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Cover CD? Hel-looooo?

Dave Bryce

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Originally posted by dansouth@yahoo.com:

The fun is gone...


So put it back. It didn't go anywhere. The fun is inside of YOU. You just have to figure out how to get it OUT of YOU. What did you do when music DID seem fun, once upon a time?


You are so true. What did I do when it was still fun? My mother was alive back then. I suppose I wanted to do everything to make her feel proud of me. Now she's gone, it seems the energy that always driven me isn't there anymore.


But I stopped to search for the fun. Desperatly seeking for something doesn't work for me. One day it's there, right in front of me, I confident about that.


Creativity is still mine, lucky me! Since 4 weeks I may call myself professional webdesigner. Didn't went to school for it, just did this myself. Method Rock'nRoll!


Thank you, DanSouth!

:keys: My Music:thx: I always wondered what happened after the fade out?
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  • 2 weeks later...
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I'm glad to let you know that my cover-tune ... (drum-roll) is finally ready! Well, at least I'd stop on that mix I did yesterday. (A song is NEVER ready as we all know this... :rolleyes: ).

Will send you a CD-R in a couple of days. (You wanted only audio, right?). Are you going to put a lot of information on the cover or just "song's name, project's name" kind of stuff? I mean, do we need to describe what equipment was used during the recording process? We all own and use quite different stuff, I suppose... ;)

I am back.
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I'm glad to let you know that my cover-tune ... (drum-roll) is finally ready!


Excellent! Glad to hear it, sir!


Will send you a CD-R in a couple of days. (You wanted only audio, right?).




Are you going to put a lot of information on the cover or just "song's name, project's name" kind of stuff?


Just song name, artist's name, artist's contact info/web site. Steve Jordan will probably do the art work - if he's still willing, that is...


I hjave not mentioned sending money becuase I don't know how many tunes I'll get/how many discs I need to make, etc. I'll figure the specifics out after I see how many people participate/how many people want discs. If it's just a few of us, I may just make 'em myself.


I mean, do we need to describe what equipment was used during the recording process?







:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Let me vent...


My cover of Tom Waits' Jockey Full of Bourbon has been 90% done for about three weeks. During those weeks, I have spent endless hours trying to track down the root of a DAW problem that has kept me from finishing it.


My basic setup is a PIII 600 running Cakewalk Pro 9.03. My soundcard is a Delta 1010. It has been utterly reliable throughout most of the two+ years I've been using it--clean as a whistle and, quality wise, far from the weakest link in my humble chain. Starting with this project, I'm getting a rash of pops, clicks and fizzles on notes with sharp attacks. We're not talking digital clipping here. I can be recording at very low levels, but when there's, say, a guitar note with a sharp attack--snap crackle pop. The sounds are in the recorded waveform--not playback oddities. In my tests, I can't get the problem to happen on projects with fewer tracks. Seems only to happen on big multitrack projects.


I've cleaned the system, installed several versions of Delta drivers, tinkered with Cakewalk buffer settings--all to no avail. This is killing me. I really want to get my song in, 'cause I think it's good modest fun. But I can't get the electric guitar part done because of this problem, and I'm afraid to try to re-cut the vox, as I've been planning to do.


If it comes down to it, I've decided I'm going to submit the tune anyway and let Dave be the judge. None of my stuff is top shelf audio quality to begin with, but these conspicuously digital artifacts are just killers. The pain extends beyond this cover tune. I'm afraid to take on or seek out other work until I get it under control, and I feel like I've exhausted my options.


Vent off. You know my pain. I want a MAC with DP and a MOTU interface. I want Steadyb's MAC.



Check out the Sweet Clementines CD at bandcamp
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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:


Huh? :confused:


Ya lost me, Rab...




Sorry. Was just being a bit sarcastic. Not used to seeing a production based on having fun, or the organizer, producer and musicians being so agreable with each other. :P


I hope you do this again next year so I can have something put together. Is this actually a cover CD? Sound like some are doing origional and most are doing covers.

This post edited for speling.

