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NFL survival pool

Dave Bryce

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...and then there were five...ummm, I mean six... ;)


Week 4


Weasel -

Denver won

Green Bay won

Minnesota won

Griffinator -

Indy won

Minnesota won

KC won


Ouizel -

Indy won

Oakland won

Pittsburgh won

Llarion -

TB won

Seattle won

KC won

Bunny -

Detroit won

Minnesota won

Indy won

Eric Worthington -

SF won

New Orleans won

TB won


The list sure got pretty short pretty fast, huh? See - it really is tougher than it looks... ;)





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Jeff the Weasel:

I can't waste the pick on such a weenie opponent. :D

Weenie? You didn't really call the Broncos a weenie opponent, did you? Uh-huh. Well, I'll just write that one down in my notebook here. You know the Raiders have won once in their last eight at Mile High. One time, that's it.


Big words. Too bad the team won't be able to back you up. Yeah, we'll talk after the game.

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

C'mon, Postman - I expect much better taunts outta you.

Everyone's a critic. :rolleyes:


Ok, Dave "Let's-have-a-group-hug-at-midfield" Bryce, show me how it's done. Let's see you wager some trash talk before tonight's kickoff. Give me something quotable, something throw-back-in-your-faceable.

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Originally posted by Postman:

You know the Raiders have won once in their last eight at Mile High. One time, that's it.

Yes, but for the last Raiders game at Invesco, our record is 1-0. What's yours? :P:D


Can't WAIT! It was the first thing my brain reminded me about when I awoke this morning! Whoo-hooo!


- Jeff

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Originally posted by Postman:

Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

C'mon, Postman - I expect much better taunts outta you.

Everyone's a critic. :rolleyes:


Ok, Dave "Let's-have-a-group-hug-at-midfield" Bryce, show me how it's done. Let's see you wager some trash talk before tonight's kickoff. Give me something quotable, something throw-back-in-your-faceable.

Hmmmm - honestly, I'm not really feeling the trash-talking buzz yet. Here's where I'm at:


The Raiders need to win this game tonight, for a variety of reasons. First and foremost, we hate the Broncos more than any other team in the league (with KC close second). Next, the amount of vitriol between My Pal Al and Mike Shanahan is legendary, so the game is important on that level.


Most importantly, however, is that I think that the Raiders need this from a morale standpoint more than the Broncos do. It can be argued that they were sleeping a bit during the Tennessee game, and that they didn't take the Bengals seriously enough (not surprising). However, if they lose to Denver tonight, everyone is gonna start saying that they are, in fact too damn old, and I think they may start to believe it themselves.


I know that you may have been looking for a bit more chest-thumping from me, but that just ain't where I'm at right now. Sorry...steadyb, I ain't... ;)


I will say this - I am way psyched for this game - it should be a barn-burner! :thu:







:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Ahhhh, what the hell...


Boyeeeee, your Donkeys are goin' down like a cheap whore this evening. Mr. Plummer is gonna be pressured so hard that he's gonna see Silver and Black in his dreams for the rest of the season, maybe the rest of his career. When they finally do cart his candy ass off the field, Shanahan's gonna have to make up a whole bunch of lies as to what's wrong with him.


On the other side of the ball, RG (last year's league MVP) is gonna light Denver's pitiful excuse for a defensive squad up like the proverbial Christmas tree. Look for #80 to show why he's the Best WR Ever To Play the Game. Look for Antonio "Huggy-Cub" Fargas to make a statement as to what the Raidahs have in store for the league for the next few years.


My prediction for Denver? Pain... :evil::D


Better? ;)





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Hmmmm - honestly, I'm not really feeling the trash-talking buzz yet.

*sigh* Oh, very well. Yes, this is a big game for the Raiders, especially with K.C. setting the league on fire. Dropping two games behind the Chiefs before even playing them would mean a steep hill to climb. But the team has got to know that it can come back. They lost four games in a row last season and still made it to the Super Bowl. That's got to be some sort of record. It also has to give the Raiders hope even if they do lose tonight.


