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There's only ONE Star Trek - TOS


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Does the name Voyager have something to do with the (real) earth probe they supposedly find in the first (dreadful) movie? Are they trying to set up some sort of connection? Oh, never mind. The show's so bad, I've never made it through a full episode.
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I saw Final Fantasy this weekend. The computer animation has to be seen to be appreciated. I may have to see it again ... and again ...


The ultimate application would be the ability to bypass these weenie new age Star Trek casts and to make more Kirk/Spock/McCoy Star Trek movies. They would ... just ... have to find ... someone ... who could ... talk ... like ... William Shatner.

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I wonder which series Bob Moog watches?


That new synth...hmmm. Better Star Trek inspired names might have been:


Moog Neelix (for the Moog Cookbook guys)


Moog Spock


But forget about Star Trek names, I want a Moog Shrek!



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Rumors of a new series are true (If abcnews.com is to be trusted). They will star Mr. Quantum Leap himself, Scott Bakula, and will be set years BEFORE the original series, when they just figured out the warp propulsion system and are struggling to adapt to life in space. Sounds pretty cool, but we'll see.......
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First of all Star Wars only takes a back seat to music as my biggest obsession. (Color me fanboy http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif)


Star Trek TOS - My favorite, but I've seen every episode so many times that....


Star Trek TNG - Holds a place in my heart as well. (BTW I think the Ferrngi were supposed to be satirical Americans, but that's just my take on them. I always thought that each race represented some earthly society of one kind or another.)


Star Trek DS9 - Boy did that get boring fast. It seemed like nothing they did to jump start that show worked. Special guest appearences from TNG and eventually putting TNG characters into the show. Still, it blew chunks.


Star Trek Vgr - I watched the pilot and just about puked right on the spot. There are way too many convnetions broken on that version that it's just on the wrong side on non cannon. That thumping sound you hear is Roddenbury spinning in his casket.



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I am Dyslexic of Borg...

Your ass will be laminated.

Setup: Korg Kronos 61, Roland XV-88, Korg Triton-Rack, Motif-Rack, Korg N1r, Alesis QSR, Roland M-GS64 Yamaha KX-88, KX76, Roland Super-JX, E-Mu Longboard 61, Kawai K1II, Kawai K4.
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All right you bozos, Picard's french because the Picard family - a real French name and family by the way, have a long distinguished history of going where no one has gone before.


One of the "real" Picard's held the world record for going deepest into the ocean. The latest generation (no pun here) tried to do that balloon around the world thing that Richard Branson was so eager to accomplish.


That's why he's Jean-Luc, in tribute to this family's history and it's accomplishments. Though I do wonder why they didn't get Depardieu to play Picard, it really would have made more sense than a British trained Frenchman. Though when I think about it, the British tend to have more and better actors ... (Dr. Who all the way!)


By the way, I'm American.

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I salute the real Picards and honor their exploits. How horrible for them to see an Irishman cast as their ancestor. Well, it could have been worse; he could have been English. Or is the accent the fault of the universal translator.


Ah, when I think of the games that Kirk and Troi would have played in that holodeck!


P.S. If the Borg had assimilated Kirk, they would have transformed into space sailors looking for booze and broads in every corner of the galaxy. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


This message has been edited by dansouth@yahoo.com on 07-24-2001 at 12:17 AM

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OK, If we're gonna have a thread like this, let's at least discuss the music on the show...


No, not the tv themes, although TOS is CLEARLY the best...


...but the actor performances... How about the one where Spock plays that guitar like thing and is a "flower child", or maybe #1's trombone playing or even Data's violin prowess...


My opinion... Spock Rocks!


What do you geeks think?



I'm still "guitplayer"!

Check out my music if you like...



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Originally posted by guitplayer:

...but the actor performances... How about the one where Spock plays that guitar like thing and is a "flower child", or maybe #1's trombone playing or even Data's violin prowess...


