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Korg X-2/MacBook Pro


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Hey everyone. New to the forum and I have what I hope is an easy question for you. I have an old Korg X-2 keyboard and I recently bought a MacBook Pro. I'd like to connect the keyboard to my laptop but have no idea what kind of cable/interface I need.


Can someone suggest what I need to get the two items connected and speaking to one another?




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Welcome to the forum.

We'll need more information to answer your question. What exactly are you hoping to do. Record the audio from the X-2? Record midi into a sequencer to run back to your X2? Send midi info to trigger soft synths?

Do you own DA software (Protools, Digital Performer, Logic, etc). GarageBand?

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Yodawg here, standing in for Steve :D


To record audio, you'll need an audio cable. The Mac has what looks like a standard 1/8" line-in, so, crossing my fingers that it's not some optical delusion, you will need:


"an 1/8th inch stereo male to 2 1/4" mono male jacks audio cable"


To record or play the software instruments, you'll need a midi interface. The M-Audio UNO cable is idiot-proof. I know, I use it.


If you need links, let me know.

"........! Try to make It..REAL! compared to what? ! ! ! " - BOPBEEPER
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I would suggest you try to go a little deeper and spring for a combination Audio/Midi interface. M-audio makes one called FastTrack somethin or other that's just a couple hundred dollars. It runs your audio and midi into the USB port on your computer. I think there's something similar and similarly priced by PreSonus as well. I use mostly MOTU stuff (828s) which is more expensive but somewhat higher quality, with Firewire audio and USB Midi.

Whatever you choose, just have fun.

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I've used the Tascam audio/MIDI interface for some time now, and had very good luck with it. I've got the US-428, which resembles an 8 channel mixer, but there are others that are simpler and will work just as well for your needs, like the US-122L.


Like Steve said, just have fun with it.

"In the beginning, Adam had the blues, 'cause he was lonesome.

So God helped him and created woman.


Now everybody's got the blues."


Willie Dixon






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Guys! :idea: Let's not forget that his laptop extreme has a built-in soundcard that will get him started.


Sometimes it's less than fun thinking you have to wait til your next paycheck before you can start "communicating".


His ability to compose is not dependent upon multi I/O's.


my 2 cents :)

"........! Try to make It..REAL! compared to what? ! ! ! " - BOPBEEPER
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Thanks for all the suggestions everyone. As gangsu mentioned, I'm really looking for the simplest (and cheapest, since I spent all my cash on the Mac) solution, so the two cables he mentioned seem to be right up my alley. But, again, thanks for your help.


Also, gangsu, is that an Aquarium Rescue Unit quote in your sig?

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Originally posted by Steve Nathan:

Also, gangsu, is that an Aquarium Rescue Unit quote in your sig?

That's Eddie Harris :cool:

You mean there's such a thing as the Aquarium Rescue Unit? I thought it was a pun on reel.


Either way, it's funny.


And for the last time, I'm quoting Bopbeeper. :cool:


(not that SWISS MOVEMENT doesn't have a special place in my CD collection)

"........! Try to make It..REAL! compared to what? ! ! ! " - BOPBEEPER
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