The Broncos, on the other hand, have just the opposite problem. They were exposed as a fraud last year and they and the fans remember that well. If the defense gets rung up again, Bronco land will disown the team even if they somehow win the game anyway. It's sort of funny. Ever since the two Super Bowl victories, Bronco fans have become football snobs. There's no believing or not believing anymore. Faith's not a part of it. We've all got our little checklists and if all the boxes aren't checked, we're not going to risk getting emotionally involved. This team's undefeated and there's no real buzz in the city. It more like "talk to us when you win the AFC Championship."


I know Gannon's having an off year so far, but he still gives me the willies. The Broncos are starting a rookie corner back. Gannon's got to be licking his chops.

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Originally posted by Postman:

Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Ahhhh, what the hell...

Ooh, I bit on the head fake. Got faked right out of my jock. :eek:
Hey man - just tryin' to be accommodating... ;)


My seven year old son has a really hard time with the Oak/Den matchup. I'm a huge Raiders fan, and my wife comes from Denver and is a Broncos fan, so he tries to play both sides of the fence. I feel his pain.


Good luck tonight. It should be a fun one as always! :thu:





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

On the other side of the ball, RG (last year's league MVP) is gonna light Denver's pitiful excuse for a defensive squad up like the proverbial Christmas tree. Look for #80 to show why he's the Best WR Ever To Play the Game. Look for Antonio "Huggy-Cub" Fargas to make a statement as to what the Raidahs have in store for the league for the next few years.

Uh-huh, sure. Since the Superbowl everyone now knows why Gannon was so good last season: the Raiders cheated. That's right, cheated. Yep, there were all sorts of pick plays worked into the pass patterns. Gruden knew that and had his linebackers play zone underneath. You can't pick what isn't moving. It exposed the Raider receiving corps as old and slow.


We all know that the Raiders can't win if they play by the rules. Everyone except Raiders fans, that is, and they're going to get a rude awakening tonight. You, too, Raider-boy. You and that miserable excuse for a football team are going down!


Oh, and you like movie quotes?


"I love the smell of Geritol in the visiting team's lockerroom. It smells like...victory."


:P:P and one more :P

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

My seven year old son has a really hard time with the Oak/Den matchup. I'm a huge Raiders fan, and my wife comes from Denver and is a Broncos fan, so he tries to play both sides of the fence. I feel his pain.

Well, I'll be darned. I didn't know the gene for football expertise is carried on the X chromosome!

Good luck tonight. It should be a fun one as always! :thu:

What? What happened to the evil, trash talking DB? I'm starting to get dizzy.


Uh, well, good luck to you, too... I think.

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Originally posted by Griffinator:

Wow. Green Bay collapse. San Fran gets shocked. (good, they'll be demoralized coming into the Minnesota game next week)

Naw, they won't be demoralized. Theyr strong fundamentally, they will overcome, like the Bucs special teams rebounded. But it'll be a barn burner nevertheless...



Phil "Llarion: The Jazzinator" Traynor


Smooth Jazz

- QUESTION AUTHORITY. Go ahead, ask me anything.


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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

...and then there were five...ummm, I mean six... ;)


Week 4


Weasel -

Denver won

Green Bay won

Minnesota won

Griffinator -

Indy won

Minnesota won

KC won


Ouizel -

Indy won

Oakland won

Pittsburgh won

Llarion -

TB won

Seattle won

KC won

Bunny -

Detroit won

Minnesota won

Indy won

Eric Worthington -

SF won

New Orleans won

TB won


The list sure got pretty short pretty fast, huh? See - it really is tougher than it looks... ;)



No real obvious picks this week, all the good teams are playing each other, the mediocre teams are playing each other, and the bad teams are playing each other.


Burning questions for the week:


*Will the Cards ride their upset into a second in the Edward Jones Dome? (Probably not)


*Can Detroit breathe at that altitude and under that much fire? (Probably not)


*Will the Saints sneak up on Indy's smallish D-line with Deuce and ball-control them into submission? (Possibly)


*Can KC stop Baltimore's running game? (Possibly, but even if they can't, they have too much O-power for even Ray Lewis)


*Will Cleveland go flat and lose to the Bungles after stunning, emotional win at the 'Stick? (Very possible).


