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Vol. 7 - an idea...

Dave Bryce

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So, I've been chewing on some of the feedback and brainstorming that we did over the last few days; and, although I'm happy with the direction that we've got for Vol. 6, I'd like to suggest the possibility of something else for Vol. 7 instead of just a regular ol' generic comp CD like Vol. 4...


You see, I like this idea of themes. You guys really struck a chord with me on this point.


I also heard what you said about original stuff, and it gave me an idea:


What do you think of the possibility of making Vol. 7 a "live" CD as well, but having the theme be improvisation? Then, Vols 6 and 7 would truly be a set.


Solo, accompanied, acoustic, electric, with a band, over a drum machine - whatever floats yer boat. The main criteria is that like Vol. 6, it needs to be "live". However, unlike Vol. 6, it needs to be only original material - no covers on this one. Where the focus of Vol. 6 would be piano performance, the focus of this one would be improvisational skills.


Think about it...you could be Krakit, and just turn on your synths and jam. You could be Steve LeBlanc,and submit a JamFree piece. You could grab a drummer and just wail for five minutes, or turn on a loop, and just play over the top of it.


The only place I'm a bit unclear is that if someone submits a solo improvisational piano piece, I'm not sure which of the two volumes it'd go on...but somehow I think that could be sorted out pretty easily. Maybe it could be left up to the individual submitter to choose which volume they'd prefer.







:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Krakit:

Unfortunately, I would like to be in both.


What do you say to that? :D

Not sure, because given the potential change in nature of Vol. 7, I'd like to be in both too... ;)


My inclination would probably be to try and accomodate anyone who wants to be in both volumes, with the understanding that there is a possibility that one of the pieces might get bumped to Vol. 8 in consideration of forum members who didn't want to be in both volumes.


Does that sound fair?





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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This sounds great! Clarify your vision on Vol. 7 a bit for me...will any sequencing be allowed? Lets say for instance, can I first sequence some drum tracks and then jam over that? Of course keeping all tweaking to a minimum to retain the live intergrity.



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In order to produce anything that's worth listening to, my limited abilities require me to build a number in pieces and then layer it together. As a member of TWS (Those Who Suck), I would, therefore, have to sit this one out. I don't have a problem with this, however. I like Dave's idea of a "live" theme and will still buy a copy even if I don't participate.
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Originally posted by astor*:

Clarify your vision on Vol. 7 a bit for me...will any sequencing be allowed? Lets say for instance, can I first sequence some drum tracks and then jam over that? Of course keeping all tweaking to a minimum to retain the live integrity.

Hmmm...that's definitely riding the edge, but I'm inclined to think that'd be fair as long as the programming isn't real intricate. If it's just a matter of making a few patterns that you switch between, I suppose that'd be okay because that's something that you can do in rea time with a drum machine. However (as you said), the tweaking would have to be extremely minimal because if it's an intricately programmed sequence where you know what's coming next and what the breaks will be, I'm thinking that the live improv feeling would probably be lost.


If it'd be okay with y'all, I'd ask to reserve the right to question just how live the piece feels - I think it'd be real obvious if it sounds too practiced. In a worse comes to worse case scenario, the piece in question would just (you guessed it) be bumped to Volume 8, so the effort wouldn't be wasted.


Does that sound reasonable?





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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I really like this idea and I too would like to be on both CDs if I can find time to record my oldest brother's piano in Long Beach for vol. 6.


I guess number of submissions will decide that, that's cool. If we do end up with too many submissions for volume 7, I could host a webpage where the songs that don't make it on the CD could be listened to online, I've got the space and the extra bandwidth...might be cool for the interim between vol.7&8...since we do these comps for ourselves and all, just an idea.


Originally posted by astor*:


This sounds great! Clarify your vision on Vol. 7 a bit for me...will any sequencing be allowed? Lets say for instance, can I first sequence some drum tracks and then jam over that? Of course keeping all tweaking to a minimum to retain the live intergrity.

As long as it's not a pre-composed arrangement it seems like that would be within the basic rules. Someone else might want to jam over a Karma Appegiator or something too. I guess each member will be expected to police themselves in this regard eh? As long as it's mostly a live improvisation by definition, fuzzy little details shouldn't really matter. :)
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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Originally posted by astor*:

Clarify your vision on Vol. 7 a bit for me...will any sequencing be allowed? Lets say for instance, can I first sequence some drum tracks and then jam over that? Of course keeping all tweaking to a minimum to retain the live integrity.

