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Compilation CD Idea(s)


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How about a KC compilation CD using:


1) Original composition or arrangement featuring only onboard, factory sounds. Your choice of synth(s). Patches would be listed in the linear notes.


2) Original composition or arrangement featuring only user programmed patches. Your choice of synth(s). Patch description/architecture would be listed in the linear notes.


Or compilation featuring:


3) Yamaha DX-7

4) Clavinet


Or centering around:


5) jazzed-up (or sythed-up, or styled-up) arias or themes from opera


Any other cool ideas (without worrying about their implementation)? I have had absolutey nothing to do with the compilations so far in terms of contributions...but these struck me as some things that might be cool.

Weasels ripped my flesh. Rzzzzzzz.
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Originally posted by ELP71:

How about a KC compilation CD using:


1) Original composition or arrangement featuring only onboard, factory sounds. Your choice of synth(s). Patches would be listed in the linear notes.

There was a competition like this for Reason users a little over a year ago and it yielded some great stuff! :)
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Being almost diehard anti-software, I was just about to propose an all-software compilation, thinking specifically of you DJDM. I'd like to hear what can happen when this stuff is put through its paces (there are softsynths that sound more like a vintage Moog Modular than modern hardware modulars, for example).
Give me the ANALOG and no one gets HURT
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Originally posted by peake@pacificnet.net:

Being almost diehard anti-software, I was just about to propose an all-software compilation, thinking specifically of you DJDM. I'd like to hear what can happen when this stuff is put through its paces (there are softsynths that sound more like a vintage Moog Modular than modern hardware modulars, for example).

I'm not anti-hardware myself but if you are interested in checking out what I have been able to do with just Softsynths alone you can go to my Weed music page now and take a peake (pun intended). No hardware what so ever (except my controllers) was hurt in the production of any of these tracks. :)

I have played with the Moog Mod and it kicks it hard but I don't own it so I would not be able to come up with a good competition piece for something like this. I generally don't mess around with VSTs too much as they tend to be too hard on the CPU and really limit what you can do with an arrangement.

I generally use tools like the ReasonBanks Pro.Ton refill for a vintage sound. It works exceedingly well at getting me vintage analog sounds in a compact manageable package. :)

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Originally posted by ELP71:

How about a KC compilation CD using:


1) Original composition or arrangement featuring only onboard, factory sounds. Your choice of synth(s). Patches would be listed in the linear notes.


I am in. ;):D
I am back.
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Maybe it's also a good idea to paste my original thoughts here:


- A prog compilation. I think this is mandatory! Covers, but maybe originals as well.


- A jazz standards CD. Obviously, with the freedom to arrange them in any way.

Maybe even a whole Duke Ellington or Cole Porter comp..?


- A comp dedicated to loop music - electronica, DB, trance, techno/dance, etc.


- An 'ambient' comp. Rhythm allowed, but in a mild fashion.


- A rock opera! I've loved this idea when it was first brought out. Of course, we would need a good *complete* libretto, before we start doing the music.


- A comp based on classical music. Again, any type of arrangement allowed.


- A 'pop songs' comp. All originals. It will show our composing/producing skills.


- A fun one: A 'one synth' comp. Everything is done on one machine, maybe including effects.


- A live comp. This is similar to what we're doing now, but recorded on stage. Dedicated to the performers among us.


- More One-band or One-artist covers (For example, Doors, Stones, ELP, Yes, Weather Report, Mahavishnu, Radiohead, Bjork, Sting, Hendrix, Mozart, Beethoven, etc. etc.).


- Maybe this is too crazy, but I would love to do a 'one-song' thing too, like, 15 versions of "Every breath you Take" or whatever.


- A 'film themes' comp! (mm, love this one)


Other ideas: Punk, synth-pop (I hate it, but what the hell), orchestral, free improv, drone music, ethnic flavors, etc. etc. etc.

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Originally posted by marino:

- A fun one: A 'one synth' comp. Everything is done on one machine, maybe including effects.

I thought about taking this one step further. Many of us own mono-synths and it was always fun for me to build polyphony one track at a time. How 'bout a "mono-synths only" comp?




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Originally posted by ksoper:

Originally posted by marino:

- A fun one: A 'one synth' comp. Everything is done on one machine, maybe including effects.

I thought about taking this one step further. Many of us own mono-synths and it was always fun for me to build polyphony one track at a time. How 'bout a "mono-synths only" comp?
Hmmm... I guess I could get out some of my old hardware...
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The film and the ambient comps sound way cool!



Famous Musical Quotes: "I would rather play Chiquita Banana and have my swimming pool than play Bach and starve" - Xavier Cugat

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Originally posted by peake(at)pacificnet(dot)net:

A one-artist cover using only the DX-7's original factory patches, keyboard mono!

Fingered porta okay? ;)


As we have two threads currently running on the same topic, I'm gonna close this one...





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


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