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Critique Internotes Vol 1 thread

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BTW Wow,


No one is making any money off the thing and now it seems that we can't even give the stuff away for free.


I thought that the CD was to be put out at cost for everyone to showcase their material, maybe I was wrong.

I personally don't have any problems in folks using the Internotes CD to hand to clients as a representatation of their works; such as those of you that own studios... provide services such as studio musicianship... and other aspects. I personally don't mind if folks burn copies of the CD to give to personal friends and family.


I just don't want the tunes to get into a public setting to where when SOMA actually gets our full CD together and attempts to promote it commercially... the material is old news. I don't want our tunes all over the net until we have a product packaged and ready to sell to back any possible interest that might be expressed.


As far as Rog calling me precious earlier, well, if folks don't believe in themselves enough to feel their materials are quality enough to market; then they are initiating failure prior to ever allowing the chance to succeed. For one to initiate action to protect their interests in the hard efforts they put forth into the creation of music is not being precious; but more so, business minded and determined to make the best of a situation gone awry.


I'm not quite sure how to read Dak's post about ego's; but if is I that you would prefer not to work with on future projects, I'm sorry that you feel that way Dak. I have always enjoyed the projects that you and I have gone one on one with. I would think that you know an entirely different side of me; much the same person that I have been with the SOMA team members.... Loyal and dedicated and without a whole lot of attitude most of the time.


One thing that I can say for certain that I have learned from this whole project is the fact that music can be as painful as the most devastating relationship with a spouse or significant other. After my divorce/separation from my ex in 1995 I vowed that NO MAN would ever stand in the way of my musical pursuit....... as I had been trapped for several years with a man that did not support my dreams in any way.


I haven't wanted to get close to any man since my marriage busted up that didn't share an interest in music.... For some reason now, that doesn't seem important anymore. The heartaches and let downs that have happened with this project have far exceeded the pains of divorce. It was all I could do to keep my chin up enough to keep from just shutting down the MusicBizBuzz web site after the attack and slaughter by Wewus; but then when I really thought about things seriously I questioned, is this how it ends??? Allowing some evil spirited person to come in a crush every dream that I've ever worked for.... the dream that has busted up relationships over the years???? NO!!!!!!!! He might stalk me out on the forums and hammer me down; but he'll not control my destiny.


The majority of people from Collaboration Corner may not appreciate even one thing that I did towards helping the Internotes project progress and manifest; but there are a lot of people all over the world that recognize and acknowledge the efforts that went into the creation of MusicBizBuzz. I am reminded of the appreciation of others with the tons of emails that I receive each month that I've been neglecting since the Internotes project started last year. I'll be turning my interests back into my web site and continuing my pursuit of a finished CD with SOMA....


Perhaps the lesson that I've learned from all of this is that I'm ready to allow myself to open the doors again to finding a REAL relationship and not one of bias relative to music. It would certainly be nice to connect with a man supportative of my musical dreams; but I'm not going to close the door in a man's face if he's not into music at the same levels that I have been.... if at all. I'll continue on with the SOMA team as long as they are willing to continue on with me....... but as most all the guys on the team have families, there will be balance in all of us working around family commitments. If we prosper with out music endeavors, GRAND, if not.... perhaps I can find the best of both worlds by utilizing my knowledge and contacts in the music industry to help promote the efforts of SOMA, yet open myself up to pursue interests expressed by men outside of the world of music.... them musicians are just a moody bunch of peoples!!!!! I couldn't live with me for five minutes :D


In truth, I have met someone that is a musician that I am spending a lot of time with in platonic friendship... although he seems to be looking for something a bit deeper. Time will tell........... He writes and performs Gospel.

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Originally posted by Ani:

As far as Rog calling me precious earlier, well, if folks don't believe in themselves enough to feel their materials are quality enough to market; then they are initiating failure prior to ever allowing the chance to succeed.



I've heard a number of these collaborations and I'm being entirely realistic. They're fun and it's an interesting experiment but only close family members would part with hard cash to hear them.


I don't buy the label interest angle. You're not alone in your industry contacts, you know.

"That's what the internet is for. Slandering others anonymously." - Banky Edwards.
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Originally posted by Ani:

I know that Bunny had mentioned uploading the .wav files on his server to make them available to all and, when I expressed concern, Wewus told him to ignore my position. Hopefully Bunny recognizes the concerns involving "other peoples" material and honors our wishes in keeping the tracks offline.

No, Ani, that is not what I wrote. I never said I would "make them available to all."


This is what I wrote:

Originally posted by Bunny.:

When i get the CD, I'll post the wave files on one of my sites so participants who are short on cash can download 'em for free. Still, five bucks including postage is a helluva bargain! Thanks, jackpine.

I will upload them so PARTICIPANTS can download them, not so "all" can download them.


I will not post the link publicly. Participants in the Fantasy League Project can send me a PM, and I will provide them with the link.


If SOMA would like me to refrain from sharing their songs with other Fantasy League participants for some reason, I will consider excluding their songs from my upload.


