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Critique Internotes Vol 1 thread

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Here's the place to give your thoughts on the songs as a whole...


I had somehow missed hearing The Digital Divides' track before now (Empty Words) - cool stuff :thu: - really nice vibe.


I think the CD tracks well as well.


Great stuff!

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Originally posted by DanS:

Nursers, on behalf of the SOMA team, I'd like to repectfully ask that you remove the SOMA tunes, at least until further notice, from the iTunes site.





Hi Dan,


Just wanted to clarify - the tunes aren't on the iTunes site. All I've done is upload song titles to the gracenotes music database so that when someone inserts the CD into iTunes they can have the titles appear. I would never upload actually music.


Sorry for any confusion :thu:

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Thank you Dan for addressing this.




I'll take the blame on this one; I expressed concerns in SOMA's private forum over the post you made here:


Received mine today - thanks again jackpine


For those of you who use iTunes, I've uploaded the track names etc..

So what exactly does this mean and if the tunes are not available, then why would one need to upload the track names at all? If the database is able to recognize tracks instantaneously upon someone playing the Internotes CD in their own private iTunes player; there has to be some type of an association factor for the online database to be able to recognize the works to enable matching the title with it; is this not correct?
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CDDB is actually a pretty cool technology. I may be foggy on the details, but the basics are that the online CD Database server looks at the number of songs and the song lengths and matches the most likely solution. Sometimes there is more than one match.


An anecdote here is that I had a song that I had just completed (sans lyrics) and was wondering where to go lyrically with it. I burned the song by itself to a CD so I could loop it in the car. When I put it in my CD player at work, the Gracenotes database identified it for me as some obscure Tagalog phrase. I translated this and the phrase became the theme of the song and the lyrics came soon after.




John\'s Songs

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That's exactly how CDDB works - thanks for the explanation, you beat me to it.


I'll state again - I would never upload music tracks anywhere unless they were my own.

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With some of the discussions that have gone into folks wanting to make all of the songs on the Internotes I CD available online, it's easy to find confusion in the post made about making the track titles available on iTunes. Thank you Nursers for not posting the actual songs with iTunes. It would be appreciated if all people respect our decision to keep our tunes offline; as we continue on in the direction of releasing a full SOMA CD that will include those 3 songs that exist on Internotes.
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Thanks for the explanation John... and again thanks Nursers for not exploiting our music.


I know that Bunny had mentioned uploading the .wav files on his server to make them available to all and, when I expressed concern, Wewus told him to ignore my position. Hopefully Bunny recognizes the concerns involving "other peoples" material and honors our wishes in keeping the tracks offline. Wewus does not have the legal right to authorize such public use of materials that do not belong to him; nor does anyone else for that matter.

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I think you're overreacting and being very precious, Ani.


I'd say more but frankly, you don't want to hear it, believe me.

"That's what the internet is for. Slandering others anonymously." - Banky Edwards.
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It would be appreciated if all people respect our decision to keep our tunes offline; as we continue on in the direction of releasing a full SOMA CD that will include those 3 songs that exist on Internotes.

Why put the tunes on the CD and then ask people not to use it?


It just limits the teams that worked hard and want their music heard.


If you wanted to use the tunes on a full Soma cd, why didn't you wait?


Now, we have a CD that can only be used if Soma approves it? This is just not right.


You put your tunes on a CD that was to be released to us all, NOW, we gotta check with Soma before we do anything?

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Originally posted by Ani:

Thanks for the explanation John... and again thanks Nursers for not exploiting our music.


I know that Bunny had mentioned uploading the .wav files on his server to make them available to all and, when I expressed concern, Wewus told him to ignore my position. Hopefully Bunny recognizes the concerns involving "other peoples" material and honors our wishes in keeping the tracks offline. Wewus does not have the legal right to authorize such public use of materials that do not belong to him; nor does anyone else for that matter.

Actually if I remember correctly, I wrote part of 2 of The Soma songs, didn't I? :D Which team am I on?
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You put your tunes on a CD that was to be released to us all, NOW, we gotta check with Soma before we do anything?

Of course

That should be obvious

Be a professional musician.

Or just sound like one!

Produce music with THOUSANDS of loops and effects.