My Sweetwater Gear Exchange Page

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Originally posted by Pim:


You are so true. What did I do when it was still fun? My mother was alive back then. I suppose I wanted to do everything to make her feel proud of me. Now she's gone, it seems the energy that always driven me isn't there anymore.


But I stopped to search for the fun. Desperatly seeking for something doesn't work for me. One day it's there, right in front of me, I confident about that.


Creativity is still mine, lucky me! Since 4 weeks I may call myself professional webdesigner. Didn't went to school for it, just did this myself. Method Rock'nRoll!


Thank you, DanSouth!



Hey, Pim,


I'm very sorry to hear about your Mom. Nothing can ever replace the relationship that you shared, but I'm absolutely certain that her pride in you was not temporary - it's permanent. You can still do things that would have made her smile, and they still count. All the best to you!



The Black Knight always triumphs!


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Not used to seeing a production based on having fun, or the organizer, producer and musicians being so agreable with each other.


This is the second production that we are working on. The first one was a double CD of original material. Unfortunately, they're all gone...you can hear the mp3 versions of the tunes here .


I hope you do this again next year so I can have something put together.


There's still time - submissions are due by the end of this month. Even if you have a cover tune that you did for another project - send it on down!


Is this actually a cover CD? Sound like some are doing original and most are doing covers.


It's all cover tunes. Gonna call the disc "Cornered and Covered"...





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is both a BTT and my resignation from the project.


I sent Dave a private e-mail telling him that I simply can't complete it. I just cannot get the hang of MIDI recording. (The old dog - new trick complex, I guess.) I never did a sequence before of a full song, and trying this as a digital recording, AND doing the mixdown, AND producing it myself was more than I am currently capable of. Hell, I never even GOT to the mixdown point...


The only good news is that after a 5-year hiatus from playing, - except for "toying around" and doing requests at social functions where there was a piano - and picking it back up 10 months ago somewhat seriously, my chops were NOT the problem. I guess I'm just too used to a studio, tape, and an engineer, and probably should have gone that route from the beginning of this project.


The only thing that really bothers me is that this is the first thing I've not completed by the stated deadline. Ever. Even with the 1-month extension, I just don't have the ability to get it done. I've screwed up more tracks, and more recordings than I ever thought I could possibly do in one lifetime. I even managed to accidentally erase what I considered final takes of tracks! Kind of embarassing for a guy that makes his living as a computer engineer in charge of a staff of 6 people, 96 field offices up to 170 miles apart, 1200 users, and 51 micro, mini, and mainframe servers and computers... :)


I will keep at it, and hope I do get to finish it before I drop dead of old age! (Should I ever live that long.)

Setup: Korg Kronos 61, Roland XV-88, Korg Triton-Rack, Motif-Rack, Korg N1r, Alesis QSR, Roland M-GS64 Yamaha KX-88, KX76, Roland Super-JX, E-Mu Longboard 61, Kawai K1II, Kawai K4.
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Oh, Joe...I hear your sense of frustration.


It's totally understandable - we take all this MIDI gear for granted, but especially with the addition of digital audio, it's a much more complicated setup. Even just MIDI recording is frequently a pain in the rear. I can't tell you how many times creativity was stopped dead in its tracks while we dealt with a crash or something that had to be changed in the setup before we could continue. It's actually amazing we got the project done at all, and it wasn't just me - I had buddies to help with the recording.


What program are you using? Between all of us, we've got experience in just about every program and rig out there and maybe we can give you some tips that will help. Even if not for the CD, you've gotta get through this (like going back up on the hill when you fall for the 42nd time skiing), and this forum is the place for help.


We'd love to hear your music...and we all have been through this too!





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BTW Dave...we'll probably have to use something from Heart of the Holidays for me, as you said. I'm buried in closing out last year's business stuff right now...I'll start the equipment humming again soon, but probably be able to complete the tune I wanted to do for you within the next week...


It was great to see you @ NAMM, btw...hope it went well! :)




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OK. I've got a rough up on the web of Streetbeater. It's got a little more work to go, but hopefully it's not too bad right now :)


Here's the link: Streetbeater Rough mix

I'll keep it up through Monday night (and edit this response when I remove it).


