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Official NFL 2006-2007 Thread

Dave Bryce

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Originally posted by Trill:

At QB they are looking at Harrington as a backup.

If Carson had gotten hurt in camp or in say Sept, I'd say this would be a good move. As it stands he got hurt in the last game of the year in Jan, so I don't think the move is so good, as I wouldn't want Harrington fronting my team during any prolonged stretch.


That's traditionally an 18 months to full recovery type injury, not to even mention THIS early report, or the fact that they changed the rules for next year(no hitting QB's below the knees) because of the severity of the hit...


I'm thinking the backup QB will see a LOT of time in Cincy next year, whoever he may be.

TROLL . . . ish.
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Originally posted by meccajay:

Originally posted by Trill:

At QB they are looking at Harrington as a backup.

If Carson had gotten hurt in camp or in say Sept, I'd say this would be a good move. As it stands he got hurt in the last game of the year in Jan, so I don't think the move is so good, as I wouldn't want Harrington fronting my team during any prolonged stretch.


That's traditionally an 18 months to full recovery type injury, not to even mention

THIS early report, or the fact that they changed the rules for next year(no hitting QB's below the knees) because of the severity of the hit...


I'm thinking the backup QB will see a LOT of time in Cincy next year, whoever he may be.

I don't think Bengal fans could get excited over anyone other than Carson to be honest. He was really good last year, at one time he looked like the possible MVP. Anyone else would be a letdown. He still says he will play this year and walked into the press conference with just a small limp last week. Harrington Career: 61 tds 62 Ints and a passer rating of 68.1 , Not anything to brag about. Maybe they think Zampese (qb coach) can straighten him out.
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Originally posted by Geoff Grace:

NFL Unveils Plans for Sunday Night TV Games

That's actually a really smart idea. Who wants to spend a Sunday night in December watching a Niners/Cards game (no offense, fans)?


There are huge games with big effects on the playoffs at that point. Why not let everyone get to see them? Good call.


- Jeff

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Yeah, the flexible might incveninece the organizations to an extent, but the payoff should be huge in terms--plus, if you're promoted to Sunday night, it's because you're playing well and you matter.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Favre & McNair


I guess you could call them the elder statesmen of the league now. The old gaurd etc. No matter there recent performances. What they represent to the NFL is years of great play, incredible sacrafice, and dedication to there's teams.


What they are to most fans are the face of there franchises. Whatever there teams are and once were, it's represented in these 2 gentleman, on the field and off! Now it seems there roads are coming to and end soon, happens to all players, but there respective franchises are treating them in completely opposite ways.


In Green Bay, there's respect, admiration, and an acknowledgement that without Brett, there are no recent memories of glory. Brett has sacrificed for the team, and been patient with them as the built there legacy together. It has paid huge dividends in a super bowl victory. Now Brett has come to a crossroads. Does he bow out gracefully, or does he try to give it all he has for one more go? He's taking his time deciding... Some see this as holding the team hostage. I see it as holding the team accountable for the neccesary reloading. Brett knows that if he retires, the pack starts from scratch. The fans pretty much have that to look forward to for several years. If Brett succoms to the pressure of the press and says "Okay, I'll play" the Green Bay organization will have no incentive to bring in the talent needed to make a run. Brett is simply doing the only thing left to him.. Sending a message to Packers management by waiting them out, a message that if they put the pieces in place, he will be back, and they can stave off rebuilding for the time being, and it just might just be enough for them to win. So far they are sniffing at Levar Arrington, and hinting at drafting AJ Hawk etc, but nothing has happened yet, except the Brett drop dead deadline being pushed further back.


In Nashville things are a bit different. Recently Steve McNair shows up to work out(while under contract), only to find out there is 'No McNair Allowed' policy. A policy put in place to protect the team from salary cap nightmare of Steve possibly getting hurt while training, and the team being forced to eat his current contract costing the team 1/4 or this year's salery cap.


This deal and the way it's structured has to be redone, that's one thing. The way the team responds to McNair regarding it, a totally different thing altogether. Disrespectful, doesn't quite come close to describing what's happening to Steve. Steve is under contract for one, and it's a contract that he restructred to help the team a few years back. Now comes the pay date of the bonus money owed him, and the Titan's are balking. Fine, Steve knew when he signed he wouldn't get the $50 million bonus. He also knew he could trust management to be fair. What would have been fair here?

For starters, how about the GM and Jeff Fisher riding out the McNair home BEFORE they all got on a plane to go see Matt Lienart workout?! A simple 30 minute discussion, as to there intentions, and to let McNair know there fears, and a few possible solutions they are working on. That would have been enough to leave Steve with some understanding while they go to Cali to look at Mac's possible replacement. Didn't happen. What did happen was a trainer met Steve at the door and told him to go home... a trainer.


