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Official NFL 2006-2007 Thread

Dave Bryce

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Originally posted by MidLifeCrisis:

Originally posted by meccajay:

"The Bears are who we thought they were.."


A quote that will live in infamy (or at least until the end of the season when Denny gets his pink slip)

I dunno, this one may be around longer than that! It might be up there with Jim Mora's-"plAAAYoffs..?


You decide.. Denny Green meltdown

TROLL . . . ish.
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A moment of silence for the great Lamar Hunt, founder of the AFL, owner of the Kansas City Chiefs, part owner of the Chicago Bulls.


Mr. Hunt persuaded the likes of Barron Hilton, Bud Adams, and Ralph Wilson to join his 8-team league. Adams and Wilson of course are the owners of the Titans and Bills, respectively. Hilton was the original owner of the Chargers.


The official announcement: http://www.nfl.com/news/story/9869495


A great, summarized history of the AFL:


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Wow! Seattle's ineptitude has left the second bye sitting there for the Saints like a plum cherry. One more win might get it done!


And while this all needs ot be played out, I fuly expect that the Seahawks blew whatever chance they had of an NFC crown repeat last night. They won't get back without a bye.

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Ironically, some Charger forum-ites were afraid of Seattle, whom we play after KC. I think they're a little less afraid now, though I didn't get to see for myself how badly the game went against SF.


Still, we gotta take care of the Chiefs. I wonder if the Charger management will do something to honor Lamar Hunt this weekend, since we're playing his team. I think having the Chargers wear their throwback unis would be a nice start.

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Originally posted by GovernorSilver:

Still, we gotta take care of the Chiefs.

I really can't see a problem here.. I don't see any team beating the Chargers twice this year. Same should apply to The Ravens against you, but there gonna be a tougher out.
TROLL . . . ish.
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I know not many people will see the game tonight between the Cowboys and Falcons on NFL Network, but seeing how I'm sick and can't do anything else, I will watch the game. While I know many people don't have NFL network I do have some questions. Do you like Thursday night games? Do you like Saturday night games? Are both overkill, just right or not enough? If Saturday night games were available to you, would you make it a point to watch them?

Begin the day with a friendly voice A companion, unobtrusive

- Rush

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Originally posted by MidLifeCrisis:

Originally posted by Magpel:

Oh I'd absolutely be watching tonight's game if I could.

You are missing a great game. Back and forth all night. Lots of scoring and lots of emotion.
Yes a very entertaining game last nigth. I enjoyed it. Sadly I did miss parts of the game since my bodily functions seem to be acting up which required me to leave the room and pay tribute to the porcelian Gods. :rolleyes: I could have also been paying tribute to the Cowboys as well. No better place in the world to do that. ;)

Begin the day with a friendly voice A companion, unobtrusive

- Rush

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Originally posted by Griffinator:

LT passes Hornung for most points scored in a season (186)

It should be noted that Paul Hornung scored his record points in a twelve-game season (1960), but it took LaDainian Tomlinson 14 games to pass Hornung's record.


Then again, no one these days doubles as a place kicker as Hornung did. No wonder his record stood so long! (46 years.)


More here .


Congrats to LT! :cool:





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Yeah, I'm familiar with that objection, Geoff - but the importance to me is that Hornung kicked field goals as well. Totally unfair advantage for him.


I'd say the fact that LT did it in only two extra games, considering that imbalance, is amazing! :thu:


Not only that, but LT's 3 passing TD's don't even count in that statistic - or his total TD record...

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Originally posted by Griffinator:

Yeah, I'm familiar with that objection, Geoff - but the importance to me is that Hornung kicked field goals as well. Totally unfair advantage for him.

I agree that it was an unfair advantage, but it was also a demonstration of what a multitalented athlete Hornung was.


Originally posted by Griffinator:

I'd say the fact that LT did it in only two extra games, considering that imbalance, is amazing! :thu:



Originally posted by Griffinator:

Not only that, but LT's 3 passing TD's don't even count in that statistic - or his total TD record...

LaDainian Tomlinson is also a a multitalented athlete and one of the best to ever play the game. :thu:





My Blue Someday appears on Apple Music | Spotify | YouTube | Amazon

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Weird and wacky NFL weekend -


T.O. spitting on D Hall, coach Mora's brainfart, the blocked punt fiasco in the Chiefs/Chargers game, the Saints playing like sticks in the mud..


- 1st off, let me say congrats to LT and his amazing record year. Let me also say that the call on that punt block was BS!! You block a punt, recieving team touches the ball but no change in possesion, the punting team recovers it-short of the 1st down..and they keep the ball 1st & 10?!! Next play LT goes 85 yards.


