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10/12 dinner in NYC?

Dave Bryce

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Hmmmm....how to make this work...


Well, if everyone will be at the show, we could all meet at my booth (1004) at 6PM on Sunday. If not, would it be possible to ask one of you native NY guys to scout out/choose a place for us to hang/eat? Actually, that might not be a bad idea regardless...


BTW - if anyone needs passes, I've got you covered.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

would it be possible to ask one of you native NY guys to scout out/choose a place for us to hang/eat?

I wish I could be there, but I can suggest a place: http://www.churrascariaplataforma.com/

It's not a cheap dinner ($40/person + drinks + tax + tip) but it's a lot of food and "Atkins diet" compatible. :D


Then again, you probably could find a sports bar and catch the end of the 4pm game (Buffalo @ NY Jets, but you already know how that game will end) and the day's highlights. The ESPN Zone in Times Square is probably packed on a Sunday during NFL season.

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Cool. I'm fairly sure Dr. G plans to make it as well, so that's eight of us.


Do we like that size, or should we see if some of the SSS folks want to join us?


Also, any other suggestions for places to hang? There's a pretty cool BBQ place a few blocks from the Javits that might be fun...





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Geosync:

Sorry Guys, I'm leaving Sunday Morning :cry:


I hope to see you while I'm there.

Bummer, brother Geo...


Save me a few passes to your Friday night thing - I'd like to try and make that...





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Jan Folkson:

I'll try to poke around some this week. Before I start investigating are there any particular preferences?

Apparently not. ;)


The list so far:





Mike Martin


Jan Folkson


Bleen - maybe

Synthetic - maybe


Okay, so can we all agree to meet at the ADAM booth (1004) at 6PM Sunday evening?





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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I will be there only on Saturday until around 5, so won't be able to make the dinner. My son and I are going to stop by the ADAM booth to say "HEY!!", Dave.


See you there.


roger :D

Composer/Performer at Roger Hooper Music

Product Trainer at CASIO



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Hmmm...another forum dinner. Id like to join again, but my workload will force me otherwise.


But, I am going to be at the AES tomorrow. So, maybe whoever from the forum is gonna go, hopefully, however that may happen, I run into you and get to say a "hello."

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In case anyone sees this, there is a chance that I will not be making the dinner tomorrow. There is also a chance that I will, and if I do, I will be at the ADAM booth at 6:00 sharp, so don't wait around for me. Hoping to make it...
Check out the Sweet Clementines CD at bandcamp
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Hey All,


Unfortunately I've come down with food poisoning and missed almost the entire show and all the events that I was hoping to attend. I was there Friday morning before I had to leave "abruptly". Have fun tonight and have a round for me.

- Jan Folkson



"How do you know when it's music and not just a bunch of noise" - Dennis the Menace

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Hey guys,


Sorry to say I'm not going to make it down tonight. It's a bit of a trip for me, roughly 2 hours each way, and I've got a bunch of work-related matter that I must attend to.


If any attendees are reading this, please pass my apologies along to Captain Bryce. Thanks.

Check out the Sweet Clementines CD at bandcamp
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We (myeslf, Dave G, Valky, Mike Martin and of course Dave and the German ADAM group). I think we had 10 total. Went to Rosie O'Grady's on 7th Ave and 52nd. I had an absolute blast. We talked shop, sports (for some reason the Raiders pathetic loss to the Browns came up multiple times) and we convinced Valky to bear many children over the next few years. :P . I had to drive back to N. VA after dinner so I missed the party. Got home 2:00AM and was wiped. I hope I get to join you guys again soon and hopefully we get even more people. Thanks again Dave Bryce and hope to see you all at NAMM. Now back to my memmeroni pizza. :D
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