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The one you got for a few bucks


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Inspired by Zon's "The one that got away... ", I would like to hear from you about gear you bought very cheap.


My complete Roland System 100 cost me 350 Dutch Guilders. That was in 1996. In those days it was about $175...

Are there more crooks like me?


-- Pim --




This message has been edited by pim@dancewave.nl on 01-04-2001 at 12:04 PM

:keys: My Music:thx: I always wondered what happened after the fade out?
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A non-synth response but a good one nonetheless...


In 1983, I picked up a early '70s Fender Twin Reverb for $40. The guy who was selling it said it was broken cause it sounded "fuzzy", and he hadn't played through it in years. I dusted it off, replaced the tubes and hot damn! Brand new classic amp.


Four years later, like the idiot that I am, I traded it for a really shitty solid state Marshall cause I wanted to look cool in my metal band. But that's another story for another thread.


- Jeff

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Originally posted by daboosh@prodigy.net:

I purchased a Sequential Circuits Pro-1 once for $25 !!! I sold it to a dealer (name withheld)a few weeks later for $500 !!!


Then, of course, I bought more gear.





That's the way to do it !


I purchased a Korg MS10 in 1985 just as the monosynth bubble burst and got it for £99.00. The rrp at the time was about £269.00. I recently saw an MS10 being sold in a London shop for £499.00 ! However, I have no intention of selling my one despite being able to make a tidy profit.


I was also given - yes GIVEN - a Jen SX1000 by one of our reps. He knew the value of the unit but felt that I could give it a better home. Naturally I grabbed it off of him before he could change his mind. Now that's a bargain !



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Well, this isn't keyboard either, but I bought a Music Man Eddie Van Halen guitar in '94 for $750; EVH then did me the huge favor of withdrawing his endorsement from Music Man and going over to Peavey. A dealer who knew I had the guitar asked me how much I wanted for it, I joked "$2500" and he said "sure!"


He then went and sold it to someone in Japan for $5000, but I used the money to buy the Klein Electric I otherwise wouldn't have been able to afford!



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I picked up a microMoog for $100 about 18 months ago and it didn't power on. Took it to a tech who swapped out the rectifier and voila! Works great and i even got a second circuit board for parts thrown in! I see them on Ebay for about $400 but i love this little guy.
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Last year, this pothead who lived down the street from me sold me a Leslie 145 for SIXTY BUCKS. Cabinet had few scratches, and it needed a woofer. After disassembly, cleaning, and lubing, the motors worked perfectly. Sounds as good as the famous-Hammond-tech-restored one I bought for $1500 three years ago.

Stephen Fortner

Principal, Fortner Media

Former Editor in Chief, Keyboard Magazine

Digital Piano Consultant, Piano Buyer Magazine


Industry affiliations: Antares, Arturia, Giles Communications, MS Media, Polyverse



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There's a flea market near us where I've found auite a few bargains including a couple of musical ones:


- A Fostex 4-track for $20 - "I'm not sure what's wrong with this cassette deck, the speed's wrong" (they run at double speed, of course).


- A Peavey Stereo Chorus 400 amp for $80, in perfect condition except for a loose connection - "It can't be repaired, I'm selling it just for the speakers".




This message has been edited by Howard on 01-19-2001 at 11:25 PM

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Well, I took a BC-1 from my highschool that they weren't using.. but really the only cheap thing I've got is my K5000S which originally went for near 2 G's but I got for $400 at the end of its run.


I have a friend who bought a Waldorf 4 Pole for like sixty bucks at a used guitar shop, then sold it on ebay for just over $200.

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Another Leslie 145 story...

I walk into a small town music shop and there is a Lowery organ and Lesile 145. I says, "what do you want" to the owner...he says $300.00 for everything. I says, "I'll give ya $50.00 for the wood box". He says "ok, it's a deal". It's connected to an A100 in my studio and sounds absolutely wonderful.


I also picked up an SQR for $25.00 that worked fine. A bit noisey for the studio and sold it for $250.00.

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For free, does that count also ?

Just a couple of months ago my neighbour GAVE me , both in more then excellent state :


* a Roland Chorus Echo SRE-555 (chorus, tape delay , sound on sound ,plate reverb) plus some new echo chamber tape .Mmmmmmmm..........


* a Revox G36 (or 736) 1/4 " Stereo tape recorder (all valve circuitry) out of the good old 60's. Mmmmmmmm..........again



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