Hmmm...that's definitely riding the edge, but I'm inclined to think that'd be fair as long as the programming isn't real intricate. If it's just a matter of making a few patterns that you switch between, I suppose that'd be okay because that's something that you can do in rea time with a drum machine. However (as you said), the tweaking would have to be extremely minimal because if it's an intricately programmed sequence where you know what's coming next and what the breaks will be, I'm thinking that the live improv feeling would probably be lost.


If it'd be okay with y'all, I'd ask to reserve the right to question just how live the piece feels - I think it'd be real obvious if it sounds too practiced. In a worse comes to worse case scenario, the piece in question would just (you guessed it) be bumped to Volume 8, so the effort wouldn't be wasted.


Does that sound reasonable?



We posted at the same time...er, yeah what Dave said. :thu:
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Originally posted by Stephen LeBlanc:

I really like this idea and I too would like to be on both CDs if I can find time to record my oldest brother's piano in Long Beach for vol. 6

I'd actually like to make a quid pro quo proposal in that arena...


I'd need help recording my piano, as it's on a different floor from my studio. I'd be willing to let you use my Kawai to record your piece in exchange for assistance with helping me cut my own tracks.


If any other LA folks are interested in this arrangement, perhaps we could even make a day of it...just a thought...





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Originally posted by Stephen LeBlanc:

I really like this idea and I too would like to be on both CDs if I can find time to record my oldest brother's piano in Long Beach for vol. 6

I'd actually like to make a quid pro quo proposal in that arena...


I'd need help recording my piano, as it's on a different floor from my studio. I'd be willing to let you use my Kawai to record your piece in exchange for assistance with helping me cut my own tracks.


If any other LA folks are interested in this arrangement, perhaps we could even make a day of it...just a thought...



oh yeah, that would be EXCELLENT...your piano is definitly better.
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I've been playing a QS8 for so long now, I think a real acoustic grand might physically wear me out before I could get a decent take.


Afrter a couple warm ups to adjust my playing touch to the real thing, I'd then have to nail it pretty quick.


I like the idea of coming over to do that, but that means I better pick what I'm gonna play now, so I'll have time to practice.


BTW, I noticed the decrease in my playing endurance last year, when I had an opportunity to play Michael Kaman's Steinway while working on an little indie film last May.


Man, I gotta get a real piano again.

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Here's something I'm going to run by you guys. I'm going to skip Vol 6 but Janet is going to do a short little "live" piano solo piece. Is that OK with you. I know she's not officially a forum member but. . .




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Originally posted by b_3guy:

Here's something I'm going to run by you guys. I'm going to skip Vol 6 but Janet is going to do a short little "live" piano solo piece. Is that OK with you. I know she's not officially a forum member but. . .

She can easily join! Kcbass

 "Let It Be!"

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Your criterion is more than reasonable and I'm looking forward to getting to work now. I will likely be one of the "teetering on the edge of hitting Volume 8" people because I do tend to tweak my own stuff way too much. This will be the perfect opportunity to break that habit and trust my chops. I'm officially in :thu:



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I could prepare one of my "LIVE" (talking about Ableton's software) set ups... ;)


Seriuosly... Great Idea.

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I like the idea of coming over to do that, but that means I better pick what I'm gonna play now, so I'll have time to practice.


BTW, I noticed the decrease in my playing endurance last year, when I had an opportunity to play Michael Kaman's Steinway while working on an little indie film last May.


Man, I gotta get a real piano again.

heh, I started practicing today (technique anyway, I haven't decided what piece I'll record yet)...my piano sucks but it has lead weighted keys that are even tougher to play than most grands so hopefully I'll be "in shape" when Dave's ready to record this.


I've only played acoustic piano a couple of times in the last year (my piano has gotten so bad it's not very pleasant to play) and I was very obviously out of shape both times. This is an excellent excuse to kick my ass in gear and spend some time practicing.


