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I've made the jump!

Dave Bryce

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So, my poor ol' G4 has served me faithfully for a few years now. I've kept OS9.2 on it, avoiding OS X like the plague.


Those days are now gone....


I sit here typing on a brand new shiny Mac G5, with new Panther OS. Yeah, baby... :thu:


This thing is great! The migration has (so far) been pretty much effortless (knock on wood). I love the new Mail program, and the new Safari browser. Everything is so cleans and sleek. I'm totally diggin' it!


Of course, the true test will come this weekend when I try to install and configure the music/audio software. :eek:





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Rabid:

Are you sure you do not have a P4 WinXP machine in the closet? :P

I'm positive. :D


I've been a Mac guy since I sold my ATARI 1040ST many, many moons ago (can any of you say Dr. T's KCS? :freak: ). G5 in the studio, G3 laptop, wife has an IMac, and the boy is about to upgrade to a G4 from his Radius 81/110. He'll dig it. :thu:


If it makes you feel any better, I have a PC at work. ;)





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Congrats. Do you use a MOTU card with Digital Performer? If you do, be sure to get the latest MOTU drivers and install them BEFORE you install the PCI card.


And I guess it's time for you to upgrade to 4.11, or skip sideways to Logic. I'm using both at the moment. I look forward to hearing about your experiences.

"For instance" is not proof.


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Originally posted by zeronyne:

Do you use a MOTU card with Digital Performer? If you do, be sure to get the latest MOTU drivers and install them BEFORE you install the PCI card.

But of course, my brother...


And I guess it's time for you to upgrade to 4.11, or skip sideways to Logic. I'm using both at the moment.
Funny you should say that, as I plan to do the same.


Going with 4.11 for sure, as I'll need access to my older stuff, and I certainly do dig the program. I've had a copy of Logic 6 for a while now, and I'm planning on installing it as soon as steadyb gets back from Cupertino - he's promised that it'll be relatively painless.


I'm actually psyched to get into Logic - I used it in it's original Notator version back when I had the Atari. Plus, then I get to use those cool-ass softsynths... :D


I'd really like to be fluent in both - can't see that as being anything but a good thing. Different tools allow people to create differently, knowhutahmean? ;)





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

I'd really like to be fluent in both - can't see that as being anything but a good thing. Different tools allow people to create differently, knowhutahmean? ;)

Amen to that! I cannot believe the people on various boards that trash one sequencer over another. I have no idea why one would waste that much energy trying to convince someone of something so personal. But I digress.


Man, Notator on Atari was AWESOME! I had all the accessories, too, Unitor, Steady Eye, and that other MIDI expansion that fit on the back. It never ever crashed, and everything except for notation was on a single screen. I daresay my songs were better then than now. Sigh...

"For instance" is not proof.


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Oh! You made THAT jump! And here I thought that you were dumping the Raiders for a REAL team like the Chiefs or the Panthers. ;)


OSX rocks, and Logic rocks on X. ES2 is a M-TH-RF-CK-R! You will *LUV* it 2 DEATH. ESM is surprisingly powerful, also, even though it has a limited voice architecture (but, heck, it's *FREE*).

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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