Don't forget Picard with that little flute...that was the same episode where his girlfriend played that little roll-up keyboard. I remember wondering where they could have possibly housed a sound system in the thing...I'm such a gear geek... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/eek.gif


...or the TNG episode where Worf does a Pete Towshend imitation and smashes an acoustic guitar against a tree... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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I don't remember the names of the episodes - I've seen them all, but I just never thought to remember the names. One of the best was 'The Library' episode where the inhabitants of the planet have to go back in time before their star novas.


I like the good/bad alternate universe episode. Also the Horta episode. Oh yeah, and the one where they had to let Joan Collins get hit by the car. "His ears? Oh, his ears - um, he got them caught in some farm machinery when he was a child.


Mostly I liked the episodes where they flew around in space - always in two dimension, I might add - zapping stuff with their phasers.


Oh, let's not forget Harry Mudd and the tribles.

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Okay. Here 's what a trek geek I am...


One of the best was 'The Library' episode where the inhabitants of the planet have to go back in time before their star novas.


All Our Yesterdays. Second to last episode of the series.


I like the good/bad alternate universe episode.


Mirror, Mirror.


Also the Horta episode.


Devil in the Dark.


Oh yeah, and the one where they had to let Joan Collins get hit by the car. "His ears? Oh, his ears - um, he got them caught in some farm machinery when he was a child.


City on the Edge of Forever. Written by Harlan Ellison. Won a Hugo award, I believe.


Oh, let's not forget Harry Mudd


Roger C. Carmel played Harry Mudd in two episodes - Mudd's Women (1st season) and I, Mudd (2nd season).


...and the mating ritual episode is called Amok Time. It was the premiere episode of the second season, IIRC.


I'll take Tough Trek Trivia for $1,000, Alex...



Like I said - Trek Geek...TOS only, though. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif



:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Damn, Dave! We're not worthy! We're not worthy!


Okay, here are some toughies...


Bones gets bitten by a venomous creature and a Gypsy woman cures him with a root.


Spores make everybody happy and cure all of their physical illnesses.


Gunfight at the O-K Corral.


Molten volcanic beast pits Kirk and Lincoln against Genghis Kahn and other historical baddies.


Penal colony usues an experimental brainwashing machine.


Beings from another galaxy commandeer the Enterprise and turn the crew into odd-shaped bricks.


Kirk urges simple planet-folk to fight Klingon invasion, only to find in the end that they are advanced beings who are merely studying humans.


Gangsters with Tommy-guns want the enterprise to send down some of those "fancy heaters."


Jack the Ripper returns.


One word: Nomad.


Tough one: The pilot with Jeffery Hunter as the captain.


Flying jellyfish stick on people's backs and take over their minds.


I can think of others, but this ought to keep you busy for a few days.


This message has been edited by dansouth@yahoo.com on 07-24-2001 at 01:17 AM

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Ya know, the other day I was thinking about starting a thread asking everyone what sort of hobbies or pastimes you have outside of music, but uh...

Never mind! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


P.S. The closest thing to Star Trek I've ever been into is "Wings" on the Discovery Channel!


Peace all,




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Bones gets bitten by a venomous creature and a Gypsy woman cures him with a root.

A Private Little War


Spores make everybody happy and cure all of their physical illnesses.

This Side of Paradise


Gunfight at the O-K Corral.

Spectre From A Gun


Molten volcanic beast pits Kirk and Lincoln against Genghis Kahn and other historical baddies.

The Savage Curtain


Penal colony usues an experimental brainwashing machine.

Dagger of the Mind


Beings from another galaxy commandeer the Enterprise and turn the crew into odd-shaped bricks.

By Any Other Name


Kirk urges simple planet-folk to fight Klingon invasion, only to find in the end that they are advanced beings who are merely studying humans.

Errand of Mercy


Gangsters with Tommy-guns want the enterprise to send down some of those "fancy heaters."

Piece of the Action. One of my faves.


Jack the Ripper returns.