So, we're in the same boat here Byron, you've got to play a real piano dude, the piano comp was your idea afterall. ;)

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Originally posted by Stephen LeBlanc:

I like the idea of coming over to do that, but that means I better pick what I'm gonna play now, so I'll have time to practice.


BTW, I noticed the decrease in my playing endurance last year, when I had an opportunity to play Michael Kaman's Steinway while working on an little indie film last May.


Man, I gotta get a real piano again.

heh, I started practicing today (technique anyway, I haven't decided what piece I'll record yet)...my piano sucks but it has lead weighted keys that are even tougher to play than most grands so hopefully I'll be "in shape" when Dave's ready to record this.


I've only played acoustic piano a couple of times in the last year (my piano has gotten so bad it's not very pleasant to play) and I was very obviously out of shape both times. This is an excellent excuse to kick my ass in gear and spend some time practicing.


So, we're in the same boat here Byron, you've got to play a real piano dude, the piano comp was your idea afterall. ;)

This is very true. I had been playing electronic weighted keys for many years, never touching a real piano. A neighbor asked if I'd shop for a grand piano for her. To my dismay nearly all the actions of felt significantly heavier than what I was used to and I couldn't play them for shit. Well this pissed me off enough that I ended up buying the acoustic piano (she decided to wait). It took a good three months of daily practice before I got my strength to where it needed to be (I've since let this slip, though it's not nearly as bad as it was). It's not just the fingers and arms but also the shoulder, back and legs (the pedals have way more resistence than the little footswitches). God I ached.


And like you said, the technique. On most electronic pianos you could have the sustain pedal down throughout the entire piece and it wouldn't sound god awful. But the real thing is completely unforgiving with regards to poor pedaling. Then there's tone.


Well anyhow, my thoughts and prayers are with all the electronic keyboard players who plan on taking on the real thing for this endeavor.



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Well, I've been mulling over this one, but this definitely decides it; I'll be on six, but not seven. As a co-charter member of TWS, I have to layer and to take ofter take before I'm happy with improvisation... :)


What will the time limit on six be? My submisson is 9:40 and I need to fade it out...



Phil "Llarion: The Jazzinator" Traynor


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Originally posted by steadyb:

I suggest a time limit of 6 (minutes) for Volume 6. :thu:

Why six minutes?


I'm not opposed, just curious where you came up with the figure...


Tell ya what I suggest - I think we should have a sign-up thread to gauge how many people are planning on - I figure that'll tell us approximately what's reasonable. Then we divide the 80 minute CD up accordingly....or try, anyway...


How's that sound?




Chillin' in humid Orlando...



:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Llarion:

dB, remember, the Tampa Bay area is just a quick 92 miles from the Rat... :)

So I hear.


I may be coming down that way Friday night to have dinner with Dave G...maybe...


If that turns out to be the case, maybe we should try and make a thing out of it.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Originally posted by steadyb:

I suggest a time limit of 6 (minutes) for Volume 6. :thu:

Why six minutes?


I'm not opposed, just curious where you came up with the figure...

After lisening back to some of my recent 8 - 13 minute noodling/improv/aimlessly wandering around the piano sessions, it seemed like an amount of time that was long enoughto let something develop, but not too long as to get boring or redundant.


Also, since it was volume #6. ;)


Actually I don't really have a strong opinion on song length. Whatever we all agree on is fine with me.

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Dave, I would like to submit a song for volume # 7 if possible. I'll play everything as usual, but either program drums, play drums live, or both. There were so many ideas presented don't know if this goes with your way of thinking. All of my stuff is original.




Is that OK for the "live" (in my studio) version?


Jazzman :cool:

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Originally posted by Jazzman:

Dave, I would like to submit a song for volume # 7 if possible. I'll play everything as usual, but either program drums, play drums live, or both. There were so many ideas presented don't know if this goes with your way of thinking. All of my stuff is original.




Is that OK for the "live" (in my studio) version?



I dunno - that kinda sounds a little planned out. Even if you play the drums live, won't that take away from the spontaneity of your keyboard playing if you know what's coming?


The idea is to jam, not to play over organized tracks. Can you get musicians to play with you?


If not, it's okay to run a drum machine and jam over a pattern or so, but it'd kinda be getting away from the concept to be practicing any one part.


The main guideline for this comp is (if possible) to do the whole take in one live shot.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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