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thanks for pointing that out. i heard a bit about that on the radio this morning when the alarm went off, though i wasnt sure what actually happend.


i just did some some post reading on some other forums about this and it looks like she's lose some fans over this.



i used to think she 'faith' was the hottest thing since sliced bread, and she does alwasy come off as the sweet souther girl....


im not sure what to think actually, my first thought was she assumed she was going to win 'not because of her ego' but because 'someone' had given her the impression 'inside-info'that she was going to, thats why she was so shocked,.. i personally belive all these awards are fixed anywhow.... too much fame and money on the line for them not to be...


or, fame has gotten to her and her ego assumed she was going to win... and was shocked that she didnt... you can see buy her 'suprised raise of her hands' at first, that her reaction was prepared for winning


or, it was more, what the fuxk is carrie doing winning when shes up against me, martina, sara and even gretchen....... its very likley the other gals were thinking the same thing faith thought...


it will be interesting to see if faith makes an 'official' comment .....

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hmm.. interesting points.


i think it looked staged and funny. any one else?


but in all it's rather ambiguous. But I reckon she'd have a great sense of humour.


Otherwise, no real loss, just shows she's human. I mean kudos to her for displaying what many probably thought in their minds.

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glen beck just showed it on his show, cnn headline prime...


Erica Hill,(on cnn) "who I think is pretty hot herself" sais, that faith sais it was just a joke and she called carrie after the show to apologize and there is no issues between faith and carrie

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These are the ones I'm going with:

fame has gotten to her and her ego assumed she was going to win... and was shocked that she didnt... you can see buy her 'suprised raise of her hands' at first, that her reaction was prepared for winning


or, it was more, what the fuxk is carrie doing winning when shes up against me, martina, sara and even gretchen.

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Originally posted by HomeAmateur:

glen beck just showed it on his show, cnn headline prime...


Erica Hill,(on cnn) "who I think is pretty hot herself" sais, that faith sais it was just a joke and she called carrie after the show to apologize and there is no issues between faith and carrie

ahaha cool


let's give her the benefit of the doubt aye?

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Awards shows. :freak::rolleyes:


If I were nominated, I might go for the party and the socializing, but who seriously cares who wins these things? Awards for best art. Bah!


(And I think F. Hill's "reaction" was playing around. Don't you love how people blow this all up? I guess they need something to talk about.)

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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I agree about this being blown out of proportion. If anything I think the big story should be 'Celebrity honesty'.


If you watch that video of her a few times and look at her body and facial language (not in a sexual way for once :) ) to me its obvious that she WAS NOT joking and it was her HONEST reaction. Watch her closely and she looks/acts like she was 'expecting to win.


Im not convinced it was 'ego' though, my guess is that 'someone' had planted the seed to her that she was going to win, which is why her body language showed she was expecting to win, and her reaction was such a strong one that she didnt.


However in any case, I think it was an honest reaction and I think she should get an award for THAT.


Blah, blah blah about being happy for the other person wining, thats bull shxt and everyone knows it. Of course she wanted to win, not only for the acknowledgement/ego boost/whatever, also wining obviously helps their carear.


Anyways, her story is that she was 'playing', which I think she is saying because such a big deal is being made of this.


I think as a whole we are all becoming so 'politically correct' brain washed that we can no longer 'be ourselves'. (probably worthy of a whole other thread) So what if she was pissed, she should be able to show what she was 'really' feeling (the way most anyone would) without being bashed for it, instead of being 'almost forced' based on todays politically correct facade most people live by and have to 'act' happy that she lost.....


It bothers me more when they show all the 'losers' that didnt win with a big FAKE smile on there face clapping away like they couldnt be happier.


I would rather see them all react more honestly like Faith did.


In a more general note. Ive noticed that this forum is not to big on country music. Actually Im a bit suprised by that because 'todays country music' is probably closer to 'classic rock' then rock is today.


In fact I think the 'new fad' won't so much be country atrist 'crossing over' to rock it will be the other way around.


Kid Rock is dappling with country, Bob Seger, Bon Jovi I believe is coming out with a 'country-ish' cd...etc etc....


Anyways, I think the line between country, rock and pop is getting thinner and thinner....

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I agree that her reaction was an honest one, and that she wasn't joking at all. Kanye West did something similar recently in Europe; storming the stage of the awards show and grabbing the mic away from the winners to protest his loss.


That said, I'm bothered that anyone takes themselves that seriously. The huge egos astound me. In a world where people are dying by the millions, where starvation and mere survival are a daily struggle, and corporate greed takes precedence over anything and everything, I think that all celebs need to get a grip and realize that despite what the media says, it's not all about them.

