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Official NBA 2005-2006 thread

Dave Bryce

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We goin' OT...


I decided to stay up for it tonight, and I'm glad I did, though I'll be paying the toll tomorrow.


Game 4 was good but the ending bothered me 'cause the Suns sort of blew it. No one has blown it tonight--this one is a classic no matter the outcome.

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Look out! Game 7 for Suns/Lakers!


And it's in Phoenix!!!!


Entertaining game tonight (Game 6).

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I really enjoyed Doug Collins tonight. I thought he was all over the themes of the series, and his set play analsyis is fab--he doesn't dumb it down.


Can you hear Ol' Man Cassell and the Clips getting healthier and healthier?

Check out the Sweet Clementines CD at bandcamp
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I think this is where some of the experience of the Suns and the inexperience of the young Lakers team starts showing.


At any rate, both teams are playing well above most people's expectations. The Suns are showing what a talented team they are even without several key players. The Lakers - well, hell, it's a miracle they're even in the playoffs, let alone going toe-to-toe with the Suns!!!

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

It'd be pretty embarrassing for LA to lose at home against a Suns team without Stoudemire, K. Thomas and Bell, huh? ;) dB [/QB]

*tee-hee* :D


Turns out it was as good as promised, although I did fall asleep with 4 mins left in reg(damnit).


Funny to wake up and find the unlikely star Tim Thomas played the role of Robert Horry....twice! I didn't like that so many players were in foul trouble that Nash & Kobe had free reign going to the basket..but not a biggie.


Sat's game looks to be a hot-wing & heineken affair. :thu:

TROLL . . . ish.
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Originally posted by meccajay:

Sat's game looks to be a hot-wing & heineken affair. :thu:

Sounds good to me... :thu:


Any of the LA crew wanna get together for Game 7? I'd be more than happy to host...homemade cheesesteaks and italian ice? :cool:


We could do Yankee Doodle's as well, if you guy'd prefer a more central location. Yo b - any Logic clinics on Saturday? Jay, what time will your flight get in? ;)





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Lakers had a couple of critical breakdowns -- nothing heinous.


First, Smush has no confidence in his game. He was awful down the stretch.


Second,with 6.3 seconds left in regulation, you gotta get a better shot to win than what Kobe ended up with. I know he had been hitting ridiculous shots all night--banking in threes and what not--but still.


Tim Thomas was such a dog on the Knicks that it is really startling to see him play with guts and heart. Major props to D'Antoni on that. In fact, D'Antoni is a pretty major coach all around. So is Carlisle. So is Frank. So is Skiles. So, obvioulsy, are Phil, Pop, Riley maybe even still.


Now, if we can get Steadyb to acknowledge that Adelman has done a great job year, we'll be making some real progress toward his treatment goals.


All in all, that was the best game I've seen in this young playoff season. Cavs/Wiz have had some great gamesm but the defense os laughable, and I just can't get too excited about a series that will yield little more than a sacrificial lamb for the Pistons.

Check out the Sweet Clementines CD at bandcamp
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Originally posted by Magpel:

Second,with 6.3 seconds left in regulation, you gotta get a better shot look the win than what Kobe ended up with. I know he had been hitting ridiculous shots all night--banking in threes and what not--but still.

I was surprised that, with that amount of time, he didn't try to drive into the lane, where he most likely would have either gotten fouled and sent to the line, or they would have not been able to contest his shot (trying to avoid fouling him) and he would have had a decent shot.


In either case, the Suns outplayed them in OT.

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Originally posted by Ken/Eleven Shadows:

Originally posted by Magpel:


I was surprised that, with that amount of time, he didn't try to drive into the lane, where he most likely would have either gotten fouled and sent to the line, or they would have not been able to contest his shot (trying to avoid fouling him) and he would have had a decent shot.


I think they trapped him out top, which is just daring him to give up the ball. There was plenty of time and plenty of teammates...


But in this case I don't blame Bryant. With the exception of Odom, his blokes had been coming up small down the stretch, and you never know what kind of crazy shot Kobe's going to make

Check out the Sweet Clementines CD at bandcamp
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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Originally posted by meccajay:

Sat's game looks to be a hot-wing & heineken affair. :thu:

Sounds good to me... :thu:


Any of the LA crew wanna get together for Game 7? I'd be more than happy to host...homemade cheesesteaks and italian ice? :cool:


We could do Yankee Doodle's as well, if you guy'd prefer a more central location. Yo b - any Logic clinics on Saturday? Jay, what time will your flight get in? ;)



man, I really wish I could but my wife graduates college this weekend and we're throwing a big party for her Saturday


hopefully the Lakers will survive and we'll hook up for one of the Laker/Clipper games


Y'all know I'm a Kobe fan but he really should have passed the ball at the end of regulation, the score was tied, give one of your open teammates a shot at winning the game. But whatever, he's made tougher shots, nothing is too low a percentage when Kobe's shooting the ball.


