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Well, let's see... There is a talented band who is being featured in leading publications with a large following that is out doing something with their lives, and a couple of people with nothing better to do with themselves than post insulting comments about other people.


No one's listening guys.

Get out and get a girlfriend.

And if you ever plan to pursue a music career, you better watch whose feet you step on.

"Life Isn't About Finding Yourself. Life is about creating yourself."
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Oh come on Kyra. Lighten up.


I've heard of promotion and marketing, but that press release has to be the most over the top blather I've seen in years.


This also is not a marketing forum. It's a discussion group for musicians who want opinion on their work, and on approaches to things they want to try, whether it's music, equipment, or other stuff.


As far as having a life, many of the members here have achieved some success with their music without having an agent blast over the top spiel. Many support themselves and their families through their music.


And as far as threatening us with talk of whose toes were stepping on...please.


How about having David post up a sample tune or two on the Master Music Post and stick around to talk about the challenge of self-producing a CD. I'd wager he could win more fans showing some of his work, and discussing it in human terms instead having you flack away about how he's a "mastermind". "Mastermind" is the word they use describe comic book villains.

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Originally posted by DIAMOND DUST:

I have a life, thank you!! :D



Esteban Rules!


I love the new package he's selling with the Martin knock-off and DVD lesson set. The guitar he's selling actually sounds pretty good in his hands.

Mudcat's music on Soundclick


"Work hard. Rock hard. Eat hard. Sleep hard. Grow big. Wear glasses if you need 'em."-The Webb Wilder Credo-

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...from the other post

Originally posted by guitar geezer:

Well, since our semi-official greeter is not in at the moment, I will quote Caevin

Hey, welcome to the forum!

Please stick around, hang-out from time to time; you'll find a lot of great and knowledgeable folks around hear, get to know 'em! It's kinda like a virtual pub next door to a guitar shop here.

(Being more than a hit-and run poster will endear you to other Forum members, who may be inclined to disfavorably view a single-post music-link as free advertising. For that matter, we've got a dedicated "Music Post"-thread here, too; general protocol around here happily allows for links and promotional material to be included in your "signature"-line.)

We do get a LOT of hit and run - 1 time promoter posters - hence the visual harassment. Now if David would like to drop in and chat, I am sure we could share a lot!


Lynn G
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i don't hang out on this forum to get bombarded with marketing, in fact i find this place a haven from it.


you didn't even lurk before you posted or you would know this. we are practically a family here. nobody sells their ambition to their family.


this forum is about what you GIVE not what you can GET. now please, by all means, hang out and give a little. but don't treat this place like a fucking flea market.


see, thing is, we've seen your type before, over and over. it's the same tired crap.


and as we have said before, no one walks into a bar boasting about how great they are... well, this is a virtual pub. think about it.


i'll be the first to admit i'm wrong about you, just add something of value.

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There's a lesson hidden somewhere in that statement :D

Originally posted by Mudcat:

Esteban Rules!

I love the new package he's selling with the Martin knock-off and DVD leson set. The guitar he's selling actually sound pretty good in his hands.

I used to think I was Libertarian. Until I saw their platform; now I know I'm no more Libertarian than I am RepubliCrat or neoCON or Liberal or Socialist.


This ain't no track meet; this is football.

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Originally posted by Mudcat:

Originally posted by DIAMOND DUST:

I have a life, thank you!! :D



Esteban Rules!


I love the new package he's selling with the Martin knock-off and DVD leson set. The guitar he's selling actually sound pretty good in his hands.

My neighbors grandson said he got a new guitar for his birthday, and he wanted me to give him lessons. He shows up with one of those bad boys. :D The action was so high that I could barely hold down a bar chord in the fifth position, and it wouldn't tune. I tried to adjust the truss rod, but no juice. I told him he got a dud. Poor guy, he was so happy to have a new guitar. :cry::cry:
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You miss the point Kyra or KyraJean.


You will not gain many "fans" posting spam here, if you bothered to look around for a while you'd have seen that.


This forum is geared towards guitarists. It's purpose is to enable guitarists to help each other when they have questions about the craft. People have gained insight into Etudes, technics gear, band problems, gigs and all sorts of other issues. You may be surprised to learn that some members of the forum are also highly skilled guitarists.


About your bit of spam, do you know how bad it read when the first sentence mentions that the record was done in a home studio and self-produced? That is almost by any professional standard and hurdle to overcome, not something to boast. He's been played on WSOU? Half of NJ has been, I think I've been played on SOU, not that I care to mention it, I'm no longer with the band and would hate to promote them.


He masters any instrument he picks up? Let me know how he does with Oboe. Hyperbole doesn't work when promoting one's self among PEERS.


Sorry, but you FIRST post sounds like spam for yet another Jersey shredder, we all know they're a dime a dozen. You've been "called" on your initial post, the next is up to you.


Michael Atonal Vick (apologies, dude, if I got your name wrong) has become a contributing member here after our collective fears that he was just a spammer. Let's hope you similarly join the community.


