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DaveMcM: check your black keys


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Hi Dave :wave:


I happened to notice that the black keys on my yamaha acoustic are indeed sloped downward from to back. And they are on the promega as well. The difference is slight, 1/16". How I never noticed earlier is beyond me....especially since you brought it up:


Just curious if anyone has noticed how on some digital piano keyboards the black keys are actually higher at the front edge (toward the front of the keyboard and slope down at the back of the key?"


In other words, on a grand/vertical acoustic piano the height of the black keys is equal from front to back as it is on some digital pianos.


I recently had a chance to check out a lot of different actions from several brands and noticed that a lot of the black keys sloped down hill from front to back. This felt uncomfortable when playing chords where my fingers playing black keys that were closer to the back portion of the key didnt have the same physical control over velocity as black keys played closer to the front edge of the key due to the reduced key travel.

Not trying to trap anybody, just wondering... was this some sort of inverse psychology, or what's up? :cool:
"........! Try to make It..REAL! compared to what? ! ! ! " - BOPBEEPER
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There is an ever so slight slope to the black keys on my grand and also on the PM3. But what I was referring too was a very noticeable slope. I have made it a point to look at various acoustic and electronic keyboards and they all are a little different it seems. Some more sloped than others.


No big deal, I was just asking if anyone else noticed this.


Not trying to trap anybody, just wondering... was this some sort of inverse psychology, or what's up?
To use language that is unbecoming of me but seems to be the norm around this forum as of late, WTF! Sue, why would you even say something like that? I have NEVER said anything directly negative about another brand on this forum. I was asking an honest question, that's all!


No reply required.

Wm. David McMahan

I Play, Therefore I Am


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1. Somebody's posting drunk. :rolleyes:

2. Somebody forgot the smilies :P

3. Sue's sense of humor is a lot like mine... twisted. You'll have to forgive us.


Or else...


1. Read the forum after having a few drinks.

2. Add in your own damn smilies 'cause we're too lazy to do it ourselves.

3. Trade in your old sense of humor for one that's twisted.


As they say in the lyrics of an old Beach Music song:


"Ain't No Big Thing"


Monday morning... Too early for a beer. But I make a GREAT Bloody Mary. Who wants one? :P:wave:

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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Originally posted by DaveMcM:

No reply required.

Well you're getting a reply anyway!!! :eek::eek::eek:


My reason for saying anything, is that I've always assumed the black were level, like the white keys. For me, this is akin to playing a piece for months and one day realizing that I've playing been a note incorrectly. It's got a flat! or whatever. It's fantastic to make such a discovery. I love it.


So Dave, don't give me half truths, give it to me straight. It makes total sense for a black key to be angled, given the shorter length. Right? I would imagine with the stiffer action of some digitals, a steeper angle would be a necessary compensation.


Maybe I'm the only one who hasn't noticed this interesting aspect of key action before, but I'd love to hear more.... if there's anything more to be said. :o


I know you've never said anything negative about any other brand. It kills me. Too bad you can't say the same for me.


So, I'm wondering what exciting threads I've been missing to prompt your 'unbecoming language'? (which, doesn't unbecome you at all. I had it coming. :o )

"........! Try to make It..REAL! compared to what? ! ! ! " - BOPBEEPER
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Sue, I thought I had a lot of free time to think about things. I looked at my GranTouch but couldn't locate my micrometer to verify your findings. It could also be an optical illusion because the front surface of the key is sloped and not at a 90 degree angle to the floor. :cool:


(I need to spend more time away from the computer. Some day when I'm dead my kids will look up these posts and wonder what I did with my life.)

No guitarists were harmed during the making of this message.


In general, harmonic complexity is inversely proportional to the ratio between chording and non-chording instruments.


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Originally posted by Dave Horne:

(I need to spend more time away from the computer. Some day when I'm dead my kids will look up these posts and wonder what I did with my life.)

I was going to ask if I can quote you, Dave.


But, that's too frightening... and hits too close to home. :rolleyes:


I think I need to go practice. See ya. :wave:

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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Originally posted by gangsu:

And I need to go clean all the vodka off my kitchen floor. The pantry looks pretty good though.



I'm not EVEN going to ask. :rolleyes::cool:
"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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Unbelievable, I would never have know this tid bit of info had I not read this thread. So of course I had to check my K.Kawai grand and sure enough the black keys slope to the back. Now I have to look at my RD700.


Gas, I'll take a Bloody Mary, just don't hand the vodka to Sue. I think she uses it as a cleaning fluid. She might hand you back Pine Sol. :P



Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others. Groucho




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oh man. We sure surprised eachother today, eh Dave?! I am truly sorry for nailing you first thing in the morning. And too tired right now to come up with much of an excuse. Actually, Gas was kind enough to post a list of excuses for me. Thank you Tom! :D


Dream, thanks for checking out your keys. Hard to believe we've never noticed. Hard to believe we're the only two who have never noticed!



"........! Try to make It..REAL! compared to what? ! ! ! " - BOPBEEPER
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Quote gangsu

Dream, thanks for checking out your keys. Hard to believe we've never noticed. Hard to believe we're the only two who have never noticed!



Sue, I have often been told I never pay attention. My programed response?


I'm to broke to pay attention.


I checked my RD700 and sure enough. I got the same slope to the back. Same thing on Motif6.


I can't believe something I stroke with such love and affection has deceived me for so long.


I will restrain the next comment, it might be an insight to my unsuccesful marriages.



Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others. Groucho




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Originally posted by dream:

Sue, I have often been told I never pay attention. My programed response?


I'm to broke to pay attention.

good answer. Wish I could remember stuff like that....

I can't believe something I stroke with such love and affection has deceived me for so long.


I will restrain the next comment, it might be an insight to my unsuccesful marriages.

Interesting observation. I'm not going there. :D
"........! Try to make It..REAL! compared to what? ! ! ! " - BOPBEEPER
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