Tim Thomas' 3 to tie the game in regulation was amazing as was the lucky bounce that gave Marion the rebound...that was the game, either of those two things didn't happen and the Suns season would have been over. Fun stuff.


Go Lakers

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Wow! Suns/Lakers, holy cow! It's rare to see drama of this magnitude in the first round.


I can't fault LA at all in last night's game. They played amazing basketball. Okay, they had some turnovers, but if it hadn't been for Tim T's Robert Horry impersonation with 6 seconds left, LA would have advanced. LA gave a superb performance, but the Suns (Nash and Thomas in particular) were just a hair better.


Man, those threes by Kobe down the stretch were incredible!


Should be a great game 7 no matter who comes out on top.

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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Originally posted by Dan South:

if it hadn't been for Tim T's Robert Horry impersonation with 6 seconds left, LA would have advanced.



Do ya think the Bulls are bummed because they chose to just sit this guy?



LA gave a superb performance, but the Suns (Nash and Thomas in particular) were just a hair better.


Man, those threes by Kobe down the stretch were incredible!
What killed me is that they were basically effortless. He just kind of threw them in. I hate the guy, and I was still impressed.


Should be a great game 7 no matter who comes out on top.


Still no sign of steadyb yet today. He must be really bummin'...





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Magpel:

I just can't get too excited about a series that will yield little more than a sacrificial lamb for the Pistons.

Amen brother, my thoughts exactly. Bring on the Spurs already!
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I haven't seen any replays, so I'm going off my admittedly faulty memory...but I felt that Kobe had enough time to do something since I thought Nash came over on the trap a bit later. I thought that he could have driven in a little, and would seem to have had enough time to pass to someone. But then again, all of his teammates were probably deferring to him anyway, expecting him to simply shoot, and may have been standing around being spectators.


At any rate, Game 7 should be fun.

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Man, those threes by Kobe down the stretch were incredible!
What killed me is that they were basically effortless. He just kind of threw them in. I hate the guy, and I was still
Even watching TV, you could actually hear the crowd gasp (and laugh a bit) because the shots were so over-the-top ridiculous in how incredible they were. I'm not a huge Kobe fan (mostly him personally), but there's no doubt in my mind that in terms of basketball skills and physical play, he's one of the best to ever play the game.
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Ladies, don't forget to catch game 6 of the Cleveland-Washington game tonight at 8pm on ESPN!


Despite both teams being workout fodder for the Pistons, the Lebron vs Arenas showdown has been nothing short of Wonderful!

TROLL . . . ish.
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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Still no sign of steadyb yet today. He must be really bummin'...

Yeah, that's a sad downside of sports the thrill of victory always coincides with the agony of defeat.


In this case it's less abstact because steadyb is a friend. Sorry, man.





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He may have blown a gasket last night, and is not up speaking to the masses quite yet..


Not to worry, I imagine there will be fresh pics of Kobe draped all over this thread sometime between now and tipoff tommorrow.

TROLL . . . ish.
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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Man, those threes by Kobe down the stretch were incredible!
What killed me is that they were basically effortless. He just kind of threw them in. I hate the guy, and I was still impressed.

Exactly! I have to give the dude his props. Those didn't even qualify as "circus" shots; they were Circue du Soleil shots. Off balance, hands in his face... One of them even went in off of the glass. Freakishly amazing!

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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Originally posted by Geoff Grace:

In this case it's less abstact because steadyb is a friend. Sorry, man.

As much as we all like B, Geoff, he wouldn't be apologizing to Suns fans if the Lakers had won. He didn't say "sorry" after Game 4, did he? If the Suns had done something evil, like a cheap shot hard foul that injures a player, that's another matter. We celebrate when our teams win, but we have to be prepared to take our licks when they lose. It's all part of the game. And steady may yet live to gloat on Saturday. And that's his right as a fan. No apologies necessary.



The Black Knight always triumphs!


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Well, that's true enough.


steadyb and I have different investments in the outcome. On the one hand, I'm sure he's ten times the Lakers fan that I am a Suns fan. On the other hand, he's been satisfied by many championships over the years, whereas I'm still waiting for the first Suns championship.


As I mentioned last year, they were the only pro-level home team when I was a child in the Phoenix area (no Arizona NFL or MLB franchises back then), so it would be especially gratifying to see them win a championship at some point. Nonetheless, while this series has raised my level of expectations for both the Suns and the Lakers, I still don't believe either team will become champions this year.


But I'd also still be happy to be proved wrong! ;)





My Blue Someday appears on Apple Music | Spotify | YouTube | Amazon

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