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Just in case...

Dave Bryce

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As some of you may know, Rob Kudyba (our webmaster) was laid off by UEM today.


I have no idea wha this means for the forums, or what impact (if any) that this may have on us.


Although I hate to think about the possibility of these forums going away, I would hate it more for us to try and log on one day and find that it was gone, and that we had just all lost contact with each other. To that end, I'd like for you to check out this thread .


...just in case...





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Dave, I've already replied and thanked Craig for his plan.


Thank you for pointing it out as well.


It was my AOL experiences with Craig's SSS forum there that brought me to this site in the first place. I might never have posted here if it weren't for him.


At the same time, Dave, it is you, and what you've created here at The Keyboard Corner, that has done more to keep me here than anyone else. I really appreciate you. You're a helluva guy! :thu:

Enthusiasm powers the world.


Craig Anderton's Archiving Article

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There is also the KVR and SOS forums. I am registered as Rabid at each of those. This is the BEST forum I have found in music. People are nice, information is solid, and if I feel the need to tick someone off I can enter a sports thread to call someone names and leave it there.


Everyone here might want to try registering their names on other forums just so we will recognize each other.



This post edited for speling.

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Our beloved Keyboard Corner simply CANNOT DIE! I say we do whatever it takes to keep this place alive, even if it means paying membership dues or something. I know I'd be willing to chip in. Look how much some guys pay for Elks club memberships. At least we wouldn't have to wear funny hats! :D Unless you wanted to, of course. :rolleyes:


Peace all,




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This is a conspiracy!! Damn it!! :mad: I have learned a lot since I registered here and started posting. My post count may not be high, but I do be logged in and reading poster's comments... I love MPN's forums. Best of all, I've made friends in these forums. When I want to "talk music", I know I can count on you guys. I can't carry on a conversation with anyone at home or at work because they don't know what the hell I'm talking about -- and don't let me get started on keyboards and recording... :rolleyes:


I've never "talked" to Rob but I know that he's the one that kept these forums running smoothly -- the master of the web. I feel ya bro! Hopefully, we all can go to Craig Anderton's or Lee Flier's personal site to keep the family together. I'll be willing to pay an annual fee (like $50) if it ever comes down to that. Or, we can all bombard Harmony-Central's forum :D (just keep the same screen name ;) ).



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We can work out some things on our own if necessary!


Don't worry guys, The Keyboard Corner will excist for a very long time. On this place or anywhere else.

:keys: My Music:thx: I always wondered what happened after the fade out?
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I agree with Kim, if need be, can this become a "pay-for-use" forum? If not a subcription fee, perhaps a donation?

I'm pretty bummed that Rob was fired, this is by far the best moderated public message board I've ever been involved with. Rob had even emailed me a couple of times to correct errors in my profile/pm box. Needless to say, I hope he finds satisfying work elsewhere.

Of course I echo Geoff's sentiments that you moderators are top notch :thu:

Lets do whatever it takes to keep the 'corner' alive! ~nel



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Something to keep in mind (and all this is hypothetical, since as far as we know, these forums ain't going anywhere)...


If the forums folks are forced to migrate, please keep it in the most neutral place possible. A few folks have suggested some forums like Sweetwater's, but trust me that the vibe would need to change drastically on a privately run, moderated forum like that...especially for the few manufacturer folks like me.


I enjoy the open atmosphere of Dave's, Craig's and most of the other forums here. I want to keep it that way.


Some of you might not realize that this all stems from Craig Anderton's SSS forum on AOL that lasted from (correct me if I'm wrong Dave) about '95 to '98. A bunch of the folks there (like me) went to usenet newsgroups like rec.music.makers.synth and rec.audio.pro after that, which has its ups and downs. It wasn't until the start of the Musicplayer forums that I really began to contribute since I liked the vibe so much better.


Anyway...all of this is just a discussion point right now. I'm sure the forums will be fine for awhile.


- Jeff

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Arrrrrgh! SO sorry to hear that Rob lost his job.


I too used to love Craig's SSS home on AOL, and losing this forum would be like losing our favorite "Cheers" bar that we visit to hang and swap industry stories...and learn from each other.


I hope that, in these days of cutbacks, the MusicPlayer group realizes that there's a great deal of value to their trade publications in keeping these forums around. The forums were greatly assisted by Rob's presence, but the moderators are all leaders who can help the forums stay viable. We'll miss you, Rob.


No matter how often we visit, I think all of us would agree that this place offers an important link to the manufacturers and our peers. Let's hope it can survive!


Let us know what we can do to help...



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Ok, you guys are gonna make me curl up in a ball and jus bleepin' CRY!


I must say, I totally agree with Soapbox about Dave! Dave is cool as a fan!!


I also agree with ktempo7of9 about the $50 yearly fee if it came down to it.

Not too much to ask considering the thousands of dollars in advice I collect here, as Im sure we all do!! Not to mention the money saved on subscriptions!! We will work it out ya'll!


-Jay meccajay7@yahoo.com

TROLL . . . ish.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, I just did Lee's and SOS forum's and man...