From the start, this collaboration project was designed around the concept of having fun via music collaboration. Somewhere along the line, some focus seems to have shifted. That is troublesome to me.


Fortunately, I have had loads of fun with this collaboration, and, in that regard, I still consider this Fantasy League Project a smashing success. I will be working again with my teammates in the near future; in fact we've already begun planning at our private forum.


Regarding to my critique of the compilation, I'll post something, I promise, as soon as I receive my copy. In the meantime, is anyone able to post the wave files on the net for me to download? Thanks. :thu:

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I am surprised at the fact that, with you being a web site owner, that you have never noticed that web crawlers and spiders will hone in on music files hosted on any server that are left for any duration of time and pick them up; especially if they are receiving hits and are being linked to from other sites such as this one.


Also, I said that it would not be so bad if it were MP3's that you were talking about as opposed to the actual .wav files. (AS LONG AS PEOPLE DON'T POST THE SONGS WITH AN ENTITY SUCH AS iTUNES OR CDBaby WHERE THE HOSTS STAKE CLAIMS TO RIGHTS. There is no need to host .wav files that are duplication perfect for others to enjoy the works; mp3's are more than adequate. Even the Keyboard Corner shares mp3's of their compilations and NOT .wav files online.


During the initial development of this project BEFORE other people even got involved, I DID express the interest of this being a commercial endeavor. I had never participated in any of the forum multi-participant projects prior to this one, so I guess the joke is on me. The sad thing is, while I was on Venus and others were on Mars, I committed a hell of a lot of effort into helping this project materialize with the focus of it's Internationalization being something that could attract the interest of many. Folks don't want to believe that there were Pro's in the industry that had expressed interest; but I don't really give a rats ass at this point.... I have provided the names of the professionals that had shown interest... anyone can feel free to contact anyone of them and inquire about my so called "CLAIMS." I'll never work on another project with anyone from these forums but the SOMA team members without solid writers agreements in place before the first note rings.


Rog, you bailed early on in this project without putting a beans worth of efforts into the works; what's your BEEF!!! Where were you at during all of the tons of hours that went into the making of this project? Please enlighten me!

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Thanks for those contact names Anita. I'll send them our CD when we're finished with it.


Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?


Me, and Bunny, and Rog, and a lot of other people here have more industry contacts than you'll ever have. You have people you talk to on the internet. We have real contacts, musicians, producers, engineers, and people that make their living in The Music Business, that we know and have worked with.


God damn. I've got Bruce Hornsby's home phone number. I should just call him and get him to listen to my song Bunny's Beat. :D


What the fuck is wrong with you? This isn't a contest to see who's the best. We're just trying to get to know each other, and play some music, and you start going off on this fucking crazy ego trip about getting a record deal.


What the hell's wrong with you?

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Originally posted by Ani:


Rog, you bailed early on in this project without putting a beans worth of efforts into the works; what's your BEEF!!! Where were you at during all of the tons of hours that went into the making of this project? Please enlighten me!

What's my beef?


My beef is that I'm up for doing something with the guys this time around and I don't want to see what happened the first time around happening to anything I'm involved with.


Hopefully the ground rules have been established for this one and we won't have any problems.


As for where I was ... busy making music and recording bands, free from the clutches of a power-obsessed meglomanic. How about you?

"That's what the internet is for. Slandering others anonymously." - Banky Edwards.
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Anita, just take your music, and your band, and do whatever the hell you want to with it, and I hope you become really famous, and make millions of dollars. I really do.


I'd pay a BILLION dollars, or more, to not have to deal with your idiotic bullshit, and consider it money well spent. Take it somewhere else, because I, for one, am sick of it. You can't even write English, as we know it.

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Originally posted by nursers:

Ok, this debate has gone on long enough. Can we PLEASE stop this argument: it's circular and pointless. It's a no-win situation.


Thanks in advance

Sorry fella, you're right.


Let's get on with making some choons.

"That's what the internet is for. Slandering others anonymously." - Banky Edwards.
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posted by Anita:

NO!!!!!!!! He might stalk me out on the forums and hammer me down; but he'll not control my destiny.
You know my main problem with you Anita is you're an egomaniac. It's not always, all about you. How did you not learn that lesson?


That's compounded by your abuse of The English language. You need to look up words, before you use them.


I wouldn't EVEN have told you this much if I didn't care about you, but I do. I really do.


All this shit about getting a record deal, and doing this, and that, is bullshit. Just do the work, and avoid all the talk, and you'll be better off.


Grandeur is always a noun, BTW.

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I've got some guys who are listening to our music.


Oh yeah, this might be good. I'm just waiting for it to sound good. Whoops.......it doesn't sound good, and won't play on a Clear Channel Station because of Anita's vocals.


Could you replace those with a more forceful singer, they asked?


Yes, we have this guy Steve Wewus, who knows all the lyrics and he's more of a rock singer. I think we can get him....or the other Steve, Steve Perry.


