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FORUM CD - Who's in...

Dave Bryce

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Originally posted by Tusker:

Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Jerry, thank you again...hey, here's another idea - perhaps you might be coerced into writing the intro paragraph for the inside of the CD sleeve, like Dan South did for the last compilation - are you game?



Dave, thank you. I'd be honoured to try. If it ain't pretty you can always chuck it or re-write it. When do you need it?
Cool!!! :thu:


Well, I'm probably going to send off the finished master disc on Monday to be duped, and I believe that Steve Jordan is doing the artlayout this weekend, so sooner would probably be better than later... :D


Steve can probably give you a better idea of what the length needs to be...IIRC, you didn't get a copy of V3, so maybe either Steve or Dan can send you a copy of what Dan wrote for that one, if you wish.


Plus, what you say is what we'll print - I've been reading your writing for a while now, and I'm certain that whatever you write will be more than adequate. ;)


Thanks, Jerry! I'm glad that you're into it!





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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I dig out the file tonight. It'll tell me how many words were used in the last one. Yoiu can use that for a guide. And we are on target for doing the layout this weekend.




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Steve, I emailed you at your yahoo address, but maybe you don't check it so often...just in case, can you please put "astor" in all lowers? Although I kind of dig the caps on the "s"...I'm just trying to keep it consistant with what my graphic guy is doing for my disc cover. Thanks!



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Originally posted by IanD:

I think Dave should get some recognition in Keyboard magazine for the work he has put in on this.


I wonder what is the chance of Keyboard doing a feature on the forum CD?



I was having that exact same thought... What are the chances of that actually happening?


Not only would it showcase unsigned musicians, but it would show the mag readers who DON'T come to this forum exactly what they're missing.

"Bass isn't just for breakfast anymore..."



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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Originally posted by Llarion:

Have you received mine yet?

Got it today. :thu:


Phil, your sig line is pretty funny - from whence did it come?







The sig came from a bumper sticker, believe it or not!!! :)



Phil "Llarion: The Jazzinator" Traynor


Smooth Jazz

- QUESTION AUTHORITY. Go ahead, ask me anything.


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Originally posted by IanD:

I wonder what is the chance of Keyboard doing a feature on the forum CD?

I can ask - I'll be talking to John Krogh this week.


I'm actually doing the final listen-through of the master CD right now, and let me just say that the level of talent demonstrated in this disc is mind-blowing - not just songwriting and performance, but recording chops as well.


I'm really pleased with this one... :thu::thu::thu:





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by b_3guy:

Tusker, the word count on the last CD was 346. If you happen to be a little more wordy than Dan was, you could go to 400 words.

Well, I came in at a little less. 174 words:


At first glance, the album you hold in your hand may seem like a diverse set of music. And indeed it is. It's tracks range from electronic power-pop to a jazz fusion romp to a frenetic acoustic piano trio. But dig in a little closely and you will notice some consistent themes emerging. Firstly, every one of these musicians is consciously playing further than the norm. Either attempting to extend popular music idiom or their personal boundaries. Secondly, along with keyboards, these songs feature a new “instrument” in music making: the computer-based studio which is rapidly synthesizing the previously distinct processes of composing, performing and producing together into one creative effort. Finally, you'll notice that this is the product of a vibrant community that spans the miles from the US, to Europe, to South America to Australia. Brought together together by new attitudes about what technology can enable us to do together … to put a fresh spin on music. I hope you enjoy spinning this disc as much as I do.


Jerry Aiyathurai


I hope that's ok. Feel free to revise, reject or add to that fellas.



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Very very nice indeed, but one teeny thing, if I may:


At first glance it seems to imply that we're all PC-based recording... My setup is an outboard hard disk recorder, a Korg D1600; and while it's a DOS-compatible file format, it's most certainly not a PC. Though, I do use my PC for final mastering, so I guess I still fit the description. Perhaps it's a nit-pick, but it could be interpreted differently than you mean...



Phil "Llarion: The Jazzinator" Traynor


Smooth Jazz

- QUESTION AUTHORITY. Go ahead, ask me anything.


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The write-up really says it all, and is flattering to say the least, captures the essence of the whole project, professionalism, talent, imagination, composition, and world participation.


None of my work is PC related though. DA88's, through an analog mixing board, to DAT and then to the CD burner.


Folks....Is my submission in the wrong place??????


Was it to be "PC" driven song?


Jazzman :cool:

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Originally posted by Jazzman:

None of my work is PC related though. DA88's, through an analog mixing board, to DAT and then to the CD burner


Folks....Is my submission in the wrong place??????

Nope. It's exactly where it belongs - between Lincoln's tune and Paul III's tune. ;)


There were no requirements other than they material basically be keyboard oriented, and under or close to 4:30.


You're in fine shape, JM. :thu:





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Llarion:

At first glance it seems to imply that we're all PC-based recording...

Perhaps it's a nit-pick, but it could be interpreted differently than you mean...

Yeah, I feel similar... While Jerry's liner notes are really excellent, and while I certainly am a full-time user of the home studio, my song in particular is very "acoustic" in nature, and not a product of the "composing at the computer" concept at all. Maybe a simple little change like, "MANY of these songs..." would be welcome by the "loud minority" of us who didn't use the computer to create their contribution.


That said, I can't wait to have this little thing in my hands!! :D:D

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Sounds fair fellas. Thanks to all who provided feedback. Here is my revised liner note:


At first glance, the album you hold in your hand may seem like a diverse set of music. And indeed it is. Its tracks range from electronic power-pop to a jazz fusion romp to a frenetic acoustic piano trio. But dig in a little closely and you will notice some consistent themes emerging....


Every one of these musicians is consciously playing further than the norm. Either attempting to extend popular music idiom or their personal boundaries. Secondly, along with keyboards, many songs feature a new "instrument" in music making: the digital studio which is rapidly synthesizing the previously distinct processes of composing, performing and producing together into one creative effort. Finally, you'll notice that this is the product of a vibrant community that spans the miles from the US, to Europe, to South America to Australia. Brought together by new attitudes about what technology can enable us to do ... to put a fresh spin on music.


I hope you enjoy spinning this disc as much as I do.


Jerry Aiyathurai


Al, I learned something new about apostrophes from you. :wave:





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