Give it a listen. Would love to hear what you think...

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Sorry to hear about the MIDI issues. I use MIDI for just about everything, and it seems pretty straightforward to me. If anyone is having difficulties, I would be willing to try to help. Post some details, and I'll see if I can come up with some suggestions.


BTW, dB is about the most MIDI-knowledgeable guy on the planet.

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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Hey Dave:

I am just wondering if you have received my cover song CD yet. (an old big band "Frankie Carl" song from, I think, the early 50's called "Canadian Sunset". I mailed it out the beginning of last week. My parents used to play this song when I was a kid and I liked the song. Everything was recorded on the sequencer of my Triton. Let me know if you got it yet.





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Hey Dave Bryce, chances are you got the CD- but if it's SUPER SIZZLY it's the "Gothique Sister-In-Law's Mix", not the right one! I'm doing some organizing on the audio computer and I don't see any record of having burned the "Classique Mix" (for grownups).


I'll send it tomorrow just in case- even if you already got the right mix it never hurts to have another drink coaster. :D



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Originally posted by PAULIII:

Hey Dave:

I am just wondering if you have received my cover song CD yet. (an old big band "Frankie Carl" song from, I think, the early 50's called "Canadian Sunset". I mailed it out the beginning of last week



Yep. I got yours and Marino's pieces right before I left town for the weekend. Haven't had a chance to listen to either.


Tunes in from:







Paul III


When I get Cameron's, there'll be more international submissions than US submissions...





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Llarion:



I've lost your bloody address! COuld you post it herein please?


It's in the original "cover topic"

right here.


I like to add that I won't be able to participate this time.

I've been busy with another tune and won't finish the cover until later some time.

The song is done but not recorded yet and for anyone who's curious, it's a cover on Bee Gee's "Too much heaven"

The original goes in 87bpm but we speeded it up to 115bpm.

It might be another time maybe?

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Dave, et al, my tune was to be in the mail today, but the flu intervened (I got it bad, my boy's got it much worse, and ther is nothing stranger and sadder than a sick child). I'm hoping it won't queer the works if mine arrives a few days late. If there is reason for urgency, I will overnight it.



Check out the Sweet Clementines CD at bandcamp
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Hey Dave, just wanted to check in and let you know you will be getting one from me. I'm finishing it up tonight and sending it out first thing tomorrow. You've indicated that overnighting it isn't necessary, so I'll just send it first class. L.A. is a short mail hop from here, so it should be in your box Friday, Saturday at the latest.


Hope you like it! :)


Peace all,




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Gang, I'm feverishly working to finish my submission (which is why I'm still up at 4:30 am - tomorrow is going to be rough...) Unfortunately, my memory went haywire somewhere along the way, and I thought that I had until 2/28 to complete this thing. I'll need about another week (until about 2/5). If you've got enough submissions for a CD, let 'er rip, but if you can wait a few more days, I promise I'll make it worth your while.


Sorry to be such a spaz - this freaky warm weather has me all mixed up...

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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I had a call from Ross last night. The final mix to my tune is done. Ross also added some horn lines. Instead of some small combo band, it now sounds like a big R&B band doing the tune. I'll get it in the mail today. But it will take 7-8 days to get to Dave's. On that note, there is a way to get your file to Dave faster by using homepage.mac.com (idisk). If you use a Mac with OS 9 you can register & get an idisk, 20 megs worth of space on their servers. Register another email address & get another 20 meg idisk. Take your final audio file & divide it into segments by using Stuffit Deluxe 6.0. Upload the segments by simply dragging & dropping. Dave can access the links & download the segments to his machine. Once the segments on on his HD they will automatically recombine. This might be an alternative to mail/courier, especially from the overseas people.




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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Hey -


Good to hear that more tunes are on the way...however, the 2/1 deadline isn't hard and fast. I have no problem if more tunes trickle in for a few weeks.




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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Hey -


Good to hear that more tunes are on the way...however, the 2/1 deadline isn't hard and fast. I have no problem if more tunes trickle in for a few weeks. We're cool...




Thanks a million!

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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