-Ok, so Vince Young finally comes back to earth. That's a good thing for me. I'm the biggest VY fan on these boards, but even I was so sick of seeing that TD run against Houston that I was about to lose my mind!! Congrats to the Titans, and big rops to Pacman!


- I agree with Stephen A Smith.. Keep the Mora's away from the microphones!!!


- Don't know if you guys saw the game, but the broadcast of the Dallas/Atlanta game on NFL network was awful!! Briant Gumble while being an excellent interviewer and host, is NOT cut out for play by play. 1st of all, he sounds like Kermit the frog, secondly he's not preparing well, and makes too many errors. On the flipside, Dion Sanders was great in relief of a froggy throated Dick Vermeil. His personality worked great, and his insight and commentary was spot on. Very surprizing considering he's never been in a booth before.


- This weeks rookie alert: Gotta give big props to Marcus McNeill of the Chargers!! I saw a montage of all the LT touchdowns this year.. On about 80% of them LT's is running off left tackle, off of 6ft7 337 pound Marcus McNeill. What a stud!

Also, this weeks rookie QB standouts: None other than Jay Cutler airing it out bigtime, and Tarvaris Jackson coming off the bench to a standing ovation from the Vikings fans, and played pretty good!


-Congrats to the bigman Brett Favre on his latest record! Marino seems to be taking it all in stride, it's all good!


-Oh, and speaking of clutch veterans, how about this guy:



TROLL . . . ish.
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Originally posted by meccajay:

-Oh, and speaking of clutch veterans, how about this guy:



Speaking of one of the dirtiest hits I've ever, ever seen! That would be, of course, the one that ended one of Ike Hilliard's seasons and probably permanently compromised his career. And yet this thug still has the rep as a standup guy...It's all subjective I guess. I hate him.
Check out the Sweet Clementines CD at bandcamp
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Originally posted by meccajay:

Weird and wacky NFL weekend -


T.O. spitting on D Hall, coach Mora's brainfart, the blocked punt fiasco in the Chiefs/Chargers game, the Saints playing like sticks in the mud..


- You block a punt, recieving team touches the ball but no change in possesion, the punting team recovers it-short of the 1st down..



- Don't know if you guys saw the game, but the broadcast of the Dallas/Atlanta game on NFL network was awful!!




No mention of our pathetic Bucs staging a 24 point comeback to take the Bears to OT? And then losing on an obvious dropped passed play that the replay officials refused to review. :confused::eek:


As far as the KC punt block goes. Imagine a partially blocked punt traveling 45 yards down field. The punt returner muffs the punt and the receiving team gains possesion. Would you argue with that? It is the same call. If a partially blocked punt crosses the line of scrimage then the return rules are in force. If the receiving team touches the ball it is fair game for anyone at that point.


Gumbel was horrible.I have never heard so many blunders from 1 announcer in 1 game. He was pathetic. Deion was not too bad but it was hard to get past him preaching his love for Vick on every other sentence. I thought Marshall gave some great insight and bailed the team out.


A Lifetime of Peace, Love and Protest Music


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Originally posted by MidLifeCrisis:

No mention of our pathetic Bucs staging a 24 point comeback to take the Bears to OT? And then losing on an obvious dropped passed play that the replay officials refused to review. :confused:

I still cheer for the Bucs from my 3 years in Tampa, so props to your team too, for giving the Bears as much as they could handle instead of simply lying down for a popular Superbowl pick.


Why did Rattay start? Something happen to Gradkowski?

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Originally posted by meccajay:

Weird and wacky NFL weekend -


T.O. spitting on D Hall, coach Mora's brainfart, the blocked punt fiasco in the Chiefs/Chargers game, the Saints playing like sticks in the mud..


- 1st off, let me say congrats to LT and his amazing record year. Let me also say that the call on that punt block was BS!! You block a punt, recieving team touches the ball but no change in possesion, the punting team recovers it-short of the 1st down..and they keep the ball 1st & 10?!! Next play LT goes 85 yards.


-Ok, so Vince Young finally comes back to earth. That's a good thing for me. I'm the biggest VY fan on these boards, but even I was so sick of seeing that TD run against Houston that I was about to lose my mind!! Congrats to the Titans, and big rops to Pacman!


- I agree with Stephen A Smith.. Keep the Mora's away from the microphones!!!


- Don't know if you guys saw the game, but the broadcast of the Dallas/Atlanta game on NFL network was awful!! Briant Gumble while being an excellent interviewer and host, is NOT cut out for play by play. 1st of all, he sounds like Kermit the frog, secondly he's not preparing well, and makes too many errors. On the flipside, Dion Sanders was great in relief of a froggy throated Dick Vermeil. His personality worked great, and his insight and commentary was spot on. Very surprizing considering he's never been in a booth before.