Wolf in the Fold


One word: Nomad.

Two words: The Changeling.


Tough one: The pilot with Jeffrey Hunter as the captain.

Puhleeze. The Menagerie, parts I and II.


Flying jellyfish stick on people's backs and take over their minds.

Operation: Annihilate. Another one of my faves.


I can think of others, but this ought to keep you busy for a few days.


Or five minutes, anyway... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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I'm a TOS junkie too...


My favorites:

The City On The Edge Of Forever

Amok Time

Balance Of Terror

The Doomsday Machine

The Enterprise Incident

Shore Leave

The Trouble With Tribbles

Mudd's Women

The Enemy Within

The Changeling



LEAST favorites:

Spock's Brain

The Paradise Syndrome (I AM KIROK!)


... this was sent to me in Voyager's first season....


Of the three post original series Star Trek shows, I prefer Star Trek

Voyager. Two basic reasons:


1) "We are being scanned by an alien entity."

* : "Nature of probe unknown. It has taken over our

computer systems and is downloading all secret information."

* : "Duh! Something's going on."

* : "Alien scanner uses an unknown ray. Scanning... The

scanner has been analysed. It is a pseudo-hyper-quasi-mentholide beam

produced by a pento-crystal found on an unknown planet when passing thru

time waves and treated with delta particles using parrallegorams cubed.

But, here is a device to cancel/nullify/duplicate/play "We are the World"

by re-channeling the alien probe... Device activated and probe

cancelled/nullified etc."


2:- "We are being attacked by an unknown alien."

* Picard: "I see we have no choice but to surrender."

* Cicso: "Why didn't anyone tell me that the station has been taken


* Janeway: "Fire photon torpedos!"



Reasons Why Captain Janeway is Better Than Captain Picard


1. One word: hair

2. More hair than all previous Star Trek commanding officers combined.

3. Drinks coffee, not that sissy "Earl Grey" stuff.

4. Beams down to the planet like real Captains should.

5. Mutes the doctor when the doctor gets out of line.

6. Hasn't let an adolescent pilot the Federation flagship -- yet.

7. Commanded ships blown up: Picard: 2 Janeway: 0

8. Voyager needs a female Captain. Its Captain must be willing to admit

they're lost and pull over for directions.

9. Picard likes to talk his way through. Janeway likes to punch her way


10. Hasn't quoted Shakespeare -- yet.

11. Looks better in sleepwear.

12. Gives guilt trips that would make a Jewish mother proud.

13. Isn't French with an English accent.

14. Smart enough to have a Vulcan officer.

15. Will give you two days off to ponder your lifeshattering experience.

16. Janeway says "I don't like you!" to her enemies instead of trying to

convince them to behave better.

17. Janeway has a First Officer with a tattoo.

18. She doesn't have any pesky Federation Admirals to get in her way.

19. Three words: Compression Phaser Rifles.

20. Ackowledges freely when she breaks the Prime Directive instead of

trying to weasel her way out of it with philosophical ramblings.

21. 15 episodes without surrendering the ship.

22. 15 episodes and Wesley has yet to save the ship.

23. Janeway's holo programs create useful things like doctors and lungs.

Picard's holodecks create maniacal evil geniuses who yet again take

over the ship.

24. She doesn't need to straighten her uniform every time she stands.

25. Picard: Three words: Stretch velour jhodpurs

Janeway: Three words: Form fitting uniform

26. Janeway has never worn green tights and frolicked about in Sherwood

Forest. However, if she did, she would look fantastic!

27. Kirk looked good in ripped shirts; Picard looked good without a shirt;

Janeway would look... no, they can't do that on network television

28. Doesn't force her crew to wear stupid outfits, unless it is to blend

in with a primitive planet.

29. She is smart enough not to waste time learning foreign languages. All

lifeforms in the Delta Quadrant speak perfect English.

