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Nord Stage vs Nord Electro!


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Hi! I am sorry but I do not understand this thing:


are there any disadvantades from the stage to the electro?

I mean everything on the stage (i talk about the CompactModel with the Electro Keyboard) is better ot equal like on the electro. Isn't it???



Why do lots of people say that the electro has a better organ (Remember: Compard to the Stage COMPACT!) than the stage an some better sounding EPianos???


Also there is a discussion to get the new organ sound from the new 2manual clavia keyboard also on the electro but not on the stage!!


Can you help me here?



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Originally posted by Killerloop:

Hi! I am sorry but I do not understand this thing:


are there any disadvantades from the stage to the electro?

I mean everything on the stage (i talk about the CompactModel with the Electro Keyboard) is better ot equal like on the electro. Isn't it???



Why do lots of people say that the electro has a better organ (Remember: Compard to the Stage COMPACT!) than the stage an some better sounding EPianos???


Also there is a discussion to get the new organ sound from the new 2manual clavia keyboard also on the electro but not on the stage!!


Can you help me here?



This has been discussed in great detail - please use the Search feature and see what questions are not answered.


I've owned both (and posted thousands of words about them). In a nutshell, the Nord Stage is like an Electro on steroids.




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Electro does have a sweepable EQ that allows you to dial in some extra bark on rhodes and clav sounds.


Stage has 3 band fixed EQ in conjunction with 3 amp simulations, plus separate bass and treble EQ for the synth.


While the 3 band EQ is modelled differently for each amp sim, you still can't tune it by hand to taste.


That is the ONLY advantage to Electro. In every other sense, the Stage is equivalent or superior.




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One big feature lacking from the Electro is reverb.


The Stage is an all around bigger and better keyboard, as you've been told. It appeared years after the Electro, so it has newer technology. The big factor is the piano--the Stage has a very good Rompler piano. The Electro's piano is questionable and not really a good choice for acoustic stuff. Also, the keys are not weighted, at least on the short board I've played--don't know about the bigger board.


The action on the Stage is weighted, though it does not feel like an acoustic, but rather a cross between acoustic and synth. It reminds me a little of the feel of my old CP30, if that means anything to you.


Both have very good Hammond and Leslie sims. The Rhodes and Wurly sounds are good on both. The synth on the Stage is both easy and fun to play.


If only that color weren't so garish...I always feel like I'm on Hullabaloo when I look down at it. I wonder if that old band jacket with the short velvet collar still fits?




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