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FORUM CD: Volume 4 - Updates

Dave Bryce

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So - how're everyone's tunes coming along? Anyone finished yet?


I have two possibilities. One of them is this funky little track off of the CD that I did last year, and the other one is about 3/4 done. I haven't decided which one I'm going to use yet - anybody wanna listen to the first one and give me some feedback?


Additional question - last time we did an original compilation, we posted the tunes on an mp3 site, and did a separate thread for each tune as they went up. Shall we do that again? Should I just use the existing site and add the new tunes, or should I make a new site?


Love to hear what y'all are thinking...





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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I did like the posting of the MP3's. I loved the feedback. I found once they were all in CD format, it was hard to comment on them. It was information overload. When they get posted a few at a time, it was easy to post a couple of lines commenting about each one. Dave, I know in the past it was annoying to get past MP3.com's reviewing system. I now use the free space you get with OS 9 & itools. Each time you sign up, you get 20 megs free. You do the uploads, when you want to & see your result immediately. Then all you do is establish a link between each page. Here are my pages


Right they have a redundant download link. But you can put up 4 tunes per 20 megs. Notice the link that takes you to the next page. Although it would be nice to have all the tunes from the 2 compilations together, it could become confusing, which track is from the new, which is from the old. If you wish to go the mac.com route, I would look after it for you.




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Originally posted by steadyb:

The existing site seems to be getting a lot of hits...why not just add to that?

Can somebody lead me to the site, please? :)

And Dave, my tune was ready, but just yesterday I got the Ozone and am eager to try it on that tune.

(Besides, I need to re-record the bass part anyway. The old one got too much compression during tracking... :o ).

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I plan to use my brand new piece "Dewpoint". The MP3 is on my personal site at www.llarion.com and is also on my ArtistLaunch page in my signature. Feel free to swipe it from either one to post to the MP3.com compilation site. The Redbook CD will be on it's way to you shortly...


I'll check yours out later, can't do it from work... :D



Phil "Llarion: The Jazzinator" Traynor


Smooth Jazz

- QUESTION AUTHORITY. Go ahead, ask me anything.


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Originally posted by Gulliver:

Originally posted by steadyb:

The existing site seems to be getting a lot of hits...why not just add to that?

Can somebody lead me to the site, please? :)
Here it is , Vlad.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Llarion:



I plan to use my brand new piece "Dewpoint". The MP3 is on my personal site at www.llarion.com and is also on my ArtistLaunch page in my signature. Feel free to swipe it from either one to post to the MP3.com compilation site.

Done, and done.


It'll be on the site as soon as they clear it.


Sounds smooooooooooth... ;)





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Llarion:


The MP3 is on my personal site at www.llarion.com and is also on my ArtistLaunch page in my signature...

Hi Phil,


I checked the tune. Very nice, tasty stuff in a vein of Larry Carlton. :thu: Fine!

(Oh, I envy all of you, multi-instrumentalists out there! :D )



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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:


I have two possibilities. One of them is this funky little track off of the CD that I did last year, and the other one is about 3/4 done. I haven't decided which one I'm going to use yet - anybody wanna listen to the first one and give me some feedback?



Dave, I am familiar with Woogman in de Jungle.

It's a cool little tune and is one of my favorites from UltraMaroon. But as synthetic said, your diehard fans want new material! :cool:



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Sorry if this has already been posted, but where is the link to your post office box? I am lucky enough to have this cd compilation fall under the same time frame as my own first release, which I am finally mastering (mixing and song selection DONE :P ) I'd like to send stuff your way next week. I really like the posting at mp3 idea so that we can get feedback and opinions before it's set in stone. I will listen to everyone's stuff at home, the server here gets nasty when I listen to tunes.



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Originally posted by b_3guy:

Dave, my tunes's ready. Do I email you a copy of the MP3?

Yep. Send me the file, and anything that you wanna say about the tune.


I'll post it on the mp3 site, and then put up a thread when they clear it.


As always, email to:






:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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