30. Her engineer does not wear a bananna clip over her eyes.

31. Slouches in her chair even in critical life-threatening moments.

32. Doesn't have a Counselor on board (thank God!).

33. Her telepath only lives nine years.

34. Her Chief Medical Officer will never command the ship. (*whew*

"Cathexis" was a close one!)

35. Janeway heard the words "boldly go where no man (er, woman) has gone

before" and took them to the extreme.

36. Picard tells alien cultures, "I hope our two cultures will one day

come to a greater understanding." Janeway threatens them with "the

deadliest of


37. Janeway's Security Chief would never grow a ponytail.

38. The high point of Enterprise cuisine were scrambled eggs that only

Worf could stomach.

39. Janeway doesn't have to point which way to go when they set off.

40. Maintains an elaborate hairdo that would baffle even Princess Leia.

41. Has mastered facial expression understood by all to mean, "Boy, Paris,

are YOU ever stupid."

42. Hugs her Vulcan from time to time.

43. Has a more manly voice.

44. Doesn't have a starship that splits in half when it's in a tight spot.

45. Has a dog and a significant other, not some damn fish!

46. Kes. Troi. No contest.

47. Nealix. Replicator. Ok, this one's debatable.

48. At least she doesn't have to yell "Hot!" at her cook every time she

wants something to drink.

49. Her ship has neat-looking folding warp nacelles.

50. Her CONN officer actually went through the Academy.

51. Her CONN officer can use contractions.

52. Her first officer has a halucinogenic device.

53. None of the crew members' relatives have ever tried to take over the ship, invade the Federation, steal a starship, or enslave all humankind.

54. To help her relax, Janeway's first officer helps her contact her

spirit guide. Picard's first officer helps him get... to Risa.


Okay you Trekkie braniacs, the first of you that figures out EXACTLY what my the origin of my handle is, wins a free CD of mine! you must be exact!




- I am Homer of Borg... Prepare to be... OOOOOOOH, DONUTS!!



Phil "Llarion: The Jazzinator" Traynor


Smooth Jazz

- QUESTION AUTHORITY. Go ahead, ask me anything.


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Lets be honest, what is the most deadly weapon ever known to the universe? It has to be Captain Kirk and the infamous Two Handed Chop!!!!! Nobody can take that on!!!


The original series rules!!



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The two quotes below that seem to appear from nowhere come from a post of Llarion's. When I went to reply to it, I accidentally hit the edit button instead of the reply button, and when I posted my response, it overwrote his original post - my moderator status allows me to do that. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/eek.gif


This is only the second time I've done this, but it was a nice long post that I wiped out - both times, actually http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/rolleyes.gif. What made it worse is that in the post that I wiped, he busted me for being wrong on a piece of trivia. Luckily, the reply that I posted which overwrote his post had that section, so I have reposted it below. I only hope that Phil is kind and forgiving enough to redo the rest of his post.


Sorry, Phil... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/redface.gif


Originally posted by Llarion:

BZZZZZZZT! Wrong Answer. "The Cage" was the title of the pilot. They used the footage from The Cage and wrote the two-parter The Menagerie around it.




Of course, I knew that. I have GOT to learn to read more carefully before I answer...and, the extra bonus is that I was cocky about it to boot... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/rolleyes.gif


Originally posted by Llarion:

Actually, it was Roddenberry's rewrite that won the Hugo. The Ellison original was quite different, and was nominated for a Hugo on it's own under a different category. Ellison never forgave Roddenberry for what he considered a bastardization of his work...


Really!!! (Johnny Carson voice) I did not know that...





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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My favorite TREK taglines:



Boy, Data, you look great in a push-up bra! - Riker

Captain, why not just give the Borg Windows? - Worf

Cry on someone else's shoulder, I'm off-duty. - Troi

Cut life support to all quarters with children - Picard

Ensgin Expendable, step on that rock! - Kirk

I think not, said Descartes, and promptly disappeared.