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Well, I guess this goes to show that two sets of people can view the identical evidence and draw diamettrically opposite opinions. There is no way to confirm either assertion. It's a shame that no one, no matter how ethically upstanding they've been in both their personal and public lives, can be taken at face value.


And you can't compare this to Kanye West's stunt, which I think was either a carefully orchestrated contingency plan or the result of being a drunk ass.

"For instance" is not proof.


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I couldnt agree more. I could go on and on about that subject but Ill spare ya all of that for once.


Ill just add this though, we live in a sociaty where we pay people millions of dollars to 'play sports' or act on tv/movies etc etc...


The same sociaty where most our fire and rescue companies are voluntary because we cant pay them anything to save our lives....


Tell me we dont have our priorities completely fxxked up


and forget about the millions of homeless and starving IN AMERICA ... Im so sick of orginations trying to get you to send money overseas,.....WHY are they NOT HELPING the people in there own dam back yard.....


getting way off the thread subject I guess....but I had to comment....

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Originally posted by HomeAmateur:

Ill just add this though, we live in a sociaty where we pay people millions of dollars to 'play sports' or act on tv/movies etc etc...

In fact, the entertainment industry comprises the merest fraction of the economy. In fact, about 7% of U.S. GDP is Gov't expenditure on healthcare.
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Originally posted by HomeAmateur:

I think as a whole we are all becoming so 'politically correct' brain washed that we can no longer 'be ourselves'. (probably worthy of a whole other thread) So what if she was pissed, she should be able to show what she was 'really' feeling (the way most anyone would) without being bashed for it, instead of being 'almost forced' based on todays politically correct facade most people live by and have to 'act' happy that she lost.....

I suppose it isn't the job of an entertainer to 'be themselves' but to entertain. Having said that, I think it is ridiculous how people start to be judged on how well they handle PR, rather than who they are, and moreover, how effective they are at their job.



Originally posted by HomeAmateur:

Ive noticed that this forum is not to big on country music.

To be honest, I'm not a huge fan of the 'style,' but a song like 'The Way You Love Me' (Faith Hill) is a solid piece of songwriting, absolutely no question. I think Nashville is about the only big remaining centre of 'outside' songwriters and has lots of good session musicians too.


Originally posted by HomeAmateur:

Actually Im a bit suprised by that because 'todays country music' is probably closer to 'classic rock' then rock is today.

Oh, how so?
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:D I like beer. :thu:


Besides, they interviewed a guy from Missouri the other day after the elections.


He said he voted - "because if you don't vote, you have no right to complain... AND I DO LIKE TO COMPLAIN!" :D:P


Yes. I like beer. :thu:

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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People, let's focus on the truly important things going on in the world, can we? :rolleyes:


Britney filed for divorce from "K-Fed"!!! :eek: Who cares what Faith Hill may or may not have done?




Okay, we now return this thread to it's previously scheduled dialogue. :wave:

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Originally posted by Sven Golly:

People, let's focus on the truly important things going on in the world, can we? :rolleyes:


Eggg zak lee :thu:


Az I said, I like beer. :P


Can I hear a "AMEN"? :)


Thank you.

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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I agree this doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, but its fun to talk about! :)


If it was an honest reaction, all this talk about being "true" is off the mark, in my opinion. I believe the correct term is "sore loser". If she was joking, well, it came across about as well as Kerry's joke. :D


True story: My jazz group won a couple local awards for our last record. They had a big ceremony, many local bands played, they handed out awards, etc. My band played a real gig across town, then hauled ass to the awards show to play towards the end of it and we happened to win two awards.


After the show, we're in the parking lot loading up our stuff and gabbing and this guy comes up and says, "Hey, congratulations." I say, "Thanks." He says, "Yeah, I lost to you by only a few votes." "Oh?" I say, "that's too bad. Who's your band?" He looks at me all pissy and says, "Drew Nelson." I say, "What do you guys play?" He says, "No, I'm Drew Nelson. I played right before you guys on the stage."


He said something else along the lines of, "Yeah, so you beat me by a few votes and you don't even know me...that's great..." or something similair then walked away. I mean, I felt embarassed, but for Pete's sake, I was running around backstage like crazy, trying to load in a 425lbs Hammond B3 and get something to eat after already playing a full gig that night. I'm not manevolent, just clueless! Cut me some slack, buddy!


People can be weird about this stuff. Music shouldn't be a competition anyway.

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