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Monome MIDI interface


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The Monome is a simple device with a grid of 8-by-8 buttons (green when activated) that can be programmed to trigger a variety of audio and video functions or scripts.






Here's the article:




Is There Gas In The Car? :cool:

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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It looked cool, but I couldn't get the video to play since this computer doesn't have QuickTime. :rolleyes:


So Cydonia, how many sheep can you keep behind a red curtain? ;)


And where does that hallway lead?

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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Originally posted by Is There Gas in the Car?:

And where does that hallway lead?

Believe me, it's a very dangerous place. That hallway leads to the Waiting Room of the Black Lodge, where evil BOB resides.


Aaaaarrgghhhhhhhhhhhh!!! :eek::eek::eek:


Nobody ever came back from there alive or without being possessed. :freak:


Never watched the Twin Peaks series? :)

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Originally posted by gangsu:

OH NOOOO. Twin Peaks. Something else I've never watched. But I have heard of it.

How's your head, Cydonia????

My head is fine, I guess. I'm a good bear cub. :)


The Twin Peaks film was really so-so, but the TV series was excellent. :thu:


Sorry Gas for another hijack. ;)

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Originally posted by Cydonia:

Sorry Gas for another hijack. ;)

No worries, Cydonia. This thread wasn't going anywhere anyway. :rolleyes:


I never watched Twin Peaks. Gangsu and I were in the back room "practicing". :D


Hi Sue :wave:

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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Originally posted by soundscape:

Originally posted by Cydonia:

Isn't there a Phil Collins song where he sings "Sue, Sue, Sue Ya"? :)

Nope, it's "Sussudio" (or did I miss the joke...?)
There was no joke, soundscape.


Cydonia's just hitting the red wine again. ;)


He's French-Canadian, don'tchaknow? ;)

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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I regards to the original post, my first impression was that this thing couldn't possibly be any more useless. I've gotta say, though, that by the end of the video (especially the part where the guy is doing all that remix stuff), I found myself really wanting to own one! $500 seems a tad pricey for a controller like that though.
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Hey Tom, Hey Cydonia,


I've got a problem with my QuickTime player. There's no volume. I noticed it yesterday, when I tried to listen to Marino's EVIDENCE. Nothing. I thought that was pretty funny. Didn't realize til now clicking on the Monome link that I've actually got a problem. :D


Well, since you called, I wondered if maybe you could help me. The settings seem good, the player works fine for I-tunes, but not when linked from this forum. Coincidentally, it seems to be the result of the latest upgrade. Any ideas? thanks guys.

"........! Try to make It..REAL! compared to what? ! ! ! " - BOPBEEPER
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Originally posted by gangsu:

Hey Tom, Hey Cydonia,


I've got a problem with my QuickTime player. There's no volume.

Hi Sue,


I tried to play that video last night and had the same problem - no volume. It's specific with QT. Windows Media Player works fine. I haven't solved the problem yet. Maybe Cydonia can help. :)


Take care,



"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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Just watched the video. I didn't think I'd be impressed.. but I am :rolleyes:


It would be an ideal tool for your average hip-hop "producer". It makes triggering loops and programming drum sequences VERY intuitive and easy. Not to mention using it as a straight up drum pad (ala MPC). It must come with its own software because it had a line of lights passing through the pads indicating what notes were being played (like reason's redrum (cool name if you think about it) or fruityloops).


Frankly I don't see myself using it for the type of music I play, but if someone likes to trigger loops and samples live, this seems pretty cool.


They're also coming out with a 16x16 version :eek: !


Like you said, for 500$, it's a little steep. But if it came with the right software, you never know...


That's all I gots to say.


Sorry for de-hijacking (lowjacking?) :D

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Originally posted by bloodsample:

It would be an ideal tool for your average hip-hop "producer". It makes triggering loops and programming drum sequences VERY intuitive and easy. Not to mention using it as a straight up drum pad (ala MPC).

Hey, drum programming isn't just for 'hip-hop producers'...!


I was thinking this would be a neat general-purpose control-anything (musical or not...) device. Hmm.

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I didn't say that drum programming is just for hip hop producers, but I used them as an example cause they do a lot of it.


I guess it can be used to control anything, but other than drums and triggering samples, there's only so much you can control with pads.


I'm sure people will find all kinds of great uses for this device, but I wouldn't be able to justify spending 500$ for it. This is of course my own personal opinion.

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Originally posted by bloodsample:

I didn't say that drum programming is just for hip hop producers, but I used them as an example cause they do a lot of it.

Hey, I wasn't suggesting that you did. :) I just don't like the association of drum programming with hip hop of all (horrid, IMO) things when it's used in so much 'electronic' music...


I guess it can be used to control anything, but other than drums and triggering samples, there's only so much you can control with pads.
C'mon, you can control everything...! Light bulbs... :D


I'm sure people will find all kinds of great uses for this device, but I wouldn't be able to justify spending 500$ for it. This is of course my own personal opinion.
Yeah, I agree, it's not on the top of my purchasing list either. It does look cool though. :thu:
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bloodsample, you don't know JACK. ;)


Cydonia, my cables are just fine... thank you. :) Windows Media Player sings like a bird.



"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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Originally posted by Cydonia:

Hey Gas,


Since you seem to like Jack Nicholson, you probably know about "The Shining" movie.

Click here for a new recently improved version of it. :)

LOL! That's awesome! :thu:


Tom: Is it me, or did we both change our avatars to Jack at the same time? Coincidence? Kinda wierd if you think about...

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Originally posted by bloodsample:

Tom: Is it me, or did we both change our avatars to Jack at the same time? Coincidence? Kinda wierd if you think about...



You changed your avatar. I changed mine and said in a previous post "bloodsample, you don't know JACK." ...but I guess you didn't see it. :rolleyes:


Now I've got a guy carrying a Casio keyboard. I guess this is in response to the 'playing on the street' post.


I can't see myself playing on the street. But it would be kinda neat to play in a wide open grassy field or something. I'd like the portability that my acoustic guitar-playing friends have.


Cydonia, thanks for THE SHINING mini-movie. I showed it to my wife and she said "Yup. That's about it." I guess she meant it was a pretty good summary.


Jack Nicholson is definitely one of my favorites. :thu:

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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