I'm not Bajoran. Sisko punched me in the nose. - Kira

Mister Worf, show these children the airlock. - Picard

Mr. Worf, scan that ship. Aye Captain. 300 dpi?

#1 BORG Hit Parade: We all sleep in a single subroutine

And the only thing the Borg left was this Macintosh...

BORGer King. Your way is irrelevant.

Be wewy wewy quiet...I'm hunting Womuwins!!

Beam me up Scotty. This isn't the men's room.

Blonde Klingons: Because it was a good day to dye!

Borgasm, n. The ecstacy of being assimilated.

Computer, microwave decks 5-10 until piping hot. BEEP!

Data/Spock '04 the Logical Choice!

Deanna tries to read Picard's mind and sees Pontiac.

Ensign Singer... Make it sew!

Ensign Walnut approaches Dr. Crusher with caution....

From Hell's kitchen, I baste thee! - Khan

He's dead Jim. Grab his tricorder. I'll get his watch!

I can't believe it. I've heard of this disease! - Beverly

I found my Trill... On Daxberry Hill..

I prefer to call it the Prime Suggestion Kirk

Is it true that you can take any form? - Bashir to Odo

Locutus to replicator: Pennzoil, 40 weight, hot!

Never violate the Prime Directory! C:\

Nobody knows the Tribbles I've seen.

Once again, Odo wins the Twister championship.

PRIME DIRECTIVE, MY A**! Phasers on maximum!

Scotty, hurry. Beam me out of he!@#$%^&*( NO CARRIER

Simple... Just do this... _ Wesley

Sir! Romulan warbird decloaki»ro÷üA NO CARRIER

Tasha Yar doesn't support Data entry...it never happened!

I am Bush of Borg... The economy is irrelevant.

I am Pythagoras of Borg... Distance is irrelevant.

I am Homer of Borg... Prepare to be... ooooh, donuts!

I am Popeye of Borg... Prepare to be askimilgrated

I am Drunk of Borg... Resillance is floor tile. Wanna be 'sim'lated?

I am Elmer of Borg... Wesistace is futiwe. Pwepawe to be asimmiwated, huhuhuhuh!

I am Ohm of Borg. Resistance is futile.

Bones, this man's DYING! Dammit Jim, I'm a *doctor*, not a... oh.










Phil "Llarion: The Jazzinator" Traynor


Smooth Jazz


This message has been edited by Llarion on 07-24-2001 at 01:20 PM



Phil "Llarion: The Jazzinator" Traynor


Smooth Jazz

- QUESTION AUTHORITY. Go ahead, ask me anything.


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Oh, Dave, anything for you.. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


I think the rest was just me yammering about my favorite and least favorite eposides...



The City On The Edge Of Forever

The Enemy Within

Shore Leave

The Enterprise Incident

The Doomsday Machine

Amok Time

Journey to Babel

Who Mourns For Adonais?


And The Children Shall Lead

Balance Of Terror

Trouble With Tribbles

Piece Of The Action



Hmm, this list changed.. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif




Spock's Brain (Brain and brain, WHAT IS BRAIN?!?!)

The Paradise Syndrome (I AM KIROK!!!)






Phil "Llarion: The Jazzinator" Traynor


Smooth Jazz



Phil "Llarion: The Jazzinator" Traynor


Smooth Jazz

- QUESTION AUTHORITY. Go ahead, ask me anything.


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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Tough one: The pilot with Jeffrey Hunter as the captain.

Puhleeze. The Menagerie, parts I and II.


EEEEENNNT! Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Bryce, but that is NOT correct! The Menagerie featured Mr. Hunter extensively, but he was NOT the captain in the episode. Kirk was. Hunter had been debilitated and was being returned to the planet so that he could enjoy the illusion of being well.


The episode that I'm think of had a radically different cast, cheesy production quality, and the crew ran around on some planet using phaster rifles. One crew member gained the ability to assimilate information very rapidly and became a menace to the others.


P.S. You're good, very good. No wonder Valky likes you best. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif

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