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Internotes Vol 2 - FAQ thread

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Had some good questions PM'd to me that I thought I would answer for everyone's benefit:


? Are tracks e/snail-mailed back and forth?


Up to each team. Some teams set up ftp sites. The group I was involved with we used a lossless compression application called Shorten and then emailed.


? What format? I have DP 4.12


Shouldn't really matter - usually people would use WAV or AIFF files.


? How do "groups" get decided?


Last time team managers volunteered and then did a Fantasy League team pick. Was envisaging this time that individuals wanting to get a group together would PM those other individuals who have expressed interest in the Internotes Vol 2 Expression of Interest thread. I intend on posting a summary of all the individuals in a week or so.


? Are all songs elemental collaborations, or are some of them lone works? (e.g., if I had a song I'd done here, all me, does that count for consideration, or does it need to be in conjunction with someone else?)


Usually a group effort - as few as two people constitute a group though :)


? If someone has an idea for a tune--a riff, or a groove, etc.--do we send it somewhere central for others to download and see if they want to contribute?


Up to each group to negotiate. In my case someone had the lyrics and chord structure already planned and we all fleshed it out. You'll find the other groups would have had different approaches.


I feel so rusty at all of my trades, I'm almost scared to toss in.

Do NOT be scared - everyone is more than welcome and groups tend to be supportive no matter how rusty. Plus that's the advantage of DAW's - no limit of number of takes :D

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I've had a couple of PM's around how teams will formulate again. As per above, there will be no drafting this time. All groups formed will be a result of communication between those interested. This weekend (hopefully) I will post a list of individuals interested on a seperate thread. Then if everyone thrashes out who they'd like to work with (either on that thread or via email/PM), I will create a thread for each group to then discuss further.


One thing that did work well in Vol 1 was some people used Private forums to discuss stuff during the composition and recording process. If you have that option go for it, but given it isn't a competition I can't see huge problems in having a group thread here. Totally up to you :thu:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Q: What about trading big audio files?


A: We have used a lossless compression called Shorten (free, cross-platform, click here for Windows or here for Mac, Linux, BeOS and Compaq Tru64 Unix versions ) which shrinks the files to approx. 50% of their uncompressed size. Move the shrunken files, then un-compress on the other end and voila! You have the original, uncompressed file.


Q: But even 50% is too big for emailing!


A: It's often best to circulate an mp3 (or Ogg Vorbis) file of a rough mix for use as a guide track, rather than sending wav files - mp3 can be converted with various utilities (some DAWs can import them directly) and then played back. When you are finished tracking your part(s), you just send your original wav file (or Shorten file) to whomever's mixing for inclusion in the final project.


Q: How else can files be traded, if I don't have a website with FTP space?


A: If someone on your team has a high-speed connection & is computer-saavy, they can sign up for a free domain name redirection service at www.dyndns.org - they offer several choices, where you can pick the first part (yourteamhere) & then choose one of their anailable endings, such as serveftp.net; then, teammates simply initiate an FTP session with yourteamhere.serveftp.net to upload/download files.


This is a particularly good solution if you have to pay for extra bandwidth via your commercial web service, if you have one. If you set up a host, just remember that you are opening your computer to the Internet & should take precautions.


If you can't do this, or you are on a dialup connection, then you can burn files onto a CD & mail them. Several people have done it this way - just make sure you have copies in case the mail gets lost!

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Or just send huge files over using MSN,...I do this all the time and in the meanwhile I can talk to the guy who sends it and get to know him better.

I started doing this with an english bloke I met on a webcamchatprogram 6 years ago,... We started making music together and he became one of my closest friends. He's here every day and we write a lot of songs this way.

We never met in person,.. just shared music,videos,pictures and we talked on the phone. Maybe I'll never meet him but he's become almost a brother.

Spoon I love ya!!!


If you wanna know him to : www.davidnewland.net


that's his webspot

Fan, nu pissar jag taggtråd igen. Jag skulle inte satt på räpan.


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