EXceelennt, either one will do. I think we have some hits here if you can get rid of the.........other one.

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As for where I was ... busy making music and recording bands, free from the clutches of a power-obsessed meglomanic. How about you?
I was living up to a commitment; unlike those who signed up for a project and then failed to follow through.


Thanks for those contact names Anita. I'll send them our CD when we're finished with it.

Those contacts were named because they directly related to the topic of Internotes.


There was a cordial request to keep SOMA tunes offline, along with an explanation that we were in the process of completing a full CD for potential marketing. This has again turned into a debate that I'm not going to continue feeding; I don't have time for the petty nonsense.


The SOMA tunes were posted online in the mp3 format at the conclusion of each tunes' mastering. Those song pages have remained available to any and all since the time they were initially posted and linked to from the CC forum. Also, the SOMA tunes are all included on the Internotes CD and are available at the cost of manufacturing to any and all forum members. I don't feel that SOMA has kept their tunes away from others.


If others want to accuse me of being an egomaniac or a power-obsessed megalomanic because I am serious about music and commercial marketing; then so be it. I'll not continue wasting my time with the negativity.


I will speak for myself here, and not for the SOMA team as a whole; I am once again stating my disapproval for the SOMA team songs being publicly released in any such form other than what they are currently without permissions granted by the whole of the SOMA team.


I'm finished with this debate.

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Originally posted by Ani:

This has again turned into a debate that I'm not going to continue feeding; I don't have time for the petty nonsense.

Now, that's funny! :D


How's this? I promise that I will not upload, distribute, or promote SOMA's music in any way, ever.


Are we square now? :wave:

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Aye, yi, yi...


Can't we all just get along...? :rolleyes:


Regardless of most of the above,

I had a wonderful time participating in

this project with all of you folks...


I personally feel it was a great success...


Using modern technology to weave together

all of our artistic talents and sensibilities...


It's simply amazing to me...


World-wide, baby...! :eek:


Thank you all,


Bob Phillips



PS - Love is the answer...

Bob Phillips


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yeah I'm stoked on the vibe.


posted by Anita:

The SOMA tunes were posted online in the mp3 format at the conclusion of each tunes
And I thank you for that. I have already sold 50,000 copies of these songs in China. I made $5.00.


God damn Anita, just give it up. We're not going to steal your songs, or do anything with them that you don't want. WE'RE ALL FRIENDS HERE.


aren't we? I love what you guys have done.


I'm not your enemy, and never will be.

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See, I told you :love: Love :love: was the answer...


{It must be all of that "What's Going On"

I've been listening to lately...}


Right On...


Peace, Babies...

Bob Phillips


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We should just quit these, insults back and forth. I actually know Anita, a lot better than most of you guys, and I know her heart is in the right place, so I guess I'm trying to fix her, or something, and there ain't no fix, is there? Maybe somebody can fix me. :D


I do love you Anita. I'm sorry if I put you through the ringer, but if we continue this progect, it's going to happen again, and again. That's the only thing I'm sure of right now.

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Having learned something from Vol. I, I'm excited to get the next one moving. I don't know about the lack of managers or leaders of some sort though. I think that we're all a bit lazy and/or distracted when working remotely like this and will need some kicks in the ass occasionally if we want to meet the deadline.
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You may be right there Paul - once groups are finalised I'd certainly be encouraging each group to have a central contact person that may drive things along a bit. :thu:
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Originally posted by nursers:

You may be right there Paul - once groups are finalised I'd certainly be encouraging each group to have a central contact person that may drive things along a bit. :thu:

That's a given. Without a go-getter in each group that's going to kick asses, this next round will be done by October 1rst 2010, and that's optimistic. :rolleyes:

What we record in life, echoes in eternity.


MOXF8, Electro 6D, XK1c, Motif XSr, PEKPER, Voyager, Univox MiniKorg.


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I agree with the last 5 posts...


Focused motivation is essential...


For our team, Ani was indeed the key element

in SOMA's prolific, and timely, output...



Bob Phillips


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I'm gonna buck the trend and critique the CD and not the process. :P


As for the quality of the sound (recording/mixing/mastering and not if I like the songs or not), I think the first four songs sound great. Warm and up front. Excellent job, Bob, on mastering these four as they sounded like they belong together even though they came from (2 or 3) different entities.


The fifth song, Double Post's song actually, sounded kinda tinny and thin in comparison and it seems out of place with the first four. I also noticed this on Bunny's Beat. Perhaps it's because DP's and Bunny's songs did not use real drums (loop or MIDI or samples or whatever)?


The other songs do sound well together, though.

aka riffing


Double Post music: Strip Down




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I'm not sure Rim, but I think that Bob might have had to work with a file that was not 24 bit, and perhaps not even 16 bit with Bunny's Beat. I think I recall reading somewhere that even an mp3 of the tune that had been misplaced or lost would suffice to help fill the number of songs that would go onto the Internotes I CD. I'm not sure of what the final format was used in the final mastering process for BB. I haven't a clue on the Double Post song though.
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