of the time we take it for granted. This weekend is a great opportunity to sit back, play a little guitar, and appreciate how lucky we are to have the freedom to do that.

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Originally posted by billster:

Originally posted by bluestrat:

Well, I'd say that being from Canada is better than being from, say, Boston ;) Damn Yankees! :mad::D


Happy 1st of July for our neighbors to the north of Maine.

Ouch! :mad: It's only July 1. Stienbrenner's heavy sedation will wear off any day now....the demands begin...the cracks show...it all implodes... :evil:


Let me appologize. I'm sorry you're a yankee. :(;):D


a.k.a. "El Guapo" ;)


...Better fuzz through science...



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Originally posted by Wes from Winnipeg:

Although I go on my anti-Canada tirades from time to time (damn CRTC), today is a day to reflect on the fact that we (and our friends south of the 49th) live in the greatest part of the world.


Just watch a few minutes of world news coverage from the Middle East and Africa, and realize how great we have it over here.


I think most of the time we take it for granted. This weekend is a great opportunity to sit back, play a little guitar, and appreciate how lucky we are to have the freedom to do that.

My brother in law comes home tomorrow from a one year hitch in Guantanamo with the National Guard. so you don't have to remind our family how fortunate we are.


An happy Victoria Day. My grandfather was a church minister in Nova Scotia, and my dad was born there. Does that make me an honorary Canadian?

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Originally posted by Wes from Winnipeg:

Although I go on my anti-Canada tirades from time to time (damn CRTC), today is a day to reflect on the fact that we (and our friends south of the 49th) live in the greatest part of the world.


Just watch a few minutes of world news coverage from the Middle East and Africa, and realize how great we have it over here.


I think most of the time we take it for granted. This weekend is a great opportunity to sit back, play a little guitar, and appreciate how lucky we are to have the freedom to do that.

It's not exactly luck. People died for us to have the freedoms that we do in this part of the world. Freedom ain't free.


a.k.a. "El Guapo" ;)


...Better fuzz through science...



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Originally posted by Guitarzan:

shit Bill i didn't know you had a little Nova Scotian in ya!!

I've only visited once. We went to Lunenberg, where grandfather's church was/is. Went to services at the church. It's absolutely beautiful there. Went to Mahone Bay, Peggy's Cove, the Ovens.


I have to get back and take the Mrs. and mini-me. Maybe in a few years when the little one can appreciate things.

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My girlfriend's Canadian (Newfie), so we'll be celebrating from now thru Monday! (Like we need an excuse to drink :rolleyes: )


The pisser is we can't get Molson Canadian around here anymore. Molson Ale, Molson Ice, yeah (which we don't care for), but no Canadian. :cry:


Guess we'll have to settle for Moosehead. ;)

band link: bluepearlband.com

music, lessons, gig schedules at dennyf.com


STURGEON'S LAW --98% of everything is bullshit.


My Unitarian Jihad Name is: The Jackhammer of Love and Mercy.

Get yours.

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Well seeing as im still here and im still Canadian (at least last time i checked)




This is the time to wear my "Canadians kick AXE" shirt EH!




Beer, Girls, Beer, Girls, Beer, Girls WOOOOOOO!!!


Thank you to all the Americans who remembered that Canada actually does exist!!! Merci EH!


In conclusion, I am a Walrus and my Watch is Happy!

YtseJam your Majesty!
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Happy Victoria Day
Er, well thank you, but today is not Victoria Day. Victoria day is the celebration of Queen Victoria's birthday, a day most Canadians wouldn't give a damn about were it not for the day off work, or even better double pay....


Today is Canada Day, the celebration of confederation in 1867.

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Originally posted by billster:

Ouch! :mad: It's only July 1. Stienbrenner's heavy sedation will wear off any day now....the demands begin...the cracks show...it all implodes... :evil:

Tonight's Yankees game VS the Sox:



Happy Canada Day to our cool friends up North!

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A joke I got from the National Lampoon Radio Hour many years ago;


Question: What do you say to a Canadian who has come into some money?


answer: "Bring me back a carton of Marlboro Lights!"

Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.





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