Did that SOS board feel WEIRD!!! Lot's of traffic, huge boards . . . didn't know a soul!


It felt sort of like having a taste for a beer, and your favorite tavern is closed for remodeling so you go to the next happening spot....you're walking thru there and all the tables are full of folks having intense conversations and you don't know any of 'em. I guess I dont really feel like starting from scratch if I dont have to.


Me thinks Lee's spot will be the new crash pad if things don't work out here. Cool place!!

You'll recognize the folks, and more importantly you'll recognize the TONE of the place!


It may take a lil adjustment here and there because Im sure if we go in there in a mass exodus from here, we'll blow the board up, and Lee will have to....rewire. Good to know that there's a home away from home.

TROLL . . . ish.
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Yeah, you guys are more than welcome to hang at my pad, in an emergency or otherwise... http://www.what-the.com . It would actually take quite a lot to blow it up, we should be cool for quite some time and I can upgrade cheaply and easily to a more robust database if I needed to. It would take me all of an hour or two to do that, so don't worry.


In the event this place does go kaflooey for good, I'd also be happy to add more forums to our site so that Dave could still have a separate keyboard forum, Craig could still have his, and anybody else who still wants to keep theirs.


Hopefully that will not happen... but just some reassurance that we'll all still have someplace to go and keep our community if it did happen.



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First, seems the mag sites are back up and the problem was fixed.


Second, many of you may know that I work work UE Media. I just wanted to add that I have been repeatedly assured that the forums will remain up for the foreseeable future. It's never my decision and who knows what can happen, but the forums are not part of the question marks in terms of the sites. The UBB software is pretty cheap and it's obviously what people want. The question marks come when you look at Vignette licencing and serving content. That has been questioned for many reasons.


So, I'm not saying having a contingency plan is not warrented, but even if we have simple HTML pages for the mags, a link to these forums will still exist. Again, that is what I've been told many times and know of no plans to stop them.


As you know, these forums have proven pretty resilient to many changes in direction and economies. I appreciate your devotion to them.

Joe McDonough

Music Player Network

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Originally posted by Lee Flier:

Yeah, you guys are more than welcome to hang at my pad, in an emergency or otherwise...


In the event this place does go kaflooey for good, I'd also be happy to add more forums to our site so that Dave could still have a separate keyboard forum

Thanks, Lee!


It's been said before, but I believe it bears saying again -


You totally rock! :thu::D





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Joe, thanks for letting us know what you know. It's comforting to read that you feel confident that these forums most likely should survive. Thanks for your frankness that we should have a contingency plan anyway.


Lee, I want to thank you for your generous offer to let us MusicPlayer members hang out at your pad should the need arise. You've got a cool vibe there! :thu:



FWIW, I am also soapbox at these forums:


What The...?

(Lee's site)


The Gearslutz Forums

(Moderated by MusicPlayer members Julian Standen, Jon Atack, and Chris Lambrechts)


Harmony Central Forums



(Moderated by MusicPlayer members Mixerman, Fletcher, Bob Buontempo, and Nika Aldrich at The Rec Pit)






Sound On Sound magazine\'s Discussion Forums


UnicorNation Bulletin Board



I am soapbox at these manufacturer hosted forums as well:


The Digidesign User Conference


K-v-R Forums


TASCAM Online Forums

(Home of MusicPlayer member Jeff, TASCAM Guy)



I am probably also soapbox at other places as well, but the above is what came to mind. Of course, this place is my home on the web; but I have made a handful of posts at many of the sites above. That's probably more than any of you wanted to know, but you can blame Robert for inspiring me! :D





Enthusiasm powers the world.


Craig Anderton's Archiving Article

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Originally posted by soapbox:

TASCAM Online Forums

(Home of MusicPlayer member Jeff, TASCAM Guy)

You gotta love Geoff Grace, known around the web, of course, as the great and mighty soapbox. :D


The only thing I wanted to note (just so everyone understands): the TASCAM forums are product support forums. The problem there is that our tech support guys have to go through each post to make sure it's not about some gear issue that they're responsible for taking care of. So, lots of fun posts about sports, keyboards and whatnot would not be copacetic there.


Of course, if you need to know something about my company's gear, you're always welcome to stop by. :)


- Jeff

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Originally posted by mcdonough@musicplayer.com:

First, seems the mag sites are back up and the problem was fixed.


Second, many of you may know that I work work UE Media. I just wanted to add that I have been repeatedly assured that the forums will remain up for the foreseeable future. It's never my decision and who knows what can happen, but the forums are not part of the question marks in terms of the sites. The UBB software is pretty cheap and it's obviously what people want. The question marks come when you look at Vignette licencing and serving content. That has been questioned for many reasons.


So, I'm not saying having a contingency plan is not warrented, but even if we have simple HTML pages for the mags, a link to these forums will still exist. Again, that is what I've been told many times and know of no plans to stop them.


As you know, these forums have proven pretty resilient to many changes in direction and economies. I appreciate your devotion to them.

Thanks Joe !

Excellent news. :thu:

Músico, Productor, Ingeniero, Tecnólogo

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