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New User would lik eto play Organ!


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Hello! I am new here. I am from Austria so i'm sorry for my English:-)



I read lots of articles (on Magazines,. Internet Forums and so on,) but i still have problems to make a decision.

I am a kpiano and keyboard player and i really!!! would like to learn Orgn (in Music Style Funk Blues and so on!)


So i have 2 questions:

1 Which instrumnet woul be the right for me? (i cannot buy a B3 because of money and the bigness!)

So i think i have to buy a clone.

Which clone would be the best one to learb?

I would be interested in the Clavia Nord Electro.

Is it (about Keyboard action and this virtual drawbars) a real opponent to CX-3 and xk-3??


has it the same quality of keyboard and can i learn real organ playing by using this led drawbars?


Some people say: Electro is not a keyboard for real Organ playing.

But some say of course it is! I mean lots of people will just use presets and then of course the electro will be enough. but i hpre there are also real good organ players (who make all the stuff i would like to learn, like using Settings while playeing and so on)


Is there for REAL Organ Playing a Electro a good board or do i uuse something like a XK-3?



and the 2nd question is:

How can i learn organplaying (i don't know any organ teacher!)

Are there any teaching methods like Vido DVD or Books? (I just know and have: Hammond Organ Complete)


Thanks a lot for answering my questions. (again sorry for my "German-enlish" ;)

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Hi! I just noticed your thread. How are you making out in your search for the perfect piece of gear? There PLENTY OF PROFESSIONALS on this forum who can make recommendations. Where are they, we ask? :D


If I wanted to become proficient at funky blues style organ playing, first of all I'd have to ask somebody to define it. :o Then I'd really start listening. I'd look for videos, like you said. I'd try to copy the smears and swipes and licks - ughh, if I could stand thinking about it - and THEN, I'd ask politely for someone on this forum to maybe post an mp3 or two of their own style, for 2 reasons - to hear their clone of choice, and also to determine what defines a satisfactory performance as opposed to a platinum one. I might even post my own recordings and ask for ways to improve. and THEN, if I haven't given up all hope, I might look for a Hammond XK3. (since Hammond wrote the book). (But if I wasn't already happy with my stage piano, I'd check out the Nord Stage, just because. ;) )


How's that for a post that tells you nothing? :)Have a good day, Killerloop. :wave:

"........! Try to make It..REAL! compared to what? ! ! ! " - BOPBEEPER
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I own an XK-System so take my opinions with that in mind.


I've only played with an Electro (organ sounds only) in a music store for a little while and it was through a Roland amp. Maybe it was the amp, but if you only want organ, you might consider other options. Others really like these though. Try everything you can and buy the one that sounds right to you. Many speak highly of the Rotary sim on the Korg CX3, to me it sounds just like an old RFX962 TwinSpin pedal I had for a while. But again, I played one in a music store and it was connected to a pair of studio monitors that may not have been presenting the CX3 in the best light.


If possible, play any clones you try through a number of amps. Two different clones may sound very different through the same amp and any one clone may sound very different through two different amps. I would suggest you try to find amps that can reach down to 40Hz or below. Also, if they have more than one speaker, the lower the crossover, the better (IMHO). This is so that if there is a dip in frequency response at the crossover point, that dip isn't where the Leslie Sim is trying to simulate the Leslie scream. I believe most Leslie models have their crossovers at 700 or 800 Hz.


Regarding the XK-3, this tread has quite a bit of information about them:



Good Luck

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I've played the Hammond XK3 and like it.


I've played the Nord Electro 73 organ and like it.


Both have a great 'organic' sound that is missing on synths and clones. I haven't been able to make my PC2X sound like either of these. But I'm not finished trying all my options either.


I like the drawbars on the Hammond. The Nord doesn't have these. I think real drawbars are important because you 'play' them as an integral part of playing organ (along with a 2nd manual, its drawbars, the expression pedal, and the footpedals... and oh, did I mention the Leslie switch?)


I would go for the Hammond XK-3 with a suitable Leslie® cabinet for performance use. Leslie sims are adequate, but nothing can replace the real deal.



"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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The following Hammond models are great instruments, and generally far less expensive than a B3:









There are more, too - these are the ones I've had first hand experience with. The first 3 can do everything a B can do (and then some). The last 3 are quite inexpensive, but still have that sound, though a few less sliders, pedals, presets, etc. In the US, L's and M's can regularly be found for under $500. Nice piece of furniture, too. The advantage of the RT and the D (not all D's though!) is the larger pedalboard allows for playing classical repertoire as well.


BTW, my church uses a Roland VK-8 for Hammond sounds. I'm quite pleased with it.


Best wishes,



I played in an 8 piece horn band. We would often get bored. So...three words:

"Tower of Polka." - Calumet

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JMcS linked us to a TonyMonoco website for DVDs, and other learning material.......does he go over volume pedal techniques??


I've skimmed through a few books in Music Stores, I haven't seen anything about the pedal, but I can definitely hear what sounds like volume swells when listening to various songs..........so I was wondering.

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