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FORUM CD - Who's in...

Dave Bryce

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Originally posted by BassGuy21:

I must say that whoever the genius that came up with this idea was should be up for a Nobel Prize.

If you mean doing forum comp CDs, Dr. Walker was the one who started doing them first IIRC...





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Dave, it will be a pleasure to send in a submission to this fine forum. I slected the song......a friend of mine is copying me the tracks off of a CD that I burned some time ago.....and I'll start working on the notes.


The song is an instrumental.....Jazz/R&B. Sup!


I copied down the address to send it in. It should be leaving my place next week or sooner.


I hope I can get it in on time.


My fade-out..........


Jazzman :cool:

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Dave, a quick note for you.

I just sent to your e-mail box @aol.com the mp3 of my another tune for the compilation CD. Seems like it went through...

The tune (Roboghost) slightly exceeded 4 minutes mark (had to compose a short intro and outro to the rhythm part supplied by DJ Alloy), but if memory serves me well the limit was 4:30. Right? I'm going to send you a CD-R tomorrow.

I am back.
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Originally posted by Gulliver:

The tune (Roboghost) slightly exceeded 4 minutes mark (had to compose a short intro and outro to the rhythm part supplied by DJ Alloy), but if memory serves me well the limit was 4:30. Right?






:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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I was willing to send my REASON SYMPHONY but I'm afraid time will be up when I -if I ever do- finish it.


I'm gonna miss this one... :(

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Yeesh! I didn't even know there was a limit on song lentgh... I don't think mine's 4:30, but if it is, it's not much more...


Also... Are we contributing any money into this endeavor?


I supposed these were all questions I should have asked before I mailed off my song.

"Bass isn't just for breakfast anymore..."



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Originally posted by BassGuy21:

Also... Are we contributing any money into this endeavor?

Only if you want a copy... ;)


Seriously, we all usually pitch in to cover the costs of manufacturing and distributing them. Usually works out to $10 per CD, but that can change if we need to go to a double CD.


We'll see how many tunes we get - right now, it's looking like a single disc.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by soapbox:

Originally posted by Gulliver:

BTW, where is Laurie Z? Anybody saw her lately?

If I remember correctly she was ready to participate in the new compilation CD as well...

Gulliver, Laurie has been VERY busy lately.


I'll e-mail her and remind her of the project.

Yes, but when are we gonna get a submission from YOU? :eek:;):D


C'mon, Geoff...throw down, brother... :thu:





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Well, the one I'd really like to submit to such a compilation is still in brew stage - haven't even recorded the vocals, and doesn't look like it'll happen in time...


I guess the question would be:


Is the majority of the material so far instrumental? Or with vocals?

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Originally posted by Griffinator:

I guess the question would be:


Is the majority of the material so far instrumental? Or with vocals?

The majority of the submissions are instrumental, but we do have a few tunes w/ vocals.


My submission for the compilation is a shortened version of a tune that I'm working on for my next solo project - that version will be about 6 minutes long and will have vocals. I made a special version for the compilation that has no vocals and clocks in at just short of four minutes.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Yes, but when are we gonna get a submission from YOU? :eek:;):D


C'mon, Geoff...throw down, brother... :thu:

:D I know that we discussed the possibility of me submitting one of Shy's songs that I played for you at AES. (I cowrote, produced, arranged and played keyboards on Shy's CD.) However, it turns out that there's a bit of a tangled legal web involved with that option. That's not to say it can't happen, but I can't commit at this point in time. I'm looking into it though...


I'm not sure what else I could submit. I haven't recorded a finished demo of my own stuff in over a decade. At that time (1991), my gear consisted of a Kurzweil K1000 (Dave, you may have created some of the sounds that I tracked!), a Kurzweil 1000 GX Guitar Expander, an E-mu Proteus/1, a Roland R-8M drum machine, a Roland D-50, an Ensoniq VFX, a Mac Classic running Performer 3, a Fostex mixing board, a TASCAM 38 eight-track recorder, and probably a couple of other pieces that I can't recall just now. If we ever decide to do a "flashback" CD, I could contribute something from that era.


