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Where to start?


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Hello all. :wave: I just registered because i couldnt find the information i was looking for through the search function.


Here goes:

I recently purchased a keyboard (it was delivered today infact). I've always wanted to learn piano, and a few of my friends play guitar and bass, and i figured it would be fun to jam with them and write songs and all the fun stuff that goes wtih that eventually.


I'm stoked about learning something new, but im a tad...overwhelmed, lol, and dont know exactly where to start. I've got about 6 years of expierence on trumpet and french horn, so I can read music (although i know there are a few differences in music written for piano that dont appear in brass music). Im determined to practice ATLEAST half an hour - 45 minutes a night.


I figure i should get my fundamentals down first, such as dexterity, flexibility, precision, and speed in both of my hands, my scales, etc. I pirated a few books online that give a few beginners lessons, so i think im ok with that. I also downloaded a few songs to try to learn.


Is there anything else i should try to start to learn? Does anyone have any specific recommendations of method books I should purchase, or things of that nature? Any good links to websites that focus on beginner technique?


I'd like to one day improv a bit, as well as like i said join in with my friends with adding bits to songs and composing. Is the ear training something that just comes with time, and should i not really worry about it right now? Or are there things i can do now to start improving. I've taken to listening extra hard for the keyboard parts of all the music i listen to, but that's about it as far as that goes.


Oh and before someone says it, i can't afford a music teacher right now (but i'll be taking actual piano lessons at college next year).


whew that was longwinded. thanks to all that have read it :)

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Welcome to the forum. :)


I'm also a brass (trumpet and trombone) man. You'll find good company here. There are several of us here.


Anyway, like you I started off learning to play piano with a music foundation based on trumpet. Although I can play any style of music on trumpet, I've never learned to play anything other than jazz, blues, and R&B on piano--most of which I picked up playing by ear.


You might consider checking out some of the piano playing videos by various artists, like: Chick Corea, Herbie Hancock, etc. You can also start by trying to learn your scales--in all 12 keys. You might also consider checking out some of the Jamey Aebersold CD/DVDs.

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Originally posted by 11high:

Is there anything else i should try to start to learn?

Yeah, that you should buy things instead of pirating them. I honestly can't believe that people would come on to a public forum and openly talk about pirating things. Hell, for all you know, a member of this forum may have even written something you stole. Amazing.
A ROMpler is just a polyphonic turntable.
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my hands seperatly. I found all sorts of good websites wtih free sheet music (legal, for all of you pirate haters, but you'll never sink my ship >_>), so ill start on that.


I'll lookup Jamey Aebersold. Thanks for the help :D

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Jamey Aebersold is good choice.

Listen to the music and play along, that good practice. Many musicians don't train theirs ears

enough in the begining.


And don't listen to malicious comments...

happens all the time here.

Many act like they are saints or something...

♫♫♫ motif XS6, RD700GX
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Originally posted by kanker, apparently:

Originally posted by 11high:

Is there anything else i should try to start to learn?

Yeah, that you should buy things instead of pirating them. I honestly can't believe that people would come on to a public forum and openly talk about pirating things. Hell, for all you know, a member of this forum may have even written something you stole. Amazing.
THAT'S for SURE!! :eek::thu: I bet it would be a different story IF it was them getting ripped off!! :mad:
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Originally posted by delirium:


Jamey Aebersold is good choice.

Listen to the music and play along, that good practice. Many musicians don't train theirs ears

enough in the begining.


And don't listen to malicious comments...

happens all the time here.

Many act like they are saints or something...

No just honest people that's all!
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Originally posted by ellwood:

No just honest people that's all! [/qb]

Originally posted by kanker, apparently:

It's cool theif, your IP is logged. Maybe the owners of the forum will see fit to turn it over to the proper authorities.

honest people and narks? ... :freak:


pirating is of course bad, but some things are even worse.

♫♫♫ motif XS6, RD700GX
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11high, I think everyone here appreciates and welcomes someone with a sincere interest in practicing and learning keyboard, and clearly you are such a person.


One of the great things about the Keyboard Corner is that there are so many professionals on it. It makes it easy for anyone who may be newer to music and/or music technology to get great advice right away. The "signal-to-noise ratio" here is exceptionally high.


By professionals, of course, I mean people who create content for a living. So unlike some other neighborhoods on the internet, the culture here is very anti-piracy, even if the pirated content seems trivial and you really meant no harm. But comments like "you'll never sink my ship" convey an attitude of "I can do what I want, and there's F* all you can do about it." In one breath, that alienates an entire community which, over time, could serve you far better than any stuff you might illegally download.


And delirium, one person's "narc" is another's savior. Let's say you had a bunch of that beautiful green stuff depicted in your avatar growing in your basement, and someone was crawling in through a window and stealing it. Just a little here and a little there. If a friend saw it go down, you'd want them to tell you who it was, right?

Stephen Fortner

Principal, Fortner Media

Former Editor in Chief, Keyboard Magazine

Digital Piano Consultant, Piano Buyer Magazine


Industry affiliations: Antares, Arturia, Giles Communications, MS Media, Polyverse



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the ethics thing is on you.... gotta carry your own baggage.... but back on topic... since you sound like you'ld really like to learn and not just f***off.. do your self a Huge favor and get at least a half dozen private lessons ealy on... the reason being that they will be able to keep you (hopefully) from developeing some bad habits that may be a bitch to relearn later.. to say nothing of preventing some pain... for instance the relative height of yourforearm/wrist in relation to the keydeck is way important...
"style is determined not by what you can play but what you cant...." dave brubeck
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Originally posted by Stephen Fortner:

But comments like "you'll never sink my ship" convey an attitude of "I can do what I want, and there's F* all you can do about it." In one breath, that alienates an entire community which, over time

...and will get you banned, which happened to Mr. 11high very shortly after he posted that. :wave:





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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I wonder if 11Hi really pirated the material he was speaking of, or just use that term to describe the process of using the free come-ons and/or the myriad of free legitimate lessons that are available on the internet. I can't think of any reason why anyone would actually pirate learning material from the internet when there is so much READILY avaible that is free. When I read his first entry, I thought that he was just speaking "tongue in cheek".
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Originally posted by summers:

I wonder if 11Hi really pirated the material he was speaking of, or just use that term to describe the process of using the free come-ons and/or the myriad of free legitimate lessons that are available on the internet. I can't think of any reason why anyone would actually pirate learning material from the internet when there is so much READILY avaible that is free. When I read his first entry, I thought that he was just speaking "tongue in cheek".

That's was my impression too. But he was shutdown too fast to clarify that :D


Also this reminds me some saying. Steal a 35 cents and you are a thief, steal a million youre a businessmen :D


and BTW isn't that internet a one big pirate ship anyway? :D:D:D

♫♫♫ motif XS6, RD700GX
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Why would anyone come on a forum of professionals like this and immediately start in talking about pirating? Was he that stupid?


OTOH, I feel like a bit of a theif, myself. I just got the Korg Legacy Collection Digital Edition and only had to pay $149.99. It's like I bought an M1 and a Wavestation for that. SWEET!!


(Yes, it's a registered copy)

"In the beginning, Adam had the blues, 'cause he was lonesome.

So God helped him and created woman.


Now everybody's got the blues."


Willie Dixon






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Originally posted by Mr. Nightime:

Why would anyone come on a forum of professionals like this and immediately start in talking about pirating? Was he that stupid?

Maybe he was just too young and needed only reprimand from older colleagues ;)
♫♫♫ motif XS6, RD700GX
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