I've been playing since 1980, played my share of gigs in all sorts of situations and studied with some of the best in the area. Forgive me if I'm not knocked out by some guy with a home studio that has warmed up for Jackyl.

check out some comedy I've done:


My Unitarian Jihad Name: Brother Broadsword of Enlightened Compassion.

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Originally posted by FunkJazz:

this forum is about what you GIVE not what you can GET.

Right On!


Originally posted by FunkJazz:

no one walks into a bar boasting about how great they are

What is the old story about Yankee fans going to see a Yanks Red Sox game at Fenway Park?


After the Yankees win the game they walk into a bar full of Red Sox faith and one guy begins to boast. "The Red Sox suck, Yastremski is a joke, ... and another thing, the Bruins are a bunch of Fags".


The whole bar is silent and one guy gets up and says "you should take back what you said about the Bruins."


The drunken New Yorker says, "Why, you gonna make me?"


The guy, now walking over says, "Why? Because I play for the Bruins, and yes I am going to make you."

check out some comedy I've done:


My Unitarian Jihad Name: Brother Broadsword of Enlightened Compassion.

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BTW Kyra, life is not about finding "yourself". But rather finding Someone- God, Who is larger than yourself.


As a matter of fact, you need to have more than a "life", you need eternal life! For your present life will soon fade away. Then what???


And no, I ain't on crack... I'm on Christ!

He's the greatest high you will ever experience! :wave:

"Treat your wife with honor, respect, and understanding as you live together so that you can pray effectively as husband and wife." 1 Peter 3:7


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Originally posted by BiC:

BTW Kyra, life is not about finding "yourself". But rather finding Someone- God, Who is larger than yourself.


As a matter of fact, you need to have more than a "life", you need eternal life! For your present life will soon fade away. Then what???


And no, I ain't on crack... I'm on Christ!

He's the greatest high you will ever experience! :wave:



a.k.a. "El Guapo" ;)


...Better fuzz through science...



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Originally posted by BiC:

BTW Kyra, life is not about finding "yourself". But rather finding Someone- God, Who is larger than yourself.


As a matter of fact, you need to have more than a "life", you need eternal life! For your present life will soon fade away. Then what???


And no, I ain't on crack... I'm on Christ!

He's the greatest high you will ever experience! :wave:

I know I did! :thu:

Mudcat's music on Soundclick


"Work hard. Rock hard. Eat hard. Sleep hard. Grow big. Wear glasses if you need 'em."-The Webb Wilder Credo-

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As you all know- those who have been here as long as I have, I rarely bring religion into our discussions. That's because I'm no preacher, but rather a reacher.


But , I felt this one was warranted. ;)


God Bless! :wave:

"Treat your wife with honor, respect, and understanding as you live together so that you can pray effectively as husband and wife." 1 Peter 3:7


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I feel so ashamed :cry:

I hadn't read that first post from Kyra until just now, and I actually posted a reply on this thread.


BUT WAIT!.......NOW I see the light! NOW I see what the fuss is all about. And NOW.. sorry guys... I AM SELLING ALL THAT I HAVE AND JOINING THIS MUSICAL GENUIS IF HE WILL HAVE ME! ALAS!




Maybe I can play bass or rhythmn FOR THIS MASTERMIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Good bye all! Farewell!!!!!!!!!!!

Goodbye wife and kids... goodbye world ( gun shot..)



...touched down in the land of the Delta Blues.....in the middle of the pouring rain....
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Originally posted by BiC:

As you all know- those who have been here as long as I have, I rarely bring religion into our discussions. That's because I'm no preacher, but rather a reacher.


But , I felt this one was warranted. ;)


God Bless! :wave:



I wasn't refering to your post with my comment. I was trying to poke some fun at the the title & original post on this thread.

Major apologies if I didn't make that clear. :(

May all your thoughts be random!

- Neil






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Originally posted by NMcGuitar:

Originally posted by BiC:

As you all know- those who have been here as long as I have, I rarely bring religion into our discussions. That's because I'm no preacher, but rather a reacher.


But , I felt this one was warranted. ;)


God Bless! :wave:



I wasn't refering to your post with my comment. I was trying to poke some fun at the the title & original post on this thread.

Major apologies if I didn't make that clear. :(

I didn't even have your post in mind when I posted. My reply wasn't prompted by anyone's post. It was of my own free will. :)


Don't worry... it's all good! :wave:

"Treat your wife with honor, respect, and understanding as you live together so that you can pray effectively as husband and wife." 1 Peter 3:7


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My neighbors grandson said he got a new guitar for his birthday, and he wanted me to give him lessons. He shows up with one of those bad boys. :D The action was so high that I could barely hold down a bar chord in the fifth position, and it wouldn't tune. I tried to adjust the truss rod, but no juice. I told him he got a dud. Poor guy, he was so happy to have a new guitar. :cry::cry: [/QB]


That's a shame, I thought you were going to rave about it. And it was one of Esteban's? :(

You're destroying my faith in infomercials man! :cry: Hope the little guy can get a halfway decent guitar and not turn sour on guitars! :(

...touched down in the land of the Delta Blues.....in the middle of the pouring rain....
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