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Of course

That should be obvious


If Soma is gonna do an album with their tunes on it, more power to them, but putting the tunes on this CD and now saying that we can't do anything with the CD is just WRONG.


Should have kept the tunes OFF the CD if they had future plans for the tunes. :idea:

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Originally posted by WOW:

Of course

That should be obvious


If Soma is gonna do an album with their tunes on it, more power to them, but putting the tunes on this CD and now saying that we can't do anything with the CD is just WRONG.


Should have kept the tunes OFF the CD if they had future plans for the tunes. :idea:

So what plans do you have for the tunes Wow?

I thought a few months ago it was decided that NOTHING was going to be done with this CD, and that we were all going to get copies that we were just going to keep for ourselves, and friends/family to listen to.

Suddenly you have big plans for the CD, that you 'didn't' have a few months ago, where now Soma's request to keep their tunes off of sites like iTunes & CDbaby etc, is a problem for you?


Ani tried to get all this shit sorted out months ago, I guess you weren't paying attention.

What we record in life, echoes in eternity.


MOXF8, Electro 6D, XK1c, Motif XSr, PEKPER, Voyager, Univox MiniKorg.


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Originally posted by nursers:

Ok folks, can we please keep this thread for critiquing the music please? Let's not get into another negative debate - please. ;)



I had already typed out the other response prior to hitting send to find your request. I took time to think out my comments, and I want WOW to be able to read our position. I'm not trying to be disrespectful to your wishes in leaving the post as I've written it already... I don't think that I was rude... maybe a bit defensive. If you wish, you may delete it, but I think that Wow is being a bit unfair after all that has taken place thus far surrounding the Internotes I project; I would like for him to be able to read my response.... if you wish, it could take place in another thread; feel free to move the comment in starting a new thread with my blessings in doing so.

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Its not my position to get in the middle of you and Wewus. If you two wanna fight, why should I jump in?


OK, it is obvious that this first CD has gone to shit. So what do we do?


No one is making any money off the thing and now it seems that we can't even give the stuff away for free.


I thought that the CD was to be put out at cost for everyone to showcase their material, maybe I was wrong.


Sorry about jumping your butt, but I have really ben let down with the way this has turned out. What exactly can the CD be used for? Anything?


I am glad your daughter liked the "strip down" tune. We worked hard on that one.


Once again Ani, sorry for jumping your butt. :)

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I'm really disappointed in the way things turned out too. First the big dispute with Chris Kemp, who does not even have any musical interest involved in this project, and the ordeal over CDBABY; and then the hellfire war with Wewus where the project went up in flames as far as commercial pursuit.


The SOMA team worked really hard on our tunes too, and keep in mind the time frame that we put the three songs together in..... there was a LOT of dedication from all the enduring members of the SOMA team that went into the making of our tunes. I think that a lot of people had hopes for this project to become more than what it has been reduced to; and truly the potential was there for it to become SO MUCH MORE....


You can't imagine the humiliation that I was faced with when I had a major pro express interest, and then I had to back down and tell him that all of the members couldn't come to agreements on terms. The opportunity of a lifetime staring right in our faces and I couldn't move on the offer of involvement from someone that very well could have taken this project to the top. Not only was Moses Avalon interested, but also Vivek Tiwary of StarPolish was showing an interest in the project. Vivek and I began our web sites around the same time frame and developed a virtual friendship. I had been discussing with Vivek the number of countries that had been involved in the project and I was prepared to ask him if he would be interested in joining the project from the A & R side of things in representation of yet another country from the globe; INDIA is Vivek's native land.


Eric D Fountannay (sp?) of Music Dish has approached me on different occasions to write articles for the Genome Project which is a part of Music Dish............. it would not have been hard to drum up interest in giving the Internotes CD exposure through some of the biggest music business sites on the net.....


Even Jerry Flattum with Muses Muse has written several articles listing my site as a reference guide; he and I are also virtual friends that contact each other when something develops in the industry that needs addressing. If Jerry is still writing for Muse's Muse after his move to Vegas; I am certain that he would have provided exposure for the Internotes project.


I know that it's not nice to name drop, but there was SO MUCH potential for the Internotes CD and I had done so much leg work in getting the word out there bit by bit... without pushing the idea on anyone.... It's just SAD that everyone didn't have the same vision as what I had.