Now what? Now it's come to one defending the other


It makes sense for the both of them, Brett & Steve are good friends and often go fishing together. They have the same agent in Bus Cook, the same home state of Mississippi, and even live up the road from each other in the state.

The problem, is that the only people coming to any understanding of Brett & Steve, are Brett & Steve.. The NFL doesn't understand, there's now arbortration about how Steve's being treated by the Titan's. The press doesn't understand, they can't seem to understand why Brett seems to be "Holding Greenbay hostage" as it were. The Packers don't seem to understand as free agent after free agent signs elsewhere. The Titans don't understand that neither Young or Cutler will be ready to play next year, and neither will Matt Lienhart, as Norm Chow is NOT running his USC offense in Tennesee currently. As a fan, I certainly don't understand. Maybe in the case of the Titans, I don't want to understand.


I had high hopes of watching McNair mentoring Vince Young this year, and watching a very dignified transition of the QB position. Steve's been a mentor and QB camp coach for Vince over the last 5 years. This I was looking forward to very much. Now, literally it seems Steve is on the outside looking in. The Titans are sure to draft there next QB, and trade or release Steve. Only for him to finish his career in lowely Baltimore...A quaterback deathtrap. Also a sworn enemy of any Titan's fan. The ultimate in humiliation for all concerned! Odds are just as good for Mac9 to just pack it in instead. For me, I won't know who to route for, or who to hate. Lost in frustration.


What of Brett? Looks to me like the deadline for Brett will come with little movement by the Packers, for whatever reason. Brett, who recently seems uninspired by mediocrity, simply retires from football.

The Greenbay fans? Maybe they get to watch a hearty resergance in the next 2-3 years under Aaron Rodgers...maybe. Maybe what they get to see is 7 years of bad luck, as they go thru QB after QB trying to recapture they splendor of yester-year. Who is to say.


What can be said is this.. As the days continue to tick-tock on by for these 2 teams and there fans. What looks more and more likely is that come September, these two Mississippi warriors will be suiting up, not in Green & Gold for the Packers, or in Titan's Blue, but in jeans, vest, and a cap, for a grand ole fishing trip on there favorite river... :cry:

TROLL . . . ish.
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So I'm waiting for Garrafon or Antematter to tell me what to think of the NYG signing Arrington...


I suppose with Pierce and a healthy Emmons (lol) this gives us quite an LB corps. Or does it?

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I like it. I have a lot of faith in the Giants and Ernie Accorsi's free agent signings. They also resigned Brandon Short, so it looks like the LB position is shaping up. I'm hoping Tim Lewis can utilize Arrington's aggressive style, let him roam a little. With Pierce returning, Osi and Strahan, it'll be interesting. I just hope they can avoid the injuries. That was kind of crazy at the end of last year. I'm curious to see if that kid Blackburn comes back this year.
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Originally posted by antimatter:

II'm curious to see if that kid Blackburn comes back this year.

Me too. He was playing well. Isn't that football, though? In no other game do you so frequently see a player's prime disappear. Pfffft. I bet that the average career is about 5 years, only 2.5-3 of which are productive. And a sizable minority are over before thety really begin. All team sports leave wasted bodies, but in this too football is champ.


Well, that's what they sign on for, and I thank them for it. If anything, it just makes the achievement of an Emmitt Smnith or a Jerry Rice all the more remarkable.


BTW, I really hope Chase Blackburn comes back to have a productive career--just meditating on the complex realities of football... ;)

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Geoff, Congrats are in order!!


It's funny how after the Favre announcement came, the Pack announces the signing of Charles Woodson. I'm think the order was more like-


1)Contract terms agreement w/ Woodson..

2)Packers owner makes phone call to Farve to inform..

3)Favre makes announcement of his return..


In any event, things are looking brighter! Tommorrow the Pack cement's there role as a returning contender by picking either AJ Hawk or possibly Vernon Davis.

TROLL . . . ish.
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Thanks, meccajay . I was thinking the same thing about the order of events.


I haven't had a chance to get up to speed on the draft yet. (I just got back to California last night after a week-long trip to Arizona to attend my high school reunion, visit with friends, and meet with my publisher.) I hope both the Packers and Titans bounce back this year and that Steve McNair gets the respect he's due. :thu:





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So much great NBA stuff going on, we never did a draft day recap.


So... I know a lot of people ae screaming that the Raiders had the chance to draft either Leinart or Cutler, and instead opted for Michael Huff. Well, we never know the real results of a draft until 2 or 3 years later, sometimes even longer than that. But my thoughts are as follows:


1. Having lost Charles Woodson, the Raiders needed a defensive back, and Huff looks like he could come out of the gate as a shutdown corner or a speedy safety. Lest you forget, the Raiders were 27th overall in defense last year, and no offense is going to make up for losing big gains on uncovered wideouts.