A future Keyboard Corner CD might provide me with just the excuse I need to do something of my own again, but I'm afraid that it's not going to happen this month.





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Mine is on the way (well, it's in a Priority Mail Envelope that Kelly will drop in a mailbox tomorrow or Monday at the latest). It's a latin influenced tune called Chango that my buddy Brian Timpe and I wrote a while back, and never got to finish until now.


If you want to hear it it's available in WMA format http://home.attbi.com/~kellyazz/Tunes/Chango.wma


A couple notes here:


Thanks to Bill Busch for helping with the mix (and the subsequent remix and the burning of yet a third CD - he has a lot of patience in addition to a great set of ears and some really cool gear).


I did something a little funky on the front end of the tune post mix, but I think it's kind of cool. It had it's origin in a mistake the first time we laid down the mix, but it's kind of fun (hint: don't go checking your speaker connections until after the first 4 bars).


In addition, there is a long fade on the end. In tracking, Allen (guitar) gave me some extra groove after the drums in case I wanted to extend the vamp solo some more later (he's always thinking he is). It reminded me a bit of "Spinning Wheel", and I thought it was kind of hip to leave it in.


Dave - Thanks again for putting this together. My favorite mix is the first one on the CD I'm sending you, but I've created a couple of additional mixes in case we're really close on disk time (the guilty Irish Catholic in me doesn't want to be the one to make us go to two disks ;) ) and you need shorter versions.

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Hey, all - sorry I've been so absent from the Forum. There's some BIG things happening in my world right at the moment and I will share the news in a few days.


Unfortunately though, I won't be able to participate in this one...but I'll look forward to getting a copy and listening to my fellow KC's work!


See ya'll! :wave:


(Hey there, Gulliver! Thanks, Soapbox!)

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Originally posted by Laurie Z.:

BTW, what happened to my avatar? Did I miss something? :eek:

Laurie, did your old avatar have a musicplayer.com URL? If so, it probably has been moved to the new domain of these forums, which is musicgearnetwork.com.


If this is the case, try substituting "musicgearnetwork.com" for "musicplayer.com" in your avatar's URL (in your "View/Update Profile" preferences). That should do the trick.





Enthusiasm powers the world.


Craig Anderton's Archiving Article

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Originally posted by marino:

Dave, has my song still not arrived at your PO box? I'm starting to worry... I've sent it Priority Mail, and even for an International shipment, it seems too long. Any news?

Not yet, and I was just at the box today.







:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Sorry about the delay, I've been doing a LOT of remastering, trying to get my debut CD finished, and Dewpoint is on it, so it's getting worked over too. (This explains my comparatively protracted absences from the online world too...) Though it's about done, and I'll be shipping the end result to you shortly !!



Phil "Llarion: The Jazzinator" Traynor


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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Originally posted by marino:

Dave, has my song still not arrived at your PO box? I'm starting to worry... I've sent it Priority Mail, and even for an International shipment, it seems too long. Any news?

Not yet, and I was just at the box today.





:mad::mad: OK, I'll send it again with a fast courier if it's not there in a few more days... Damn, I really struggled to finish/ship it in time.


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Originally posted by Griffinator:

So I'm guessing 6:09 is too long?

Ooops - sorry, Scott...I started to respond to you yesterday, but the @^&$ computer crashed mid-sentence, and I never reposted.


Yeah, 6:09 is a touch on the long side - any way you can fade it out earlier?


Also I can't find the tune at the URL you posted - am I just blind?





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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I can try an edited version - give me a couple days to figure out where to cut out some fat...


The url I gave you should link directly to that song's page - the primary body of the text is song description, and a couple of user reviews - on the right you'll see the download link.


Just in case I didn't get the url right, here it is again http://www.sectionz.net/sz40/04detail.sz40?mp3ID=4057

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