I run two miles ahead of the pack and sometimes I forget to turn around and make sure that critical details have been addressed........ such as making sure that everyone involved in the project knew that I was wanting to pursue commercial distribution. I had mentioned the need for agreements early on in the development of the Fantasy League project, but got so caught up in coordinating the team player sign up lists, that I didn't catch it when Sylver actually wrote out the Rules and Regulations. I assumed that all things that had been discussed in the development of the project had been included in the R & R, so I didn't take the time away from other aspects of the project to read what he had actually written. He wrote "for fun" rather than "commercial interest" in the R & R where I had been focusing on the latter throughout the discussions in developing the FL projects. Tunnel vision, I guess. It's my own fault for not going back in and reading what had been presented in representation of the project management to all persons seeking to sign up.


Even the SOMA team members can tell you that in the very initial stages of opening up our private forum, I had a special thread set up for writers agreements and ownership rights....


I don't know that I will be nearly as capable in doing for the SOMA team as an individual group as what I would have been able to do with an International CD compilation that involved 6 out of 7 continents with players participating from all over the world... The thing is, SOMA is a great team, and I'll be willing to give the commmercial marketing of our tunes my very best shot........... using my web site to provide exposure to the fullest.


The Internotes I / Fantasy League project has indeed been a hard lesson learned.

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One simple note... I understood perfectly the remark about uploading the song titles to the iTunes data base. It meant, to me, exactly that. The TITLES were uploaded.


Now, as to a critique;

Ain't any yet. I love the stuff. I have no issues with any of the production so far, after about a half dozen listens. If I would have a critique it would be genre related and that has nothing to do with the quality of the music put forth by those who participated.

It may be that it's because I have such high regard for the folks that were able to participate that I haven't been able to find fault yet. I'll listen some more and be extra bitchy, just to see if I can pick some great shit apart.

I'm sure I'll be able to come up with some crap like the vocals weren't panned far enough to the left for my taste, or, that guitar on that song was off key on that one note, or some trivial shit like that.



I'm an old bastid, set in my ways and opinionated as all get out. Overall, the music presented is in genres I don't normally listen to on a regular basis.

With that statement out of the way I will say I can find no fault in the production of any of the tunes on the Internotes Vol I cd. Though the songs themselves didn't, necessarily, bring forth a feeling of "great stuff" the quality and passion of the project was readily obvious to me. My old ears didn't hear anything that made me wince, or say something to the effect, "What the???" (Sorry Lee.)


A side note.

The freaking crap I've seen on this "critique" thread is why so many acts fail. Your egos are in charge. Get off of it.

As a non-participant, but wanna-be, I can see both points. I've also read EVERY post about the project and I must say that much of the contention that's sprung up is due to a mis-understanding of participating parties from the git go.

Though I've thrown my hat into the ring for the second version I would certainly have doubts as to with whom I'd participate in the next endeavor.


I guess I've rambled enough without making any sense.


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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Thanks everyone for your responses. Ani - no problems, I think you and Wow are coming to an understanding so no issue ;)


Dak, appreciate you comments as well.


So to change the subject to the topic, aside from your own work which song on the CD stood out for you? For me it would be the Digital Divide one and I also like Howls at the Moon as it has a Clannadish feel to it.

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Originally posted by nursers:

Thanks everyone for your responses. Ani - no problems, I think you and Wow are coming to an understanding so no issue ;)


Dak, appreciate you comments as well.


So to change the subject to the topic, aside from your own work which song on the CD stood out for you? For me it would be the Digital Divide one and I also like Howls at the Moon as it has a Clannadish feel to it.

Which Digital Divide one?


Personally I can't get enough of "Strip Down". Very cool indeed. How did you get the turntable effect?

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Strip Down is really cool and you should see my 12 year old daughter bouncing all over the place when she hears it come on. :thu:


Of course, I like En_Transit, of which I have no musical attachment to and the other two SOMA tunes have special meaning as I'm spiritually connected to the words; not to forget the awesome music that created the inspirations.


I gave a copy to Mark, the contractor/musician that has been doing a lot of my home remodeling, and he thinks the entire CD is awesome; he sends his compliments to ALL of the guitarists involved on every song.


The entire CD is a work of art with every Team's contributions. I have no favorites... I love em all.

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