2. I'm kind of coming around to the Aaron Brooks thing. No, he's not my ideal QB choice. But again, the Raiders have been sitting on a highly-regarded college QB in the form of Andrew Walter. They've been slowly developing him. He may even compete with Brooks to start this year. Maybe. Maybe not. Either way, is getting a QB in this year's draft the most important need of the team? No. And now, if Leinart or Cutler become Hall of Famers, I'll be really pissed. ;)


3. Two words: Todd Marinovich! He was the last rookie QB (a lefty out of USC, no less) that Al Davis trusted with the reigns of the team.


So, I like the Raiders' picks. Hopefully none will be pans. All boom, no bust. Lots of upside. :D


- Jeff

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I agree Jeff.. The Raiders did what they HAD to do.. Other players and QB's will become avail the closer we get to camp anyway.


Speaking of doing what you have to do.. I don't think the Texans HAD to take a defensive end...not that high anyway. I understand what Casserly is saying in that there division has the best QB in Manning, and there trying to go the Jags route in stopping him etc. My point is that they could have traded down and gotten the same pick for less cash. Also, the need they HAD to fill was O-line, which they did later on in the draft, but 'Brick would have been a healthier choice. Also you can't pass on Bush because he's a stadium filler. In other words, even if Mario Williams becomes the next Julious Peppers, it still doesn't equal what Bush would have brought to the franchise. Oh well, I don't think the Siants are complaining...


It sure is good to see the people of New Orleans rejoicing for something though...for anything for that matter!

TROLL . . . ish.
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Originally posted by Magpel:

So I'm waiting for Garrafon or Antematter to tell me what to think of the NYG signing Arrington...


I suppose with Pierce and a healthy Emmons (lol) this gives us quite an LB corps. Or does it?

I'm guardedly optimistic. Perhaps the joining of two former teammates will help them work together more effectively and produce a solid line. Pierce certainly lobbied hard enough to get Arrington. Let's hope he's right. Arrington does have the skill. If he keeps his mind focused and mouth shut, I think we have the chance of forming a pretty formiddable LB squad. We have been rather weak overall at the LB position for the past few years, in my opinion (although I'm not taking anything away from the good performance Pierce has given us).


One thing that troubles me is that we haven't "groomed" any of our own LBs in quite some time, instead relying on trading for some older ones. For example, recruiting Barrow. Although he filled in remarkably well, wasn't he like 65 or something by the time he became a G-man? It would be nice to have some good reliable LBs that will stick around for a while.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm just sitting back and being quiet this year for awhile. My beloved Pats took some huge losses from free agency and coach attrition, but they made some huge gains in the draft.


Honestly, I think the Pats are going to have trouble just winning the East, if C-Pep comes back healthy this year...

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Originally posted by garrafon:

And....I understand everything I've read about the Giants drafting another receiver, but...with Plaxico and Toomer, why did they draft a receiver? I'm not in love with that one.

Toomer is getting old, and neither Plax nor Toomer are anything more than solid posession receivers. You gotta figure, dude, every team has to draft for both present and future, or they'll find themselves non-competitive in a couple years.
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Are you familiar with the Casserly-Bush-Saints-Los Angeles conspiracy theory?


It goes like this: Charlie Casserly, GM of the Texans, passes on Bush in favor of Mario Williams. Bush falls to N.O. in the 2 spot. Then Casserly leaves the Texans to take a job in the league office, where, the theory has it, his job is to lure the Saints and their newly minted superstar (already an LA cat) to the coast.


I'd call it hogwash if it didn't seem so darn plausible.

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Dang, you guys haaaaadddd to go and bump the NFL thread didn't you..


We'll, since you did, let me take this time out and show you a picture of our 2 beautiful new babies--


May I submit to you..


Lendale & Vince aka Baby Bettis & Mac(v2.0) http://espn-i.starwave.com/media/apphoto/cc5f0ebe-7094-4e69-a293-3ba324da7d82.jpg

TROLL . . . ish.
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Okay, forget the links I posted above.


In my opinion, this article, just posted at ESPN, covers the issue best. There's the compelling need to put a team in LA facing off against the resistance to new expansion teams and fans in other markets fighting to keep their teams from moving. Read about it here:


Money, future expansion deterrents to new franchise





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Very true about the fresh start Geoff, although I do wish Steve could remain for a couple years as things come together..


Geoff, regarding expansion. I read that last article. Let me ask you, Aside from the money issues and possible watering down of talent. Do you feel lie the people of LA would be that interested in there own franchise? Would they largely support it?


LA strikes me as largely a city of transplants, who still harbor loyalty toward there old "home" teams. Not to mention there's just soooo much to do there with your entertainment dollar..Vegas not withstanding. I know hard core fans like "us" would support, but could there be a fervor amoung the LA casual population?

TROLL . . . ish.
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