- This weeks rookie alert: Gotta give big props to Marcus McNeill of the Chargers!! I saw a montage of all the LT touchdowns this year.. On about 80% of them LT's is running off left tackle, off of 6ft7 337 pound Marcus McNeill. What a stud!

Also, this weeks rookie QB standouts: None other than Jay Cutler airing it out bigtime, and Tarvaris Jackson coming off the bench to a standing ovation from the Vikings fans, and played pretty good!


-Congrats to the bigman Brett Favre on his latest record! Marino seems to be taking it all in stride, it's all good!


-Oh, and speaking of clutch veterans, how about this guy:



1. I heard TO gave a jersey to Hall's kid? If so, that only adds to the legend of the NFL's Most Bizarre Player


2. I'm sure minute examination of the rule book would confirm this, but if you are the receiving team and you touch the ball in any way and fail to secure it, it's the same as muffing the punt. The punting team can recover it and thus reclaim possession. Tough break for the Chiefs - it helped undermine a fantastic defensive effort against our passing attack.


3. Would love to see the Titans make the playoffs. Vince Young's passer rating is terrible, but his teammates really believe in him.


4. Haven't heard any Mora talk in months, so I'll defer here.


5. I only saw one NFL Network broadcast - B'more at Cincy. Easily the worst announcing job I've ever seen, worse than the bottom of the barrel types that typically announce non-national-coverage Charger games.


6. Thanks for recognizing McNeill. Fellow Charger fans have come up with various nicks for him, like Big Mac, Marcus McNasty, etc. Suffice it to say he has been a very, very pleasant surprise for us, in protecting Rivers backside (most of the time) and clearing the way for LT. We like to run to the left because of our unbalanced formation which puts the other tackle next to McNeill, plus Lorenzo Neal, an elite-class blocking fullback. As for Cutler, he definitely shows a lot of promise. Keep an eye out for his fellow rookie TE, Sheffler as well. I expect Sheffler to win the starting job next year and be a sleeper pick on many fantasy teams.


7. Until this year, Dawkins represented the kind of hard-hitting safety we've missed since Rodney Harrison was let go to the Patriots. Marlon McCree has restored that kind of intensity to our secondary. Preferably, of course, without resort to dirty play - McCree's hit on TJ Housh turned out, upon replay, to be a clean shoulder to shoulder hit, not a helmet-to-helmet hit like Dierdorf was screaming at the time.

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Sorry Colts fans (if there are any out there), but I'm rooting for the Bengals tonight.


A Bengals win guarantees a playoff bye for my Chargers, who accomplished their end of the deal in defeating the Chiefs. I doubt Rudi J. and Co. will roll up 350+ yds on the ground like Jax did - otherwise Ocho Cinco might start complaining about not getting the ball ;) , but I think they'll get enough to drop the Colts to 2 game s behind the Bolts.


The Chiefs gameplanned to stop Rivers instead of LT, which is a curious strategy. They found the weaknesses in our pass protection schemes - more specifically they found ways to get the likes of Jared Allen matched up on LT or Gates instead of offensive linemen. It almost worked, but all it takes is one mistake to let LT score. LT is definitely our MVP - he, along with the defense, really carried the team against the Chiefs. CB Quentin Jammer had another Pro Bowl caliber game and Green was sacked 6 times. LT's backup Michael Turner had a strong game, returning from injury and fueling more speculation about who would try to trade with us for him, and for how much. Turner is not LT, but he IS both big and very fast, with a gaudy 6.4 yds/carry average. Keenan McCardell did not start due to injury, but came into the game when we lost our other starter, Eric Parker, to a neck injury. Vincent Jackson had a decent game, considering Rivers' off night, in McCardell's place, and made another strong case to be our #1 WR next year - he has both monstrous size and 4.45 speed, as well as the hands, and like Antonio Gates has the basketball skills for boxing out on smaller defenders.

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Originally posted by MidLifeCrisis:

As far as the KC punt block goes. If a partially blocked punt crosses the line of scrimage then the return rules are in force. If the receiving team touches the ball it is fair game for anyone at that point.

You may be right, but I was thinking these rules would apply:


4. Any punt that is blocked and does not cross the line of scrimmage can be recovered and advanced by either team. However, if offensive team recovers it must make the yardage necessary for its first down to retain possession if punt was on fourth down.

From NFL website


I see what you're saying regarding a receiving teams player touching(muffing) the ball creating a "live ball" scenerio, but wouldn't a blocked ball have to be considered touched by the receiving team already? Or is it the 2nd touch that in fact makes the ball "live"?


Confusing! :confused::freak:

TROLL . . . ish.
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