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which modules to take a look at?


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well now I have a Korg M1, and decided to buy a Yamaha P120 as I need good piano feel and sounds. I'll keep the M1 though, but I feel I also need a module to provide some good sounds other than that found on the Yamaha and to connect it to the M1. My styles are roughly said rock, blues and pop. I don't even know what modules exist, so please can you give me a starting direction what to look for?



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Since you play rock, blues and pop and you have your acoustic piano sounds covered, it seems to me you could really use a Nord Electro rack module. In case you haven´t heard of it, the electro is basically a Hammond B3 clone that also emulates electromechanical keyboards like Rhodes, Wurlitzer, Yamaha CP80 and Clavinet. I play loads of soul, blues, rock and pop and I use the electro rack a lot. There are other modules out there with greater variety of sounds and features, but absolutely nothing with the expressivity of this thing. I´m not saying "buy it", but rather "try it", give it a chance and I´m sure you´ll dig it. Beware, though, it´s HIGHLY addictive :love: Good luck!


J :D nas

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I agree with Analogaddict. If you play blues and rock you need a better organ than what you have now (with all respect to the M1 and P120, that P120 organ sucks baaaad). Nord Electro rack is good but also take a look at the Voce organ modules. Also cool, Yam AN200 or DX200 for analog or FM style sounds. Sorry if I give you too much Gear Acquisition Syndrome...



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Thanks for reccomendations!

Well I'd sure like to have the Electro, but I also need some synth sounds used in pop music (not because of my wish), also the analog FM sounds are not all I want, so I think I'll just take a closer look to the Rolands mentioned, seems like they're what I want. If any other recommendations, you can just add ;)



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  • 3 months later...
Originally posted by Tusker:

The Roland JV1010, the Roland XV2020,

Hey jerry

what do you know about that xv-2020. Are the sounds as good as the 5050 or not??? Is this little box worht buying. I have seen it as an occasion so that is why i want to know!!!




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out of the three- kurzweil PC2R, Yamaha Motif Rack, and Korg Triton Rack - which one do you think has the best overall sound pallette? I "borrowed" a triton R from Guitar Center for a weekend Composition gig (love their 30 day guarantee) and I fell in love with it, but how does it compare to the other two? I too work in Rock, blues, pop, electronica, etc... and have relied solely on my baby's (pc88mx) sounds as well as some soft synths....what do y'all think?
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The Triton Rack (Korg) is very good; it has a very beefy sound. The new Motif rack looks great, as well, but it's not available yet. Roland stuff has a thinner sound that's great for New Age, FM Jazz, sountrack, and similar styles but maybe not as good for rock. You'll have to use your ears and choose the ones you like the best.

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The Triton has better organs, basses, brass, synth sounds, pads, drums, and strings.


The Motif has better acoustic pianos, electric pianos, and overall better acoustic instrument sounds.


For overall sound pallette, I'd go with the Triton.

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ok now we've got from cheaper units to the more expensive ones. but as we're now not going to do much more covers, i think i'd more need a hammond sim, maybe nord electro rack, maybe something else..depends on quality/price ratio..
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