*Will the '03 Bucs D go down as the best in history after this year? (At this rate, yes, by a big margin)


Must stew on this for a few days. Early barometer sez Denver, but I dunno. We'll see. I'll pick it later on this wee.



Phil "Llarion: The Jazzinator" Traynor


Smooth Jazz

- QUESTION AUTHORITY. Go ahead, ask me anything.


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I'm glad I still have the Broncos available. After watching them slap my Raiders tonight, I think I'll probably have to pick them for week four.


I gotta check on Joey Harrington's condition. Didn't he dislocate a finger this weekend? Not that it's gonna matter much, anyway. The Horsies looked prety damn strong tonight.

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Wow, I'm still in this?? Cool! :cool:


I'll take Green Bay for week 4



**Standard Disclaimer** Ya gotta watch da Ouizel, as he often posts complete and utter BS. In this case however, He just might be right. Eagles may soar, but Ouizels don't get sucked into jet engines.
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Hey. Maybe those of us who exited early should start taking side bets on who will win. Maybe a suicide pool where each week we have to pick we have to pick someone we think will survive the current pool.


I'll take Jeff this week. :cool:




(I hope people know this is a joke.)

This post edited for speling.

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Hmmm, This Bucs team as the best D in history? Not in my humbop. That would be the the '85 Bears, whom I despised. In fact, I might rate the Ravens of 3 years ago higher than the Bucs too. I'd love to compare the stats.


I was shocked by how well Carolina, a less than mediocre offensive team with NO passing game, ran the ball against TB. Nobody moved the balll that well against the '85 Bears except the Marino/Duper/Claton Dolphins, who beat up the Bears pretty good that year, their only loss.

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Originally posted by Magpel:

Hmmm, This Bucs team as the best D in history? Not in my humbop. That would be the the '85 Bears, whom I despised. In fact, I might rate the Ravens of 3 years ago higher than the Bucs too. I'd love to compare the stats.


I was shocked by how well Carolina, a less than mediocre offensive team with NO passing game, ran the ball against TB. Nobody moved the balll that well against the '85 Bears except the Marino/Duper/Claton Dolphins, who beat up the Bears pretty good that year, their only loss.

Well, I'd put them behind those two as well, ending with last season's stats. If the Bucs continue the year at this pace, they will give up 7.3 points per game, 1 touchdown every 3 games, and 213 yards per game total offense allowed. That would put them WELL ahead of those other 2 blisteringly good defenses. They are only giving up 106 yards of pass offense a game. (They are averaging 107 yards running, which is still not bad, but that was because Davis ripped them for 154. Tennessee and SF are in the low 60s right now, by contrast.)


Last year's D was within a hair's breadth of the 2000 Ravens stats, and within striking distance of the 85 Bears. Nobody has ever averaged less than 10ppg over the full season. This years Bucs D has every chance to surpass them all by a significant margin.


There could very well be 6 Hall of Famers on this squad; Brooks, Lynch, Sapp, Barber, Rice, and McFarland


Statistically speaking, the teams to fear are:


Pitt: #5 offense, #3 defense

SF: #8 offense, #2 defense

TB: #10 offense (!) #1 defense

Den: #7 offense, #6 defense



Phil "Llarion: The Jazzinator" Traynor


Smooth Jazz

- QUESTION AUTHORITY. Go ahead, ask me anything.


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Well, both San Fran and Denver will get tested on D this week, and I'll be surprised if their rankings stay that high. Detroit may be a dismal defensive team, but they have some firepower on offense. If Culpepper plays Sunday, the Niners lose - and lose bad. If he's out, they'll win.
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Moving the list...


Week 4


Weasel -

Denver won

Green Bay won

Minnesota won


Griffinator -

Indy won

Minnesota won

KC won


Ouizel -

Indy won

Oakland won

Pittsburgh won

Green Bay

Llarion -

TB won

Seattle won

KC won

St. Louis

Bunny -

Detroit won

Minnesota won

Indy won


Eric Worthington -

SF won

New Orleans won

TB won






:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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